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昆明理工大学 2012 年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题(A 卷)
考试科目代码:240 考试科目名称 : 单考英语
试题适用招生专业 : 单考
Part I Vocabulary (20%)
In this section, there are 40incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are
four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark
your choice on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.
1. The boss discharged the cook for his incompetence. The word "discharged" here
A. laid down B. laid off C. laid away D. laid up
2. Petrol is manufactured from the _____ oil we take out of the ground.
Acrude B. raw C. rough D. tough
3. One of the most spectacular qualities of man is notably his _____ to any kind of natural
A. inclination B. domination C. adaptability D.
4. It takes years of hard work to _____ a good dictionary.
A. compose B. comply C. construct D. compile
5. O'Neill's ideas have been _____ to a great deal of criticism from those who consider
them as scientific dreaming.
A. adjusted B. corresponded C. subjected D. yielded
6. The actors have to _____ before they appear in front of the strong lights on television.
A. make up B. paint up C. cover up D. do up
7. The design of this architecture show a great deal of _____.We have never seen a building
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of such a type before.
A. conventionality B. originality C. formulation D.
8. India and Pakistan have 0.3 and 0.4 hectares of cropland per person _____.
A. relatively B. proportionally C. particularly D.
9. I'm in no _____ this evening to listen to his silly jokes.
A. emotion B. mood C. tendency D. sense
10. Jim, the newly elected director, had to reorganize the entire office; he angrily
complained of his _____, who had been so incompetent that everything was left in a
A. successor B. ancestor C. predecessor D. forefather
11. I don't know if the story is true, but I'll try to _____ it.
A. verify B. identify C. reinforce D. conform
12. The polar explorers took every precaution to _____ the dangers of their trip.
A. optimize B. standardize C. energize D. minimize
13. Because Bob had stopped reading his technical journals he was _____ of new
development in his field.
A. intellectual B. subtle C. ignorant D. tedious
14. The plane _____, its bombs exploding as it hit the ground.
A. smashed B. clashed C. struck D. crashed
15. Though it was less attractive, Ralph knew the metal box would be more _____ than the
wooden box.
A. terminal B. durable C. persistent D. ultimate
16. The employer _____ the letter to his secretary, who wrote it down in short hand.
A. dictated B. examined C. copied D. imitated
17. Mrs. Brown is so _____ about her housework that servants will not work for her.
A. special B. especial C. peculiar D. particular
18. In a speech he made today, the President of Passagonia advocated the_____ of nuclear
arms and said that his country was ready for "urgent and effective measures to_____ the
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arms race."
A. expansion/hinder B. propulsion/end C. escalation/curtail D. elimination/curb
19. The traditional bonds that exist between the two countries, as well as the mutual respect
they hold for one another, will_____. a firm basis for further development of their
economic ties.
A. compromise B. compensate C. contribute D. constitute
20. Both countries have declined to_____ the treaty on nonproliferation of nuclear
weapons, partly out of concern for the other's supposed intentions.
A. praise B. assess C. void D. endorse
21, Soldiers in full battle gear took up _________ outside the Presidential Palace as tens of
thousands of demonstrators slowly marched towards the building.
A. trenches B. position C. situation D. deployment
22. If you can do without the few _________ pleasures of the country, you will find the
city can provide you with the best that life has to offer.
A. rational B. pastoral C. humorous D. scornful
23. Modern ocean-liners offer you a great variety of _________ comforts.
A. hospitable B. infamous C. ludicrous D. civilized
24. These figures will give you a rough idea as to the cost of _________ a sports car.
A. running B. accessories C. how expensive D. license plate.
25. Precautions of this sort are necessary, for it is next to impossible to _________ the
exact nature of the difficulties which will confront us.
A. foretell B. forbid C. forsake D. fortify
26. Inviting the fire-brigade to put out an imaginary, non-existent fire is a crude form of
deception which no _________ person would ever indulge in.
A. self-conscious B. self-respecting C. self-indulgent D. self-sacrificing
27. Grandma has no authority over the children and lets them do anything they like.
They're completely _________, as a result.
A. spoilt B. damaged C. humorous D. scornful
28. She is very _________; you just couldn't make her walk pass under a ladder.


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