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科目代码:620 科目名称:基础英语 第 1 页 共 14
2016 年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题 A卷
科目代码: 620
科目名称: 基础英语 满分: 150
注意: ①认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项;②所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在本试题纸或草稿纸上均无
I. Vocabulary (20 points)
A. ChoosethewordorphrasemarkedA,B,C,andDtobestcorrespondtothewordabove.Besuretowrite
1. insensate
a) without the power to see b) without the power to hear
c) without the power to feel d) without the power to read
2. incongruous
a) lacking passion b) lacking peace
c) lacking empathy d) lacking harmony
3. unequivocal
a) vocal b) clear
c) ambiguous d) equal
4. myopic
a) short-sighted b) far-sighted
c) long- sighted d) clear-sighted
5. forlorn
a) wretched b) forbidding
c) departing d) merry
6. nocturnal
a) of the morning b) of the music
c) of the sun d) of the night
7. archaic
a) innovative b) antiquated
c) arctic d) connected with water
8. languor
a) vigorous b) abnormal
c) lethargy d) tedious
科目代码:620 科目名称:基础英语 第 2 页 共 14
9. incorrigible
a) cannot be corrected b) cannot be recognized
c) cannot be elected d) cannot be eliminated
10. potentate
a) imbecile b) ruler
c) submission d) barbarian
1. By Tuesday, Charlie’s back had improved, and he pitched in with Seebees in the worst volunteer work of
2. What about the bomb and the misery and humanity's most heinous crime.
3. They think they got their little secret tucked away, and so they have—except like now.
4. Casually he debunked revered artists and art treasures, and took unholy verbal shots at the Holy Land.
5. There are things in nature that engender an awful quiet in the heart of man, Devil’s Tower is one of them.
6. Also called natural gas, methane is released from landfills, from coal mines and rice paddies, form billions
of termites that swarm through the freshly cut forestland
7. Who was right, who was wrong, did not matter. The conversation was on wings.
8. …we renew our pledge of support: to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective, to strengthen
its shield of the new and the weak, and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run.
9. Don’t you want to be in the swim?
10. In the same way, avenues of high-rise luxury in New York are never far from poverty and mean streets.
II. Cloze (20 points)
A. Fillineachofthefollowingblankswithasuitablewordinitsproperformandwritedowntherequired
Americans haven’t given up on marriage as a cherished ideal. Indeed, most Americans continue to prize
and value marriage 1 an important life goal, and the vast 2 of us will marry at least once in a
lifetime. By the mid-thirties, a majority of Americans have married at least once.
Most couples enter marriage with a strong 3 and determination for a lifelong, 4 partnership.
Moreover, this desire may be 5 among the young. Since the 1980s, the percentage of young Americans
who say 6 having a good marriage is extremely important to them as a life goal has increased slightly.
But when men and women 7 today, they are entering a union that looks very different from the 8
科目代码:620 科目名称:基础英语 第 3 页 共 14
that their parents or grandparents entered.
As a couple’s relationship, marriages are more likely to be broken by divorce 9 by death. And
although one might expect that greater freedom to leave an unhappy marriage might increase the 10 that
intact marriages would be very happy, this does not 11 to be the case. Marriages are less 12 today
than in past decades.
As an 13 stage in the life course, marriage is shrinking. Americans are living longer, marrying later,
exiting marriage 14 quickly, and choosing to live together before marriage, after marriage, in-between
marriages, and as an alternative 15 marriage. A small but growing percentage of American adults will
never marry. As a 16 , marriage is surrounded by longer periods of 17 or unpartnered singlehood
over the course of a lifetime.
Among young women, social confidence in marriage is wavering. Until very recently, young women were
highly optimistic about their chances for 18 happiness and success. Now, according to youth surveys,
their 19 in their ability to achieve successful marriage is 20 . Moreover, they are notably more
accepting of alternatives to marriage, such as unwed parenthood and cohabitation.
Why does the idea of progress 1 so large in the modern world? Surely because progress of a 2 kind
is actually taking place around us and is becoming more and more 3 . Although mankind has 4 no
general improvement in intelligence or morality, it has made 5 progress in the accumulation of knowledge.
Knowledge began to increase as soon as the thoughts of one individual could be communicated to another by
means of 6 . With the invention of writing, a great advance was made, for knowledge could then be not
only communicated but also 7 . Libraries made education possible, and education in its 8 added to
libraries: the growth of knowledge 9 a kind of compound interest law, which was greatly 10 by the
invention of printing. All this was 11 slow until, with the coming of science, the tempo was suddenly
12 . Then knowledge began to be accumulated according to a 13 plan. The trickle became a stream; the
stream has now become a 14 . Moreover, as soon as new knowledge is 15 , it is now turned to
practical account. What is called “modern civilization” is not the result of a 16 development of all man’s

标签: #620基础英语



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