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2020 年招收攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(B卷)
向: 英语笔译
考试科目名称: 翻译硕士英语 考试科目代码:211
I. Vocabulary & Grammar (30%)
Directions: There are 30 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are
four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose ONE answer that best completes
the sentence. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
1. Rescue teams from all over the world ______ on the earthquake-stricken area after the news spread
that the quake had claimed a toll of 15000 lives.
A. diversified B. disseminated C. converged D. accelerated
2. Without Bob’s testimony, evidence of bribery is lacking and ______ in the case will be impossible.
A. verdict B. sentence C. conviction D. acquittal
3. The two countries have developed a ______ relation and increased a great deal in foreign trade.
A. managerial B. lethal C. metric D. cordial
4. Any person who is in ______ while awaiting trial is considered innocent until he has been declared
A. jeopardy B. custody C. suspicion D. probation
5. The snow_____ my plan to visit my aunt in the countryside.
A. confused B. bewildered C. conversed D. hampered
6. It is imperative that students _____ their term papers on time
A. hand in B. would hand in C. have to hand in D. handed in
7. He is not under arrest, ______ any restriction on him.
A. or the police have placed B. or have the police placed
C. nor the police have placed D. nor have the police placed
8. Mary is _______ than Alice.
A. more experienced a teacher B. a more experienced teacher
考试科目:翻译硕士英语 14 页,第 1
C. more an experienced teacher D. more experienced teacher
9. The trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn’t bothered by his loudness ______ by his lack of
A. so much as B. rather than C. as D. than
10. Please don’t ______ too much on the painful memories. Everything will be all right.
A. hesitate B. linger C. retain D. dwell
11. Participants in the Shanghai Co-operation Forum ______ regional teamwork to promote
investment and economic development.
A. cursed B. echoed C. bounced D. hailed
12.The 1982 Oil and Gas Act gives power to permit the disposal of assets held by the Corporation,
and ______ the Corporation's statutory monopoly in the supply of gas for fuel purposes so as to
permit private companies to compete in this supply.
A. defers B. curtails C. triggers D. sparks
13. The slogan "What goes up must come down" was so universally accepted by economists that it
was considered a(n)______
A. conjecture B. axiom C. fad D. testimonial
14. After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally ______.
A. deteriorated B. dispersed C. dissipated D. drained
15. He has ________ strange hobbies like collecting bottle tops and inventing secret codes.
A. gone on B. gone in for C. gone with D. gone through with
16. In 1791 RC, one of the wealthiest plantation owners in Virginia, stunned his family, friends, and
neighbors by filing a deed of emancipation, setting free the more than 500 slaves who were legally
___________ his property.
A. considered B. considered as C. considered to be D. considered for
17. While some propose to combat widespread illegal copying of computer programs by attempting to
change people’s attitudes toward pirating, others suggest reducing software prices to ____________
for pirating, and still others are calling for the prosecution of those who copy software illegally.
A. increase the incentive B. increase the punishment
C. decrease the incentive D. increase the punishment
18. The federal government subsidized bank loans to mass production builders of suburbs everywhere
in the country on condition that those builders ________ no homes to African-Americans.
A. sold B. sell C. have sold D. had sold
考试科目:翻译硕士英语 14 页,第 2
19. A recent study of ancient clay deposits has provided new evidence __________ the theory that
global forest fires ignited by a meteorite impact _________ to the extinction of the dinosaurs and
many other creatures some 65million years ago.
A. to support ...... contributed B. supporting ...... contributed
C. to support ...... contributing D. supporting ...... contributing
20. According to his own account, Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi, the sculptor of the Statue of Liberty,
modeled the face of the statue _________ his mother and the body _________his wife.
A. for that of ...... for that of B. for that on ...... for that on
C. after that on ...... after that on D. after that of ...... after that of
21. A huge flying reptile that died out with the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago, the
Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 36 feet, ________ to have been the largest flying creature the world
has ever seen.
A. what is believed B. that is believed
C. which is believed D. and it is believed
22. Because new small businesses are growing and are seldom in equilibrium, formulas for cash flow
and the ratio of debt to equity do not apply to ______ in the same way ____ to establish big
A. it ...... Φ B. it ......as C. them ...... as D. them ...... Φ
23. Neanderthals had a vocal tract resembling an ape’s ____________ probably without language, a
shortcoming that may explain why they were supplanted by our own species.
A. and so were B. and such was C. and so was D. and such were
24. He had lived his life thus far as a sort of ________ obedient pet - first to his mother and father,
then to his wife. Whit had always done what others had wanted him to do, not what he wanted.
A. atrocious B. baroque C. affable D. arrogant
25. In the 1960s, even as liberal thinkers like Martin Luther King Jr. ________ a minimum income
for moral reasons, conservatives like Richard Nixon considered it on practical grounds.
A. censured B. championed C. conceited D. confronted
26. The stimulator was proven to be effective but not _______: It could reduce tension and pain,
improve mood, and marginally boost memory.
A. mischievous B. miraculous C. momentous D. minatory
27. The word “race” conjures biology, a set of inheritable --- and ________ --- physical
characteristics. But it's actually a cultural and social category, not a biological one, which is why it
changes over time.
A. changeable B. impeccable C. immutable D. impenetrable
考试科目:翻译硕士英语 14 页,第 3


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