
2023-06-21 999+ 393.94KB 15 页
科目代码:620 科目名称:基础英语 1 15
2017 硕士研究生入学考试初试试题
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I. Vocabulary (20 points)
A. Choose the word or phrase marked A, B, C, and D to best correspond to the word above. Be sure to write
down your choice on the answer sheet. (10 points)
1. reminisce
a) indulge in enjoyable recollection b) remind someone of past events
c) talk about something again d) feel repentant over something
2. tacky
a) very pretty b) lacking in taste
c) carefully prepared d) costing a lot of money
3. verbosity
a) nonsense b) obscurity
c) gibberish d) wordiness
4. acme
a) height b) significance
c) development d) result
5. exhilarate
a) cause (someone) to feel surprised and upset b) make (someone) feel very happy and animated
c) make (someone) feel bitter or resentful d) give support or confidence to (someone)
6. restive
a) extremely graceful b) having a rest
c) resisting control d) peaceful and quiet
7. discrepancy
a) unlikeliness b) congruity
c) incredibility d) difference
8. unequivocal
a) unambiguous b) unbelievable
c) indignant d) indiscreet
9. preposterous
a) macabre b) unfortunate
科目代码:620 科目名称:基础英语 2 15
c) dangerous d) outrageous
10. sojourn
a) a pleasant trip b) a nostalgic recollection
c) a temporary stay d) a sad experience
B. Directions: Explain the italicized words in the following sentences with simple, everyday words or
expressions in English. Be sure to write down your explanation on the answer sheet. (10 points)
1. What all this tells us is of a deep class rift in the culture of England after the Norman Conquest.
2. To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, we renew our pledge of support: to prevent
it from becoming merely a forum for invective.
3. Logic, far from being a dry, pedantic discipline, is a living, breathing thing, full of beauty, passion, and
4. These young men had outgrown town and families and had developed a sudden bewildering
5. To win in New York is to be uneasy; to lose is to live in jostling proximity to the frustrated majority.
6. The instant riches of a mining strike would not be his in the reporting trade, but for making money, his pen
would prove mightier than his pickax.
7. Here was the very heart of industrial America, the center of its most lucrative and characteristic activity.
8. Scientists established several years ago that in many land areas north of the Arctic Circle, the spring
snowmelt now comes earlier every year.
9. These coasts remind me of people; either they are forbidding and unapproachable, or else they present no
mystery and show all they have to give at a glance.
10. His invasion of Russia is no more than a prelude to an attempted invasion of the British Isles.
II. Cloze (20 points)
A. Fill in each of the following blanks with a suitable word in its proper form and write down the required
word on the answer sheet. (10 points)
NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson is on the 1 of becoming the oldest woman to travel in space.
Whitson will be 56 2 she rockets off the planet Thursday. She’ll celebrate her 57th 3 in
February on the International Space Station.
That’s a 4 cry from John Glenn’s space shuttle flight at 5 77, and it’s a 6 years shy of
the male runners-up over the years. But it’s enough to 7 Barbara Morgan’s record as the world’s oldest
spacewoman. Morgan was selected for NASAs teacher-in-space program in 1985 8 didn’t get a chance to
fly until 2007, when she was 55.
This will be the third space station mission for Whitson, a biochemist, and her second stint 9
commander. She’ll launch from Kazakhstan, in Central Asia, 10 two younger men, one Russian and the
11 French.
“I love working at NASA, but the part that has been the 12 satisfying on a day-to-day 13 has
科目代码:620 科目名称:基础英语 3 15
been working onboard the space station,” Whitson 14 reporters over the summer.
“It doesn’t 15 if I’m cleaning the filters. I feel like I’m helping personally push 16
exploration . . . that’s 17 I want to go again.”
Whitson already has 18 377 days in space and has performed multiple spacewalks. Her upcoming
six-month mission should push her 19 534 days in space, the U.S. record 20 in September by
58-year-old astronaut Jeffrey Williams
B. Fill in each blank with a proper word from the following box. Change its form if necessary and write down
the required word on the answer sheet. (10 points)
A road has been cleared to the 1 town of Kaikoura on New Zealand’s east coast four days after it
was cut off by a magnitude 7.8 quake that 2 the North Canterbury region of the South Island.
The inland road to Kaikoura was 3 on Thursday morning, but only for trucks and 4 drive
vehicles as it remained unstable and badly damaged.
A convoy of 27 army vehicles 5 with relief supplies was immediately sent to the town.
Gale-force winds and heavy downpours in quake-stricken areas continued to 6 the pace of relief
efforts, 7 the majority of the 1,200 tourists stranded in Kaikoura had been evacuated by sea and air.
Nearly 500 8 came into Christchurch early on Wednesday morning on the HMNZS Canterbury and
were 9 up in empty student dormitories, where they were 10 cooked breakfasts and 11
showers after arriving at 5am.
Police in Marlborough were using a military Iroquois 12 to begin checking on isolated high-country
farms from the Clarence river 13 the upper Awatere valley, delivering 14 food and medical
supplies to farmers who had gone 15 assistance since the quake early on Monday.
Police 16 Dan Mattison said many people on isolated properties still had no phone or internet 17
and the next few days would be the first 18 for police to check on them.
Aftershocks continued to be 19 , but less often. GeoNet said on Wednesday it had recorded more
than 2,600 tremors since the 20 quake.
III. Error correction (20 points)
Directions: There are twenty mistakes in the following passage. You are required to underline or mark the
mistakes and get them corrected. Be sure to write down the correct form on the answer sheet.
Example: “Wordsworth is said to have most fascinating voice!” the
As the rise of Hitler in Germany, Churchill became a vocal critic 1. __________
of his own governments policy of appeasement. He had urged 2. __________


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