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620 基础英语 1 12
2012 年硕士研究生入学考试初试试题 A 卷)
科目代码: 620 科目名称: 基础英语 满分: 150
注意: ①认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项;②所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在本试题纸或
I. Vocabulary (20 points)
A. Choose the word or phrase marked A, B, C, and D to best correspond to the word above. Be
sure to write down your choice on the answer sheet. (10 points)
1. ramshackle
a) brawny b) sturdy
c) stationary d) rickety
2. intermezzo
a) intermediate b) intermediary
c) entr'acte d) entrant
3. gibberish
a) unnecessarily pretentious language b) unnecessarily discourteous language
c) exciting talk d) depressive talk
4. tacky
a) adhesive; tawdry; distasteful b) subordinate
c) inferior d) improper
5. tunic
a) A short pleated and belted dress worn
by men for some sports
b) A long pleated and belted dress worn by
men for some sports
c) A short pleated and belted dress worn
by women for some sports
d) A long pleated and belted dress worn by
women for some sports
6. dissent
a) to agree; to concur b) conform
c) comply d) to disagree; to differ in opinion
7. meticulous
a) harum-scarum b) temerarious
c) lacking a sense of responsibility;
d) excessively concerned with details
8. doldrums
a) period of being stimulated b) period of stagnation or slump
c) state of excessive exhilaration d) state of exaltation
9. camouflage
a) conceal through misrepresentation or b) assume the character fraudulently
620 基础英语 2 12
other artifice
c) make known by supernatural or divine
d) take for granted as being true in the
absence of proof
10. blaspheme
a) to speak in an reverent, pious manner b) to speak in an irreverent, impious manner
c) to abuse God’s trust d) to behave in a secular way
B. Directions: Explain the italicized words in the following sentences with simple, everyday
words or expressions in English. Be sure to write down your explanation on the answer sheet. (10
1. Flirting with the colossal wealth, he was rebuffed.
2. To retrieve your PIN, answer the questions below and select Submit Request to continue.
3. …ageing and paunchy, he walked on pompously.
4. He's not ready to concede the election.
5. The writer is a starry-eyed optimist and acid-tongued cynic.
6. Opponents say the law will encroach on privacy and jeopardize civil liberties.
7. It seems difficult to test the legality of the case.
8. Only the agnostic or atheist was beyond the pale of tolerance.
9. They've asked the judge to expedite the lawsuits.
10. levy a fee for service used
II. Cloze (20 points)
A. Fill in each of the following blanks with a suitable word in its proper form and write down the
required word on the answer sheet. (10 points)
We are fortunate in having two different kinds of scientists. Among them are the basic
scientists 1 have curiosity as their impelling motive, who report their findings and 2 not
bother to follow the long road 3 useful applications of their discoveries. When a research is
carried as 4 as they desire, they return to their 5 and work on other pioneering
problems in which they are 6 , and again they feed their results into 7 worlds pool of
scientific knowledge. Such 8 predominate in academic laboratories.
9 type of scientist, found largely in industrial laboratories, is interested in science 10
applied in technology. These scientists try to adapt the results of pure 11 to human needs
and to solve specific 12 in order to improve products or increase efficiencies of manufacturing.
The 13 scientists often work in teams which contain scientists of 14 backgrounds, perhaps
a mathematician, a physicist, a chemist, and an engineer. Rapid advances are 15 through this
programmatic applied research, for 16 , the three short years from the discovery of nuclear
fission to the first nuclear chain reaction, and a 17 three years from the nuclear chain
reaction to the nuclear explosion.
There is no fixed line 18 basic and applied research: practical applications often require
additional basic research in order to fill 19 in available knowledge, and many good ideas for
basic investigations come from applied 20 . Applied research feeds on basic research, but
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basic research and its tools are also dependent on applied research. So technology grows.
B. Fill in each blank with a proper word from the following box. Change its form if necessary and
write down the required word on the answer sheet. (10 points)
along characteristically compromises constant diversity hypocritical initiation
juxtapositions mean mixture never none not seriously sovereignties such together turfs
variety with
New York is too big to be dominated by any group, by Wasps or Jews or blacks, or by
Catholics of many origins — Irish, Italian, Hispanic. All have their little 1 , all are sizable
enough to be reckoned 2 and tough in asserting their claims, but 3 is powerful enough
to subdue the others. 4 , the city swallows up the United Nations and refuses to take it 5 ,
regarding it as an unworkable 6 of the idealistic, the impractical, and the 7 . But New
Yorkers themselves are in training in how to live 8 in a diversity of races --- the necessary
9 into the future.
The 10 gives endless color to the city, so that walking in it is a 11 education in
sights and smells. There is a wonderful 12 of places to eat or shop, and though the most
successful of 13 places are likely to be touristy hybrid 14 , they too have genuine roots.
Other American cities have ethnic 15 jealously defended, but 16 , I think, such an
admixture of groups, thrown together in such jarring 17 . In the same way, avenues of
high-rise luxury in New York are 18 far from poverty and 19 streets. The sadness and
fortitude of New York must be celebrated, 20 with its treasures of art and music. The
combination is unstable; it produces friction, or an uneasy forbearance that sometimes becomes a
real toleration.
III. Error correction (20 points)
Directions: There are twenty mistakes in the following passage. You are required to underline or
mark the mistakes and get them corrected. Be sure to write down the correct form on the answer
Example: “Wordsworth is said to have most fascinating voice! the
A notion has taken hold in the United States to an effect that the only people 1
who should be encouraged to bring children into the world are those who can
afford them. This notion is an absurd and a dangerous one. 2
The problem of population control has to be recognized and approach in a 3
world environmental context. In coping with population pressure or anything
that affect the environment, the most important need is for the United States 4
to protect human’s life on this planet. The situation today is that the world’s 5
population is increased faster than the supply of food and available resources. 6


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