
2023-06-21 999+ 44KB 2 页
英语翻译基础 B
2020 年招收攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 (B )
考试科目名称及代码:357 英语翻译基础
I. 词语翻译 30%
1) ECB 2) the Fed 3) hard Brexit
4) the COP 5) cyber sovereignty 6) freecycle
7) security hazards 8) cough up 9) happy-go-lucky
10) a flash sale 11) to spoon-feed 12) affective fallacy
13) small talk 14) the burden of proof 15) go bargain hunting
1)房地产泡沫 2)抄底 3)战略定位
4)“三农”问题 5)节能低碳 6)人均可支配收入
7)软技能 8)阿谀奉承 9)包装费
10)正在维修 11)拼车 12)违反合同
13)超规行李 14)税收优惠 15)牢记使命
One day last year, there was a sudden knock on the door. Without warning, my nephew had
arrived from Turkey! When I had last seen him, he was knee-high to a grasshopper, with timid eyes,
ears like two fans, two front teeth missing, short hair and continually dirty hands. You know, the look
that fits every nephew. I liked and was closely attached to him. With that knee-high-to-a-grasshopper
size, he used to look up at me as if viewing a telephone pole, his amber eyes smiling and secretly
making fun of me. The legs sticking out of his short pants were a little crooked. Though his eyes were
straight, he appeared a bit cross-eyed. I felt sorry when I looked at him... and I never got angry with
him or hit him. When we talked, he seemed to have a weight on his shoulders and appeared offended.
When he was guilty, this attribute definitely worsened. His eyes grew moist and his voice softened to
where he could hardly be heard; it trembled like a leaf. Those who saw him thought him an orphan
and felt sorry. They felt like putting their hands in their pockets and giving him some spending money
or candy. In spite of my hitting my other nephews for any old thing, this one I couldn’t touch. I love
the little son of a gun.


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