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2013 年上海海事大学攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试
考试科目: 综合英语
I. Complete each of the following statements with the best appropriate word(s) or phrase(s) chosen
from the 4 alternatives attached: (40/150)
1. Professor Brown is becoming increasingly ____________; last week he locked himself out of his
laboratory three times.
A. oblivious B. mindless C. forgetful D. absent
2. ____________ care would have prevent the road accident.
A. Much B. A little C. Little D. Less
3. From the distance ______________.
A. came sporadic shots B. sporadic shots came
C. did sporadic shots come D. sporadic shots did come
4. In dealing with the problem, Sophia felt at her _____________________.
A. wits end B. wit’s end C. wits ends D. wits ends
5. The news might be unexpected; ____________, it is true.
A. nevertheless B. furthermore C. inasmuch D. albeit
6. There is no man __________ errs.
A. who B. that C. yet D. but
7. Everyone in the team was successful, _________________?
A. wasn’t he B. wasn’t everyone C. was he D. was everyone
8. This was the first time Tracy ____________ to travel by driving her own SRV.
A. tries B. has tried C. had tried D. tried
9. American continent was ________________ an empty land by the time of Columbus’ “discovery”.
A. anything B. something but C. anything but D. something
10. Betty, an intriguing actress in the troupe, was _________ to tell the truth.
A. too much of a coward C. too a coward
B. too much coward D. to coward
11. At the end of the semester, you are required to write a ___________________.
A. six-hundred-words C. six-hundred-word
B. six-hundreds-words D. six-hundreds-word
12. Follow the instruction step by step, _______ you’ll fail.
A. and B. or C. otherwise D. therefore
13. Much _______ I respect him, I cannot agree to his suggestion.
A. that B. as C. since D. but
14. Your article on fish and wildlife is needed by next week, so make sure you keep to the ___________ .
A. dead spot B. dead lock C. deadline D. dead end
15. Well all understood the _______ of Neil Postman’s argument after studying the essay.
A. matter B. gist C. tenor D. pitch
16. The twin brother showed great ________ to their elder sister, who had acted as sole parent to them
since their parents died during the American Civil War.
A. allegiance B. devotion C. compliance D. subjection
17. With time, the memory of childhood quarrels and frictions among family members will fade into
A. obliteration B. oblivion C. realization D. thin air
18. Around Caracas, the __________ farmland of the valley floor, originally used for growing sugar cane
and coffee, was soon absorbed by the expansion of the city.
A. fertile B. futile C. luxuriant D. luxurious
19. “The show must go on” is the oldest ___________ of show business; every true performer lives by
that creed.
A. euphemism B. allegory C. precursor D. tenet
20. A diligent scholar, she devoted herself __________ to the completion of the book.
A. assiduously B. ingenuously C. voluminously D. sporadically
21. If Amelia Earhart’s acceptance was by no means _______, her fame was unusually widespread and
her popularity long-lived.
A. universal B. ambiguous C. expedient D. genuine
22. The omniscient narrator stands above the story he is telling, __________ his knowledge of what will
A. disheartened by B. unlimited in C. ostracized for D. vindicated by
23. Only after I finished reading this essay did it dawn on me that the whole story about grebe’s diet was
not a __________ of her imagination.
A. figment B. fantasy C. fabrication D. figure
24. A detective story ___________ in the African jungle or Australian bush appeals to our interest in
remote places.
A. set down B. set C. set out D. set to
25. The good news that his book was at last published left him with a ____________ of satisfaction in his
A. blaze B. scorch C. flame D. glow
26. The writer was not used to speaking in public, but when the opportunity presented itself, he rose to
the ______________.
A. chance B. circumstance C. event D. occasion
27. The proposal was carried by a very narrow _____.
A. edge B. verge C. border D. margin
28. The cathedral, one of the loveliest and richest in ______ interest in England, was erected in 1382.
A. scientific B. architectural C. ancient D. decorative
29. His test results for the whole term were not very _____. He did well one week and badly the next.
A. consequent B. continuous C. consistent D. invariable
30. Sand is to glass as clay is to _____.
A. stone B. hay C. bricks D. dirt
31. Ocean-going vessels have often used flags to indicate their national _____.
A. homage B. allegiance C. obligation D. obedience
32. The princess wished that she could cry over her lost lover but she was too _____ by her
A. prevented B. affected C. inhibited D. embarrassed
33. Being chairman of our English department, you will _____ at the reception; in other words, you have
to make sure that the guests enjoy themselves.
A. in honor of B. do the honors C. on your honor D. give the honors
34. John was sentenced to three months’ imprisonment because he tried to _________ taxes by falsifying
his returns.
A. escape B. avoid C. prevent D. evade
35. The novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which effectively __________ the unfairness toward black people
was a major influence in ___________ the anti-slavery movement.
A. portrayed … strengthening B. attacked … pacifying
C. glamorized … launching D. exposed … condemning
36. It is relief to see people who can be interested in the arts without being “arty”—collectors who collect
for their own ________ rather than for _______.
A. delight … show B. interest … pleasure
C. reputation … amusement D. enjoyment … satisfaction
37. He was habitually so docile and ________ that his friends could not understand his sudden
_________ his employers.
A. incorrigible … suspicion of B. accommodating … outburst against
C. erratic … envy of D. hasty … cordiality toward
38. At several points in his discussion, Graves, in effect, ___________ evidence when it does not support
his argument, tailoring it to his needs.
A. addresses B. alters C. suppresses D. substitutes
39. Many artists believe that successful imitation, far from being symptomatic of a lack of ___________,
is the first step in learning to be creative.
A. elegance B. goodness C. originality D. resolution
40. Animals that have tasted unpalatable plants tend to ___________ them afterward on the basis of their
most conspicuous features, such as their flowers.
A. approach B. hoard C. recognize D. retrieve
II. Read the following passages and choose the best from the four choices to complete the work
attached at the end of each passage: (40/150)
Passage A
As school starts this fall in Tununak, a tiny Eskimo community on the windswept coast of Alaska,
Teacher Ben Orr is planning to invite elderly storyteller into the classroom so his young students can learn
and then write down traditional legends and lore of their vanishing culture. For Donna Maxim’s
third-graders in Boothbay, Me., writing will become a tool in science and social studies as students record
observations, questions and reactions about what they discover each day. In Eagle Butte, S. D., Geri
Gutwein has designed a writing project in which her ninth-grade students exchanged letters with
third-graders about stories they have read together. This year a few of her students will sit with Cheyenne
women who tell tales as they knit together, their heritage becoming grist for todays young writers.
Although these teachers are separated by thousands of miles, their methods of trying to encourage
children to write spring from a common source: the Bread Loaf School of English. There, near Vermont’s
Middlebury College, grade school and high school teachers give up part of their vacations each summer
to spend six weeks brainstorming, studying and trading experiences as they try to devise new methods of
getting their pupils to write. Says Dixie Goswami, a Clemson University English professor who heads
Bread Loafs program in writing: “We have nothing against ‘skill-and-drill’ writing curricula, except they


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