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O O 年硕士研究生入学考试试题
考试科目: 基础英语
注意事项:1.本试卷共两道大题(共计 67 个小题),满分 150 分;
I. Multiple-choice questions. (60 points)
Section A
Decide from the four choices given in each question which will most suitably complete the
sentence. Only one answer is to be chosen. (40 points)
1. “Have you received a Christmas card from the Nelsons?”
“No, we haven’t got _______ mail yet this Christmas.”
a. many b. some c. much of d. much
2. I’d like to speak to _______.
a. the responsible person b. a responsible person
c. the person responsible d. a person responsible
3. He knows little of mathematics, ______ of chemistry.
a. as well as b. and still less c. no less than d. and still more
4. I know we were to blame, but ______ they needn’t have been so angry.
a. at times b. at the same time c. with time d. in time
5. The packet of chocolate was ______ the reach of the child.
a. from b. without c. within d. under
6. He came ______ to my way of thinking after a good deal of argument.
a. across b. in c. round d. with
7. All questions left ______ by history must be settled one by one.
a. alone b. off c. out d. over
8. Governments all over the world have ______ new measures to combat financial crisis.
a. brought in b. brought about c. brought on d. brought up
9. The idea of a balanced diet is very difficult to ______ to anyone who knows nothing about food
a. put through b. put across c. take in d. make over
10. My hair style is not in vogue, but I’m used to ______ my hair long.
a. having b. wearing c. growing d. reserving
11. Corruption among the public servants in the local government of Chongqing was ______ in the
nation’s net work.
a. found b. detected c. exposed d. commented
12. His wide ______ of the newspaper world enabled him to make a success of his job as a sub-editor.
a. career b. experiment c. experience d. profession
13. Franklin’s talent as an inventor was matched by his ______ as a statesman.
a. identity b. recognition c. dedication d. ability
14. It’s a common expression to characterize something as “light as air”, but air is ______ “light”.
a. so b. rather c. hardly d. somewhat
15. The project is not ______ a failure. It is a success in some respects.
a. altogether b. nevertheless c. but d. therefore
16. Do you know the name of that ______ insect?
a. funny, little, red, mosquito-like b. little, funny, red, mosquito-like
c. red, little, funny, mosquito-like d. red, mosquito-like, funny, little
17. “In the past ten years, there have been many changes in family life.
“Are these changes ______?”
a. for better or for worse b. for best or for worse
c. for the good or for the bad d. for the better or for the worse
18. If you wish to study hard, you must play chess ______.
a. fewer often b. lesser often c. less often d. less frequent
19. If the taxi arrives ______, we shall miss our flight.
a. lately b. late c. later d. more later
20. “Do you need more water in the pan?”
“No, it’s ______.”
a. already enough full b. full already enough c. full enough already d. quite so full
Section B
Decide which of the alternatives given means approximately the same as the underlined
word(s). (20 points)
21. They had dug out an ice cave to provide shelter for the night.
a. preservation b. refuge c. retreat d. safety
22. We didn’t have time to read the whole novel so the teacher prepared an epitome for us.
a. synopsis b. synthesis c. symposium d. symmetry
23. That’s very interesting hypothesis.
a. solution b. result c. assumption d. hazard
24. The warranty period for this kind of product is three years.
a. maximum b. trial c. initial d. guarantee
25. An associate of mine dropped in yesterday.
a. profiteer b. colleague c. ruffian d. suitor
26. He swerved in time to avoid a confrontation with the bus.
a. slowed down b. speeded up c. turned sharply d. backed up
27. It cost five dollars; pay what you can and I’ll add the difference.
a. make after b. make down c. make into d. make up
28. I’m afraid that Henry’s company is in the red.
a. no longer exists b. has just started operation
c. is operating at a loss d. is making a profit
29. At a party, shy people find it difficult to break the ice.
a. to enjoy themselves b. to thank their host and hostess
c. to dance on s slippery floor d. to start talking to others
30. The test of true friendship comes when a man is down and out.
a. away on tour b. rough and crude c. tired d. very poor
31. Elias was not a man to let shortcomings pass unremarked.
A. disabilities b. fallings c. weaknesses d. vices
32. It is imperative for the chairman to look into this matter personally.
a. urgent b. useful c. impossible d. necessary
33. The people of the mountain village had no warning of the arriving disaster.
a. succeeding b. imminent c. impending d. frightening
34. The oil company offered me a job and I jumped at the chance.
a. jumped excitedly b. rejected it outright c. accepted quickly d. escaped all at once
35. It’s much easier to talk about social changes than it is to make it happen.
a. bring it up b. bring it out c. bring it about d. bring it in
36. The old man had given her a good talking-to, and she wanted to think about it.
a. pointed out her mistakes b. given her a radio
c. told her some interesting stories and encouraged her d. given her some suggestions
37. He decided that he must strike while the iron was hot.
a. act immediately b. waste no more time in planning
c. soon make his repairs d. soon make up his mind about what to do next
38. Our secretary has gone for good.
a. gone to buy goods b. gone for a good reason
c. gone to do something useful d. gone and will not come back
39. All our protests were futile.
a. polite b. useless c. helpful d. successful
40. To my knowledge, he is a shrewd businessman.
a. strict b. keen c. generous d. rigid
II. Reading comprehension. (90 points)
Read carefully the following article and complete tasks in Section A, B, and C.
I’d Rather be Black than Female
Being the first black woman elected to Congress has made me some kind of phenomenon.
There are nine other blacks in the Congress, and ten other women. I was the first to overcome
both handicaps at once. Of the two handicaps, being black is much less of a drawback than
being female.
If I said that being black is a greater handicap than being a woman, probably no one would
question me. Why? Because “we all knowthere is prejudice against black people in America.
That there is prejudice against women is an idea that still strikes nearly all men --- and, I’m


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