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三 峡 大 学
2014 年研究生入学考试试题(A )
科目代码: 893 科目名称: 翻译理论与实践
考试时间为 3小时,卷面总分为 150
I. Please choose one version that you think is better than the other. (2
points*10=20 points)
1. She came to see him almost every day for six astonishing weeks. (The Man from
St. Petersburg)
A. 连续六个星期,她几乎每天都来看他。时间之长,令人吃惊。
B. 她几乎每天都来看他,先后持续了令人吃惊的六个星期之久。
2. They usually go to bed early, especially on school nights.
A. 他们通常很早睡觉,尤其在上学的晚上。
B. 他们通常晚上早睡,尤其在上学的日子里。
3. When divorced fathers do not have custody of their children and have little time to
spend with them, disciple is often the last thing they want to think about.
A. 离了婚又对孩子无监护权的父亲们,难得有时间与自己的孩子相处,管教
B. 离了婚又对孩子无监护权的父亲们,难得有时间与自己的孩子相处。纪
4. Time was a swiftly flowing river that had no shore, no boundaries. Its seasons were
not winter, spring, fall or summer, but birthdays and joys and troubles and pain.
(Rage of Angels)
A. 岁月似急速流动的江河。一年四季似乎不是春、夏、秋、冬,而是生日、
B. 岁月似无边无涯的急流。一年四季似乎不是春、夏、秋、冬的更迭,而是由
5. The research finds that the young women are heading for an early grave through
smoking and lack of exercise.
A. 这项研究发现,青年妇女通过抽烟和缺少运动,正在向一个早期坟墓奔去。
B. 这项研究发现,青年妇女由于抽烟和缺乏锻炼,将大大缩短自己的寿命。
6. 他们对我们的工作没有多大意见。
A. They don’t have much complaint about our work.
B. They have no great opinion of our work.
7. 中国的富强和发展不会对任何国家构成任何威胁。
A. A strong, prosperous and developed China will pose no threat to any countries.
B. The strength, prosperity and development of China will pose no threat to any
8. 十年来,这个国家经历了天翻地覆的变化。
A. In the past ten years, this country has undergone a change which moves heaven
and earth.
B. In the past ten years, this country has undergone an earth-shaking change.
9. 三峡大学学生会要求全校学生在餐厅内文明用餐。
A. The Students’ Union of Three Gorges University called on all the students to
dine in the canteen in line with the rules and regulations.
B. The Students’ Union of Three Gorges University called on all the students to
dine in the canteen in a civilized way.
10. 小心滑倒
A. Watch Your Step
B. Slip and Fall Down Carefully
II. Translate the following phrases and sentences into Chinese. (2 points*7=14
1. Mencius
2. All is not gold that glitters.
3. We cannot be too careful in doing experiments.
4. Wet Paint
5. He always lives ahead of his salary.
6. Downy lips make thoughtless slips.
7. Things go better with Coca-Cola! (A slogan)
III. Translate the following phrases and sentences into English. (2 points*7=14
1. 买一送一
2. 有其父,必有其子。
3. 文房四宝
4. 孔子
6. 保管好私人物品!(酒店公示语)

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