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三 峡 大 学
2013 年研究生入学考试试题(A )
科目代码: 891 科目名称: 英美文学及比较文学
IChoose the One that best completes the sentence.(30 points)
1. In his poems, Walt Whitman is innovative in the terms of the form of his poetry,
which is called“______.”
A. free verse B. blank verse
C. alliteration D. end rhyming
2. Which of the following is not right about Mark Twain's style of language?
A. His sentence structures are long, ungrammatical and difficult to read.
B. His words are colloquial, concrete and direct in effect.
C. His humor is remarkable and characterized by puns, straight-faced exaggeration,
repetition and anti-climax.
D. His style of language had exerted rather deep influence on the contemporary
3. Mark Twain and Henry James are commonly described by literary historians as
A. Transcendentalists B. Symbolists
C. Realists D. Romantics
4. In his poetry, Robert Frost made the colloquial ______ speech into a poetic
A. England B. New England
C. Plymouth D. Boston
5. _______ is the first black female American ever to receive Nobel Prize in
Literature, whose major novel is Beloved.
A. Sinclair Lewis B. Ralph Ellison
C. Toni Morrison D. Langston Hughes
6. In his Sonnet 18, Shakespeare writes: "Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines
And often is his gold complexion dimmed". The word "complexion" here most likely
refers to the ______.
A. face B. hair
C. eyes D. nose
7. “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good
fortune must be in want of a wife”. This passage is taken from a famous novel written
A. Henry Fielding B. Gorge Eliot
C. Jane Austen D. Emily Bronte
8. The author of “A Rose for Emily” wrote all of the following except_____.
A. Light in August B. Absalom, Absalom!
C. The Jungle D. The Sound and the Fury
9. Charles Dickens is one of the greatest critical realist writers of the Victorian age. In
________, he attacks the dehumanizing workhouse system and the dark, criminal
underworld life in England.
ANicholas Nickleby     BBleak House
CHard Times
      DOliver Twist 
10. The finest thing in Paradise Lost is the description of hell, and ________ is often
regarded as the real hero of the poem.
A. God B. Satan
C. Adam D. Raphael
11. Robinson Crusoe, the image of an enterprising Englishman of the 18th century
was created by ______.
A. Daniel Defoe B. Alexander Pope
C. Joseph Addison D. Jonathan Swift
12. The man Elizabeth falls in love with in the end of the novel “Pride and
Prejudice” is ______.
A. Darcy B. Bingley
C. Wickham D. Mr. Collins
13.Thomas Hardy was good not only at writing Novel, but also at writing
A. essays B. plays
C. short stories D. poems
14.“The quality of mercy is not strain’d; / It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven /
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest: / It blesseth him that gives and him that
takes. ” These lines are taken from ________.
AHamlet            BDr. Faustus
CThe Merchant of Venice     D.“The Sun Rising
15. Which of the following plays written by George Bernard Shaw deals with the
problem of correct pronunciation in English language learning?
A. Widowers' Houses B. Pygmalion
C. Mrs. Warren's Profession D. Major Barbara
II Read the following excerpts and answer the following questions.
(30 points) (Write your answer on the answer sheet)
Excerpt 1:
I wandered lonely as a cloud,
That floats on high o´er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

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