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三 峡 大 学
2012 年研究生入学考试试题(A )
科目代码: 891 科目名称: 英美文学及比较文学
IChoose the One that best completes the sentence.(30 points)
(Write your answer on the answer sheet)
1. The ship “__________” carried about one hundred Pilgrims and took 66 days to
beat its way across the Atlantic. In December of 1620, it put the Pilgrims ashore at
Plymouth, Massachusetts.
A. Sunflower B. Armada
C. Mayflower D. Pequod
2. As a great innovator in American literature, Walt Whitman wrote his poetry in an
unconventional style which is now called free versethat is ______.
A. lyrical poetry with chanting refrains
B. poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme
C. poetry without rhymes at the end of the lines but with a fixed beat
D. poetry in an irregular metric form and expressing noble feelings
3. Mark Twain and Henry James are commonly described by literary historians as
A. Transcendentalists B. Symbolists
C. Realists D. Romantics
4. In Edgar Allan Poe’s poem “The Raven”, the single word the raven could speak is
A. Encore B. Lenore
C. Evermore D. Nevermore
5. _______ is the first black female American ever to receive Nobel Prize in
Literature, whose major novel is Beloved.
A. Sinclair Lewis B. Ralph Ellison
C. Toni Morrison D. Langston Hughes
6. Which of the following is true as far as Emily Dickinson’s poetry is concerned?
A. She seldom uses dashes.
B. Her poems are very personal and meditative.
C. Her poems usually have well-chosen titles.
D. All her poems are about death or immorality.
7. In Theodore Dreisers Sister Carrie, the story begins with Caroline Meeber leaving
her hometown for ______.
A. London B. New York
C. Chicago D. Columbia City
8. Which of the following novels is NOT written by William Faulkner?
A. Sound and Fury B. As I Lay Dying
C. Go Down, Moses D. The Sun Also Rises
9. The following novels are Thomas Hardy’s works except ______.
A. Far From the Madding Crowd B. The Forsyte Saga
C. The Return of the Native D. Jude the Obscure
10. Which of the following”-isms” does not belong into the 20th century?
A. Transcendentalism B. Surrealism
C. Dadaism D. Expressionism
11. Daniel Defoe is best known for his creation of the literary figure ___.
A. Jane Eyre B. Robinson Crusoe
C. David Copperfield D. Gulliver
12. In Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth Bennet stands for _________ .
A. marriage choice B. Pride
C. love D. prejudice
13.John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress uses two forms which are pre-Renaissance:
the moral fable or ________ and the dream-vision.
A .allegory B. myth
C. nursery D. superstition
14.“The quality of mercy is not strain’d; / It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven /
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest: / It blesseth him that gives and him that
takes. ” These lines are taken from ________.
AHamlet            BDr. Faustus
CThe Merchant of Venice     D.“The Sun Rising
15. D.H. Lawrence’s first major novel ________ is largely autobiographical and
chronicles the domestic conflicts in his own home between a coarse, inarticulate
father and a self-consciously genteel mother.
A. Sons and Lovers B. Lady Chatterley’s Lover
C. The Rainbow D. Women in Love
II Read the following excerpts and answer the following questions.
(30 points) (Write your answer on the answer sheet)
Excerpt 1:
Tiger! Tiger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry? …
Did He smile His work to see?
Did He who made the Lamb make thee?
1. Who is the writer of this poem? (2’) What is the title of this poem? (2’)
2. What is the theme of this poem? Paraphrase the underlined part. (6’)

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