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2013 年西安外国语大学翻译硕士(MTI)考研真题回忆版
Task One: Terminology Translation
Section A: Chinese to English Translation
1. (科技)新能源汽车:new-energy vehicle
2. (政治)新型农村合作医疗: New Rural Cooperative Medical Care
3. (科技)广播电视网:broadcasting network
4. (政治)工伤保险:work injury insurance
5. (政治)中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会:the 18th National Congress of the
Communist Party of China
6. () A three-year action plan for preschool
7. ()命 100 周the Meeting Commemorating the Centennial of
the 1911 Revolution
8. (政治)收入分配制度改革总体方案:the Master Plan for Reforming the Income
Distribution System
9. (政治)文化逆差:cultural deficit
10. (经济)纽约证券交易所: the New York Stock Exchange
11. (政治)循环经济: cyclic economy
12. (文化)诺贝尔文学奖: Nobel Literature Prize
13. 2012 国际食品:2012 China(Shanghai) International Food
Safety Expo(2012 CIFSE)
14. (经济)中等收入陷阱: middle-income trap
15. (政治)中共中央政治局常务委员会:Political Bureau’s Standing Committee of
the Communist Party of China’s (CPC) Central Committee
Section B: English to Chinese Translation
1. Over-the-counter(OTC) drugs 非处方药
2. Long-term government bonds 长期国债
3. U.S. Treasury Secretary 美国财政部长
4. easy money policy 宽松的货币政策
Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy 量化宽松的货币政策)
5. dementia 痴呆症
6. the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) 东南亚国家联盟
7. Richer Scale 里氏震级
8. Secret ballot 无记名投票
9. Tax evasion and avoidance 偷税避税
10. Defending champion 卫冕冠军
11. E 111 欧洲健康保险卡(European Health Insurance Card
12. Corporate social responsibility 企业的社会责任
13. Capacity building 能力建设
14. polycrystalline silicon 多晶硅
15. negotiated bidding 谈判招标
Task Two: Text Translation
Section A: English to Chinese Translation
After more than 30 years of rapid growth, China has reached another turning
point in its development path when a second strategic, and no less fundamental, shift
is called for. The 12th Five Year Plan provides an excellent start. This report combines
its key elements to design a longer-term strategy that extends to 2030. More
importantly, it focuses on the “how,” not just the “what.” Six important messages
emerge from the analysis:
经历 30 年高速增长之后,中国发展上已到达另一个转折点需要
容的基础上,本报告提出了 2030 年的长期战略。重要的是,本报告
First, implement structural reforms to strengthen the foundations for a market-
based economy by redefining the role of government, reforming and restructuring
state enterprises and banks, developing the private sector, promoting competition, and
deepening reforms in the land, labor, and financial markets. As an economy
approaches the technology frontier and exhausts the potential for acquiring and
applying technology from abroad, the role of the government and its relationship to
markets and the private sector need to change fundamentally. While providing
relatively fewer “tangible” public goods and services directly, the government will
need to provide more intangible public goods and services like systems, rules, and
policies, which increase production efficiency, promote competition, facilitate
specialization, enhance the efficiency of resource allocation, protect the environment,
and reduce risks and uncertainties.
Second, accelerate the pace of innovation and create an open innovation system
in which competitive pressures encourage Chinese firms to engage in product and
process innovation not only through their own research and development but also by
participating in global research and development networks. China has already
introduced a range of initiatives in establishing a research and development


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