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2014 年西安外国语大学翻译硕士(MTI)英语翻译基础考研真题及答案
Section A: Chinese to English Translation
  Directions:Read each of the following sentences carefully and
translate the underlined term into English. (15 points)
  1. 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区,是中国政府设立在上海的区域性自由贸易
园区,属中国自由贸易区范畴。 free trade zone
  2. 国务院常务会议指出,将把分散在多个部门的不动产登记职责整合由一
sharing platform
  3. “创意欧洲”是欧盟委员会于 2011 年提出的一个新项目,旨在为欧洲
的 电影等文化创意产业提供资金支持,提高其对就业和经济增长的贡献。
Cultural and Creative Industry
  4. 国土资源部有关负责人表示,党的十八届三中全会精神对以依法持续推
进国土资源管理改革提出了更高要求。Ministry of Land and Resources
  5. 在“键盘时代”,不少人得了 “失写症”,提笔忘字,十分尴尬。央
视近 曰播出的“汉字听写大会”在全球华人中掀起了一股汉字书写的热潮。
Chinese characters dictation competition
  6. 2013 年入夏以来,持续的高温天气导致以青菜为主的绿叶菜播种难、
出 苗难、成活难,单位面积产量明显减少。yield per unit area
  7. 中国医师协正式启动了医师定期核工作,将对医生医德医风
  8. 中前签署边防作协重申双方不将其军事能力用对对
诺继持中印边境实控线地区的和平、稳定与Border Defence
Cooperation Agreement
  9. 依据载人登的三个可能表,人登月最早可能在 2020 年
。human lunar landing; manned lunar-landing
  10. 中华人共和国国明,宣布划设中国防空识别区。对
Air Defense Identification Zone in the East China Sea
  11. 国将推进会化、市场用车制度取消般公用车普通
务出行实行社会化提供,适度发放公交通补贴。official cars for
general use
  12. 种种迹象表明,互联网正在进入 2.0 阶段,其标志之一是网民结
发生重化,互联网普提高。Internet Penetration
  13. 租赁房由政府或公机构所有,用低市场价或者租者
价格新就业职群体Public Rental Housing
  14. 中国推出了 一个更市场为导的成品油定价机制,以便能好地
适应全球油价波动。oil product pricing system
  15. 李克强总理近黑龙江谈到,中国将推广规模耕作
农民耕作釆用先技术。large-scale farming system
  Section B: English to Chinese Translation
  Directions:Read each of the following sentences carefully and
translate the underlined term into Chinese. (15 points)
  1.The assessment of gross national happiness was designed in an
attempt to define an indicator that measures quality of life or
social progress in more holistic and psychological terms than only
the economic indicator of gross domestic product. 国民幸福
  2.Britain has announced plans to simplify its visa application
process for Chinese visitors. The announcement comes as British
Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, is in China for trade
talks. 英国政大
  3.Biodiversity conservation provides substantial benefits to meet
immediate human needs, such as those for clean, consistent water
flows; protection from floods and storms; and a stable climate. 生物
  4.Boxing Day is traditionally the day following Christmas Day,
when servants and tradesmen would receive gifts from their bosses or
employers, known as a “Christmas box’1. 节礼日(圣诞一个工作
  5.Crowdsourcing is the practice of obtaining needed services,
ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of
people, and especially from an online community, rather than from
traditional employees or suppliers. 众包

2014年西安外国语大学翻译硕士(MTI)英语翻译基础考研真题及答案SectionA:ChinesetoEnglishTranslation  Directions:ReadeachofthefollowingsentencescarefullyandtranslatetheunderlinedtermintoEnglish.(15points)  1.中国(上海)自由贸易试验区,是中国政府设立在上海的区域性自由贸易园区,属中国自由贸易区范畴。freetradezone  2.国务院常务会议指出,将把分散在多个部门的不动产登记职责整合由一个部门承担,减少办证环节,并建立不动产信息共享平台。in...

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