
2 页
2011 年西安外国语大学翻译硕士(MTI)翻译基础考研真题及答案
I. Phrase Translaon
2010 年上海世博会: The World Exposion Shanghai China 2010
突发公共卫生事件: public health emergency
社保体系: Social security system
科学发展观: Scien%c Outlook on Development
交通银行: the bank of communicaons
孔子学院: Confucius Instute
产业结构调整: industrial restructuring
积极的财政政策: proacve %scal policy
双赢: win-win; mutually bene%cial
职业教育: vocaon educaon
市场准入: market access
独立自主的和平外交政策: independent foreign policy of peace
国土资源部: Ministry of Land and Resources
再生纸: recycled paper
局域网: LAN(Local Area Network)
carpet smoking ban: 全面禁烟
most-favored-naon treatment: 最惠国待遇
Airbus: 空中巴士
the Hang Seng Index: (香港股票交易所的)恒生指数
Dairy Queen: 奶品皇后(美国著名的冰淇淋连锁品牌)
the Data Protecon Act: 数据保护法
the US Department of Jusce: 美国司法部
Family Income Support:家庭收入补助;家庭收入补助金
Trophy child: 模范儿童
per capita income(PCI): 人均收入
Shaw Nature Reserve: 肖自然保护区 (美国密苏里植物园自然保护区)
an-dumping duty: 反倾销税
high-voltage electric appliance: 高压电器
operang expenses: 营业费用; 营运开支
APEC: 亚太经贸合作组织(Asia-Paci%c Economic Cooperaon)
II. Passage translaon
Secon A English to Chinese
1、The G20 summit needed to take acon in three areas: %rst, endorsing our decision to
tackle our de%cit to support economic growth and stability; second, taking all the steps necessary
to boost global trade; and third, pu9ng in place the arrangements to address the global
imbalances which were at the root of the %nancial crisis and that sll hold back growth in the
world economy today. Let me take you through what we have agreed.
First, dealing with our de%cits. In Britain, we are taking the tough steps to deal with the
massive de%cit that we inherited. Here in Seoul, we agreed to formulate and implement clear,
credible, ambious and growth friendly %scal consolidaon plans. We also agreed that the failure
标签: #西安外国语大学
2011年西安外国语大学翻译硕士(MTI)翻译基础考研真题及答案I.PhraseTranslation 2010年上海世博会:TheWorldExpositionShanghaiChina2010 突发公共卫生事件:publichealthemergency 社保体系:Socialsecuritysystem 科学发展观:ScientificOutlookonDevelopment 交通银行:thebankofcommunications 孔子学院:ConfuciusInstitute 产业结构调整:industrialrestructuring 积极的财政政策:proacti...