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2012 年中山大学翻译基础考研初试真题及答案
I. Phrase Translation
  1. 中小企业: small and medium enterprises
  2. 洗钱:money laundering
  3. 人民币升值:appreciation of the RMB
  4. 次贷危机: Subprime mortgage crisis
  5. 水土流失: water and soil loss
  6. 贸易顺差: trade surplus
  7. 企业社会责任: Corporate Social Responsibility
  8. 主权信用评级: sovereign credit rating
  9. 贩卖人口: human trafficking
  10. 美国驻华大使: American Ambassador to China
  11. 温室效应: Green House Effect
  12. 投资回报率: Return On Investment
  13. 供应链: Supply Chain
  14. 劳动密集型产业: labor-intensive industry
  15. 防止核扩散条约: Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons; nuclear non-proliferation treaty
  16. capital chain: 资金链
  17. humanitarian intervention: 人道主义干涉
  18. credit facilities:信贷措施;信贷服务
  19. exclusive interview: 独家采访
  20. clean governance:廉洁从政;廉政
  21. poll:投票;民意测验;民意调查
  22. double-dip recession:双底衰退;二次衰退;双谷经济衰退
  22. the State Council:(中国)国务院
  23. debt limit:债务限额;债务上限;债务额度
  24. a Palestinian proposal to apply for statehood:巴基斯坦申请建
  25. social security:社会保障;社会保险
  27. an earthquake of 9.0 magnitude on the Richter Scale:里氏 9.0
  28. a cease-fire agreement:停火协定;停战协定
  29. oil leak:漏油
  30. organizing committee:组织委员会
  II. Passage translation
  Section A English to Chinese
  All parents damage their children. It cannot be helped. Youth,
like a clean glass, absorbs the prints of its handlers. Some parents
smudge, others crack, a few shatter childhoods completely into jagged
little pieces, beyond repair. Parents rarely let go of their
children, so children let go of them. They move on. They move away.
The moments that used to define them—a mother’s approval, a
father’s nod—are covered by moments of their own accomplishments.
It is not until much later, as the skin sags and the heart weakens,
that children understand: their stories, and all their
accomplishments, sit atop the stories of their mothers and fathers,
stones upon stones, beneath the waters of their lives.
  Through it all, despite it all, Eddie privately adored his old
man, because sons will adore their fathers through even the worst
behavior. It is how they learn devotion. Before he can devote himself
to God or a woman, a boy will devote himself to his father, even
foolishly, even beyond explanation.

标签: #中山大学


2012年中山大学翻译基础考研初试真题及答案I.PhraseTranslation  1.中小企业:smallandmediumenterprises  2.洗钱:moneylaundering  3.人民币升值:appreciationoftheRMB  4.次贷危机:Subprimemortgagecrisis  5.水土流失:waterandsoilloss  6.贸易顺差:tradesurplus  7.企业社会责任:CorporateSocialResponsibility  8.主权信用评级:sovereigncreditrating  9.贩卖人口:humantraffickin...

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