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欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 1 页 共 14 页)
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适用专业:050201 英语语言文学
一、 Gap Filling 选词填空(从列表的单词中选择合适的词完成
段落/Cloze 选择填空)(30 题,每题 1分,共 30 分)
Directions: Fill in the gaps numbered 1 to 30 with appropriate words from the word
list. There are more words than needed and each word can be used only ONCE. Write
down the letters (A to T) representing the words after the numbers 1 to 30 for each
passage on the Answer Sheet.
Passage One
The term “globalization” has been used to 1 describe the profound nature
of changes affecting economies, cultures and societies worldwide from the late
twentieth century 2 . Anthony Giddens has 3 globalization as “the intensification
of worldwide social relations which link 4 localities in such a way that local
happenings are 5 by events occurring many miles away and vice versa”.
A central feature of the new, global economy which has 6 in the context of
intensified relations is that it is 7 . That is to say, the productivity and
competitiveness of firms in the new economic order depend on their ability to create,
8 and apply knowledge-based information. Alongside the centrality of information
and knowledge, a further 9 feature is the nature of economic organization which
has emerged in late modernity. The central activities of production, consumption and
10 , as well as their components (capital, raw materials, management, information,
technology, 11 ), are organized on a global 12 , either 13 or through a network
A. defined B. emerged C. broadly D. process E. circulation
F. forwards G. onwards H. distinct I. distant J. informational
K. refined L. markets M. agents N. urgency O. scale
P. crucially Q. directly R. tools S. marginal T. shaped
欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 2 页 共 14 页)
of connections between different economic 14 . The importance of the information
technology revolution from the 1970s onwards was that it provided the 15 or the
material basis for this new economy.
Passage Two
Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams was published in 1900, a remarkable year
that was 16 to change the world’s thinking profoundly. Its 17 reception was
saddening – only 351 copies were 18 during the first ten years. Later, its value was
19 realized by scholars, and the book went eight 20 before the death of its
author. Now, more than a hundred years has already passed, and it has been 21 into
more than a dozen languages. Its influence is far 22 : it has profoundly changed the
landscape not only in 23 , but also in literature, art, aesthetics, anthropology,
philosophy, education, sociology and other 24 . It is reckoned as one of the three 25
books together with Darwin’s Origins of the Species and Copernicus’ De
Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium.
Before Freud, dreams were not seriously considered. It was 26 as superficial,
insignificant and 27 . Freud worked as a 28 for many years, dealing with
hysteria. He collected many cases and began to think seriously of the 29 between
dreams and the psychological condition of patients. In this book, he 30 that dreams
were the fulfillment of human wishes.
二、 Proofreading and error correction 错题 (15
每题 2分,共 30 )
Directions: The following passage contains 15 errors which are indicated by a
number after the line. In each indicated line there is only ONE error, and for each
error, you just need to change ONE word to make it correct. Write down the correct
word on the Answer Sheet.
A. sold B. revolutionary C. relative D. trivial E. relationship
F. gradually G. reaching H. psychiatrist I. dramatically J. proposed
K. translated L. destined M. admitted N. dismissed O. disciplines
P. editions Q. versions R. initial S. psychology T. disciples
欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 3 页 共 14 页)
Around 1990 a number of architect around the world
began developing new architectural solutions to
integrate tradition for new social demands and
technological possibilities. The struggle between old
and new initiate the birth of a new architecture style
the International Style. The international style stresses
minimalism and functionalism, rejects all essential
decorative elements and is ignorant to regional
characteristics. The ideals of the style are also
commonly sum up in four slogans: ornament is a crime,
truth to materials, form follows function, and
“machines for living.” This could be sound explained in
light of the Western industrialization. With their rapid
development, society was also changing and evolved
rapidly. There was a great demand for constructing
better and affordable buildings for factories, industries,
commercial complexes, and residential purposes. Thus,
the overdoing ornamentation of the buildings of the
previous eras, that demanded high level of
craftsmanship and was time-consuming, gave way in
the simple designs.
The international style first blossomed in western
Europe, and than it began to flourish in the United
States, and matured after World War II. Its became the
dominant approach in the US for much decades.
三、 Sentence Completion 完成句子(根据提供的词,用合
适的词的形式完成句子)(15 题,每题 2分,共 30 分)
Directions: Fill in the gaps with the proper forms of the given words. Write down your
answers on the Answer Sheet.

欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第1页共14页)广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2020年   考试科目代码及名称:613-英语水平考试(自命题)适用专业:050201英语语言文学[友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!]一、GapFilling选词填空(从列表的单词中选择合适的词完成段落/非Cloze选择填空)(30题,每题1分,共30分)Directions:Fillinthegapsnumbered1to30withappropriatewordsfromthewordlist.Therearemorewordsthanneeded...

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