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欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 1 页 共 6 页)
        考试科目代码及名称:804- 英美文学
适用专业:050201 英 言文学语语
I. Explain the following literary terms. Write your answers on the answer
sheet. (25 points, 5 points for each.)
1. Enlightenment
2. Metaphysical poetry
3. The theatre of the absurd
4. Transcendentalism
5. Dramatic monologue
II. For each statement there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose
the one that best completes the statement. (20 points, 1 point for each)
1. _____ can be justly termed England’s naonal epic, and its most striking feature is the use
of ____.
A. Cynewulf, alliteration B. Beowulf, alliteration
C. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,
D. Robin Hood, rhyme
2. The 18th century sees the birth of the greatest satirist in English literature: . His
masterpiece , comprises the extraordinary adventures of an Englishman,
descriptions of fantastic lands visited by him, and their social systems and is
always regarded as a bitter sarcasm and deadly irony of the contemporary
A. Samuel Johnson, Gullivers Travels B. Alexander Pope, The Rape of the
C. Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe D. Jonathan Swift, Gullivers Travels
3. Which of the following works is NOT considered as William Shakespeare’s four great
A. King Lear B. Romeo and Juliet
C. Macbeth D. Othello
4. , Byron’s greatest work, was written in the prime of his creative power and still remained
unfinished when the poet’s life was ended by a romantic and generous death.
A. Don Juan B. Giaour
C. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage D. Manfred
5. The publication of in 1798—the joint work of William Wordsworth
and________—marked the break with the conventional poetical tradition of the
18th century, i.e. with classicism.
A. Lyrical Ballads, Robert Southey B. The Prelude, Samuel Taylor
欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 2 页 共 6 页)
C. Lyrical Ballads, Samuel Taylor
D. Biographia Literaria, Samuel
Taylor Coleridge
6. William Makepeace Thackeray’s masterpiece is , and the title of the novel is
taken from Bunyan’s greatest work .
A. Vanity Fair, Paradise Regained B. Vanity Fair, Pilgrim’s Progress
C. Vanity Fair, Samson Agonistes D. The Book of Snobs, Pilgrim’s
7. established himself both as a writer and as a spokesman for the school of “Art for Art’s
A. Thomas Gray B. Charles Lamb
C. Oscar Wilde D. Walter Scott
8. __________, written by P. B. Shelley’s wife, Mary Shelley, is regarded the best
of its kind, ______, in the 19th century England.
A. Prometheus Unbound, Gothic novel B. Frankenstein, Realistic novel
C. Adonis, Romantic novel D. Frankenstein, Gothic novel
9. “April is the cruellest month, breeding / Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing /
Memory and desire, stirring / Dull roots with spring rain.” These lines are taken
from T. S. Eliot’s modern classic poem_______, which remind us the opening
lines of the “General Prologue” in The Canterbury Tales by the greatest literary
figure_______ in 14th century England.
A. Four Quartets, Geoffrey Chaucer B. The Waste Land, Geoffrey Chaucer
C. Hollow Man, Edmund Spencer D. The Waste Land, John Milton
10. Joseph Conrad’s _________ is central to the evolution of what is called postcolonial fiction,
and says something that only said in a novel: A historian looking at European colonialism
will arrive at historical judgments.
A. Heart of Darkness B. Nostromo
C. Lord Jim D. Typhoon
11._________, with his famous poem, “Annabel Lee”, justified his poetic idea that
the death of a beautiful woman, is “unquestionably, the most poetical topic in the
A. W. B. Yeats B. Edgar Allan Poe
C. Ezra Pound D. W. H. Auden
12. Around 1920, the American literary world rediscovered an almost forgotten
book and suddenly became aware of a major American writer. The book was
_______, a tremendous chronicle of a whaling voyage in pursuit of a seemingly
supernatural white whale.
A. Moby-Dick B. Omoo
C. The Last of the Mohicans D. Billy Budd
13. With Warner, Mark Twain collaborated on __________, a satire that gave its name to the era
of corrupt materialism that followed the American Civil War.
A. The Golden Age B. The Silver Age
C. The Gilded Age D. The Bronze Age
14.________, Stephen crane’s finest literary achievement, depicts a picture of American Civil
War in a naturalistic way.

欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第1页共6页)广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2015年       考试科目代码及名称:804-英美文学适用专业:050201英言文学语语[友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!]I.Explainthefollowingliteraryterms.Writeyouranswersontheanswersheet.(25points,5pointsforeach.)1.Enlightenment2.Metaphysicalpoetry3.Thetheatreoftheabsurd4.Transcenden...

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