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北 京 科 技 大 学
2013 年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题
试题编号: 211 试题名称: 翻译硕士英语 (共 12 页)
适用专业: 翻译(专业英语)
说明: 所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试题或草稿纸上无效。
I. Vocabulary and Structure (30 points, 1 point each, 60 minutes)
Directions: Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C,
and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Write your answers on
your answer sheet.
1. Ruth wanted to be transferred to another department, but her application was
_____ because her own department is understaffed.
A. turned down B. turned over C. turned away D. turned off
2. Helen’s been neglecting her homework lately. I’ll _____ with her parents about it.
A. have words B. have a word C. have the word D. have the last word
3. The reality of governance is rarely ______; institutions do not operate according
to mechanical laws, but they evolve organically.
A. noble B. static C. inconsistent D. documented
4. A position that requires public speaking would be very difficult for one as _____
as he.
A. amiable B. vivacious C. reticent D. decent
5. The commission asked that the administration’s 90-day ban on federal funds for
human cloning _____ indefinitely.
A. to be extended B. to extend C. be extended D. being extended
6. There is talk of the government _______ a new tax relief scheme for families with
more than three children.
A. bringing in B. bringing off C. bringing about D. bringing on
7. The nurses asked the local union to ______ their strike by signing a letter of
A. comply B. undermine C. endorse D. isolate
8. I could not but _____ very much delighted with several modern epitaphs, which
are written with great elegance of expression.
A. being B. be C. to be D. was
9. ______ more societies are geared to retirement at around 65, companies have a
looming problem of knowledge management.
A. Given that B. Provided C. Unless D. While
10. The organization gives help and support to people in need, as well as _____
money for local charities.
A. raises B. raising C. raise D. to raise
11. The development of containers, possibly made from bark or the skins of animals,
although it is a matter of ______, allowed the extensive sharing of forage food in
prehistoric human societies.
A. conjecture B. fact C. record D. conspiracy
12. Most people choose a lawyer on the basis of such _____ considerations as his cost,
his field of expertise, and the fees he charges.
A. humanistic B. irrelevant C. personal D. pragmatic
13. It cannot be denied that the existing resources on earth will be depleted, but
scientists are hesitant to ______ the inevitability of that day, convinced that new
energies can be found in the near future.
A. recede B. exceed C. concede D. precede
14. There has been nothing good on television for weeks. Good programs are
A. more or less B. far and between C. on and off D. here and there
15. Fred is a(n) ______ complainer— as soon as one problem is solved, he will come
up with another.
A. affluent B. prudent C. moderate D. chronic
16. Rita turned her ______ of being lost in the desert into good fortune by selling the
story to a movie studio.
A. ordeal B. pessimism C. retort D. patron
17. Psychologists maintain that the nature of human beings entails a strong need to
_____ their free time; idleness can be as stressful as activity.
A. endanger B. preserve C. consume D. organize
18. At age 10, my cousin still has a _____ belief in Santa Claus; she becomes upset at
any suggestion that he doesn’t exist.
A. sedentary B. inquisitive C. tenacious D. superfluous
19. They ______ each other, making a perfect couple. He is rich but doesn’t care
about money; she is poor but cares about it a lot.
A. complement B. fabricate C. implement D. validate
20. People anticipated that vertical flight transports would carry millions of
passengers as _______ today.
A. the airliners do B. do the airliners C. the airliners did D. did the airliners
21. Rumors, embroidered with detail, live on for years, neither denied nor confirmed,
until they become accepted as fact even among people not known for their _____.
A. insight B. introspection C. obstinacy D. credulity
22. Imposing steep fines on employers for on-the-job injuries to workers could be an
effective ______ creating a safer workplace, especially in the case of employers
with poor safety records.
A. alternative B. addition C. incentive D. deterrent
23. Her ______ should not be confused with miserliness, as long as I have known her,
she has always been willing to assist those who are in need.
A. frugality B. diffidence C. intolerance D. apprehension
24. Observable as a tendency of our culture is a _______ of belief in psychoanalysis:
we no longer feel that it can solve out emotional problems.
A. defence B. confrontation C. divergence D. withdrawal
25. The prospects of discovering new aspects of the life of a painter as thoroughly
studied as Vermeer are not, on the surface, _______.
A. unpromising B. encouraging C. daunting D. challenging
26. The history of film reflects the ________ inherent in the medium itself: film
contains still photographs to represent continuous motion and, while seeming to
present life itself, can also offer impossible and dreamlike unrealities.
A. biases B. constraints C. liabilities D. paradoxes
27. The notion that cultural and biological influences equally determine cross-cultural
diversity is _____ by the fact that, in countless aspects of human existence, it is
cultural programming that overwhelmingly accounts for cross-population
A. confirmed B. illustrated C. discredited D. disapproved
28. Dominant interests often benefit most from ________ of governmental
interference in business, since they are able to take care of themselves if left alone.


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