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北 京 科 技 大 学
2014 年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题
试题编号: 211 试题名称 翻译硕士英语 (共 12 页)
适用专业: 翻译
说明: 所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试题或草稿纸上无效。
I. Vocabulary and Structure ( 30 points, 1 point each, 60 minutes)
Directions: Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C, or
D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Write your answers on the
answer sheet.
1. It was nearly always organized by the government, although some club members
acted _______ their own initiative.
A. by B. on C. with D. in
2. He redesigned the process, thereby ________ the company thousands of dollars.
A. saving B. to save C. saved D. save
3. Modern bodies are especially ______ to cancer, because technology produces
waste that inhibits their proper functioning.
A. relevant B. invulnerable C. prone D. attractive
4. Some of his plans were impractical and ________ good for his work, but he never
wavered in what he considered just.
A. too much B. much too C. so much D. much so
5. Supporters praised the action as a speedy and judicious solution, but critics
condemned it as ______ and unfairly influenced by recent events.
A. delayed B. indisposed C. hasty D. imperious
6. It is odd that a person’s worth is measured by his wealth, ______ instead people’s
character should be measured by their value to society.
A. while B. so C. because D. when
7. During the 17th century many artists became involved in color theory and ______
painting for enlightenment.
A. looked up to B. looked out C. looked on D. looked to
8. No government can meet the _______ demand for ever more sophisticated
medical technology by an aging population.
A. intransigent B. insatiable C. ingenious D. inglorious
9. It is difficult to distinguish between the things that celebrities do ______ and those
that are carefully contrived for effect.
A. reluctantly B. publicly C. spontaneously D. prolifically
10. The monkeys in the zoo are a group, because primates are inevitably ______ and
build their lives around each other.
A. social B. independent C. stable D. curious
11. When economy, language, culture and history interact, people begin to view them
as _______ subjects rather than isolated ones.
A. idiosyncratic B. integral C. synchronized D. synthesized
12. Retired people are often willing to _______ their time to help with community
A. give out B. give away C. give of D. give off
13. Even though formidable winters are the norm in this region, people were
unprepared for the _______ of the blizzard that year.
A. mildness B. ferocity C. inevitability D. probability
14. The committee provides funding to _______ artists like those of women and of
color, in the hopes of rectifying a historical inequality.
A. prolific B. prominent C. promising D. marginalized
15. All are in the _____ stages, until architectural historians survey each house to
determine which have historic value.
A. preliminary B. primary C. prevalent D. predicative
16. He has unusual insight and imagination, which has made him succeed in ______
new and fundamental principles well in advance of their general recognition.
A. coordinating B. discerning C. acknowledging D. dispelling
17. The storyline of the novel was extremely involved and included many lesser
characters _______ to the central events.
A. consequential B. peripheral C. indispensable D. permeating
18. Once I finally _______ finding a definition, I see that it was never any such thing.
A. get across to B. get away with C. get round to D. get in with
19. Despite the fact that the life span of animals is conveniently divided into separate
stages, those periods are not truly _______.
A. distinct B. continuous C. reflexive D. codependent
20. In spite of _______ among scientists, and years of contentious discussion, the
claim that earthquake can be predicted with great precision prevails.
A. reception B. popularity C. skepticism D. antipathy
21. No dictionary can really capture something as fleeting and ______ as slang.
A. equivocal B. equitable C. equable D. ephemeral
22. They bought up pieces of old furniture and passed them ______ as valuable
A. out B. by C. away D. off
23. That reason was unique human has come _____ increasingly skeptical scrutiny:
more researchers at least entertain the notion that some animals can think.
A. in B. under C. to D. with
24. Sam was a complete country man, with a pronounced ______ with nature in all its
A. infinity B. conformity C. affinity D. fluidity
25. It is no accident that most people find his book disturbing, for it is calculated to
undermine a number of beliefs they have long _______.
A. cherished B. denied C. anticipated D. misunderstood
26. Although the passage of years has softened the initially hostile reaction to his
poetry, even now only a few independent observers _______ his works.
A. neglect B. criticize C. comment D. praise
27. The exhibition, though small in scale, succeeded in _______ its members with a
firm sense of self-worth and purpose.
A. endowing B. imbuing C. ladening D. providing
28. We were all impressed by the style of his books which is strongly ________ of
Virginia Woolfs novels.
A. reminiscent B. symptomatic C. indicative D. imitative
29. Historian can _______ “Augustan peace” only by failing to recognize that this
peace in many respects resemble that of death.
A. demand B. ridicule C. applaud D. disapprove
30. Everything becomes collectable in time, particularly when its history and date of
manufacture can be ________.


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