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2015 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题
考试科目:845 英美文学基础知识及运用
I Multiple Choices: choose the best answer among the four choices and fill in the blank.. (15
items, 30 points)
1) Geoffrey Chaucer’s literary contribution to English literature lies in the following facts except
A Canterbury Tales as his masterpiece B writing in London dialect
C Beowulf as his masterpiece D introducing rhymed couplet into England
2) __________ is the author of the long poem of Faerie Queene, written and dedicated to Queen
Elizabeth in the English Renaissance time.
A William Shakespeare B Edmund Spencer
C Philip Sydney D Christopher Marlowe
3) John Bunyan’s masterpiece is ________, which is famous for its form of religious allegory.
A The Pilgrim’s Progress B Spring, Sweet Spring
C Paradise Lost D The Jew of Malta
4) _________ has been regarded as the most important figure of Neo-classical school in British
literature in the first half of the 18th century.
A James Boswell B Samuel Johnson
C Alexander Pope D John Dryden
5) In the 19th century, female writing was a unique literary phenomenon in British literature, which
was represented by such following extraordinary writers except _________.
A George Eliot B Mrs. Gaskell
C Emily Bronte D Virginia Woolf
6) The poetic collection of _______ cooperated by William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge
marked the beginning of English Romanticism in 1798.
A My Solitary Reaper B Lyrical Ballads
C Ode to West Wind D Ode to Autumn
7) The following are great English playwrights except __________.
A Oscar Wilde B George Bernard Shaw
C William Makepeace Thackeray D William Shakespeare
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8) The following novels are all written by Charles Dickens, expect __________.
A Erewhon B The Tale of Two Cities
C Oliver Twist D The Great Expectation
9) New England Transcendentalism was represented by Ralph Emerson and ________ against the
prevailing vice of materialism.
A Washington Irving B James Cooper
C Henry David Thoreau D Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
10) _________ is celebrated as the father of psychoanalytic criticism and detective story in
American literature and his aesthetics exerted great influences on French symbolists and the
devotees of art for art’s sake.
A Edgar Allen Poe B Mark Twain
C Emily Dickenson D Walt Whitman
11) An image was that which presents intellectual and emotion complex in an instant of time. The
sentence utters the aesthetics of Imagism represented first by ________.
A T. S. Eliot B Ezra Pound
C Robert Frost D W. B. Yeats
12) American Naturalism was represented by the following writers except _______.
A Stephen Crane B Frank Norris
C Theodore Dreiser D Herman Melville
13) ________ written by Walt Whitman celebrates dignity, the self-reliant spirit and the joy of the
common man, revealing a world of equality without rank and hierarchy.
A To Science B To Nature
C Song of Myself D The Scarlet Letter
14) Critical Realism appeared in the 1940s in British literature, while _______ echoed the similar
spirit after American Civil War.
A Romanticism B Local Colorism
C The Southern Renaissance D Aestheticism
15) The following are famous American playwrights except _________.
A Eugene O’Neill B Richard Sheridan
C Tennessee Williams D Arthur Miller
II Reading the following ten selected passages and answer the questions briefly. (100 points)
Passage One
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
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