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欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 1 页 共 17 页)
考试年度:2019年 考试科目代码及名称:613-英语水平考试(自命题)
适用专业:050201 英语语言文学
一、Gap Filling 选词填空(用单词列表选词完成段落)(30题,每
Passage One: fill in the gaps with the proper form of given words
pose, exaggerate, accelerate, extinct, exist, perception,wealthy,
magnify, starve, head, run, predict, abundant, conception, reduce
For many environmentalists, the world seems to be getting worse. They have
developed a hit list of our main fears: natural resources are 1 out? The population is
ever growing, leaving less and less to eat? Species are becoming 2 in vast numbers,
and the planet's air and water are becoming ever more polluted.
But a quick look at the facts shows a different picture. First, energy and other natural
resources have become more 3 not less so, since the book 'The Limits to Growth' was
published in 1972 by a group of scientists. Second, more food is now produced per 4
of the world's population than at any time in history. Fewer people are 5 . Third,
although species are indeed becoming extinct, only about 0.7% of them are expected
to disappear in the next 50 years, not 25~50%, as has so often been 6 . And finally,
most forms of environmental pollution either appear to have been 7 , or are transient -
associated with the early stages of industrialization and therefore best cured not by
restricting economic growth, but by 8 it. One form of pollution - the release of
greenhouse gases that causes global warming - does appear to be a phenomenon that
is going to extend well into our future, but its total impact is unlikely to 9 a
devastating problem. A bigger problem may well turn out to be an inappropriate
response to it.
Yet opinion polls suggest that many people nurture the belief that environmental
standards are declining and some factors seem to cause this disjunction between 10
and reality.
欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 2 页 共 17 页)
Passage Two: fill in the gaps with the proper form of given words
transplant, solution, gradually, transport, elemental, conflict, continually, mobile,
couple, agriculture, including, compromise, require, primary, consist
The typical pre-industrial family not only had a good many children, but numerous
other dependents as well---grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. Such "extended"
families were suited for survival in slow paced 11 societies. But such families are
hard to 12 . They are immobile.
Industrialism demanded masses of workers ready and able to move off the land in
pursuit of jobs, and to move again whenever necessary. Thus the extended family 13
shed its excess weight and the so-called "nuclear" family emerged---a stripped-down,
portable family unit 14 only of parents and a small set of children. This new style
family, far more 15 than the traditional extended family, became the standard model
in all the industrial counties.
Super-industrialism, however, the next stage of eco-technological development, 16
even higher mobility. Thus we may expect many among the people of the future to
carry the streamlining process, a stepfather by remaining children, cutting the family
down to its more 17 components, a man and a woman. Two people, perhaps with
matched careers, will prove more efficient at navigating through education and social
status, through job changes and geographic relocations, than the ordinarily child-
cluttered family.
A 18 may be the postponement of children, rather than childlessness. Men and women
today are often torn in 19 between a commitment to career and a commitment to
children. In the future, many 20 will sidestep this problem by deferring the entire task
of raising children until after retirement.
Passage Three: fill in the gaps with the proper form of given words
tip , slight, examine, specify, nuisance, associate, sensitive, indicate,
superior,suspicious, peak, abundant, treat, prohibit, visual, prevent
欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 3 页 共 17 页)
A rat or pigeon might not be the obvious choice to tend to someone who is sick, but
these creatures have some 21 skills that could help the treatment of human diseases.
Pigeons are often seen as dirty birds and an urban 22 , but they are just the latest in a
long line of animals that have been found to have abilities to help humans. Despite
having a brain no bigger than the 23 of your index finger, pigeons have a very
impressive 24 memory. Recently it was shown that they could be trained to be as
accurate as humans at detecting breast cancer in images.
Rats are often 25 with spreading disease rather than 26 it, but this long-tailed animal
is highly 27 . Inside a rat's nose are up to 1,000 different types of olfactory receptors ,
whereas humans only have 100 to 200 types. This gives rats the ability to detect 28
smells. As a result, some rats are being put to work to detect TB. When the rats detect
the smell, they stop and rub their legs to 29 a sample is infected.
Traditionally, a hundred samples would take lab technicians more than two days to
30, but for a rat it takes less than 20 minutes. This rat detection method doesn't rely on
specialist equipment. It is also more accurate — the rats are able to find more TB
infections and, therefore, save more lives.
二、Proofreading and error correction 改错题 (15题,每题2分,
Passage One
Three passions have governed my life: the longing for love, the search into
knowledge, and the unbearable __1__pity for the suffering of mankind. I have sought
of love, first, because it brings ecstasy--ecstasy so great because I would often have
__2__sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hours for this joy. I have sought it,
next, because it relieves loneliness--that terrible loneliness which one shivering
consciousness __3__looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable
lifeless abyss. I have sought it, then, because in the __4__union of love I have seen, in
a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven where saints and poets
__5__have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for
human life, this is what--at last--i have found.
标签: #广东财经大学 #613英语水平考试
欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第1页共17页)1广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2019年 考试科目代码及名称:613-英语水平考试(自命题)适用专业:050201英语语言文学[友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!]一、GapFilling选词填空(用单词列表选词完成段落)(30题,每题1分,共30分)PassageOne:fillinthegapswiththeproperformofgivenwordspose,exaggerate, accelerate,extinct,exist,perception,wealthy,ma...