
2023-06-20 999+ 60KB 7 页
广 西 民 族 大 学
2016 年硕士研究生入学考试初试自命题科目试题
(试卷代号:A 卷)
科目代码: 810
科目名称: 英语教学论
适用学科专业: 学科教学(英语)
研究方向: 外国语言学及应用语言学
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×××试题册 共 页 第 1
I. There are 12 incomplete statements and 8 questions in this part. Each statement or question
has four answers marked A, B, C and D. Read the choices carefully and choose the one which
can best complete the statement or answer the question and then write your answers on the
Answer Sheet. (30 points, 1.5 points for each)
1. Chomsky believes that linguistic study and research can help explain what happens in
the mind, and linguistics should be regarded as a branch of
A. methodology B. psychology C. sociology D. anthropology
2. Generally speaking, the Grammar-translation Method belongs to the school of
A. applied B. modern C. traditional D. behaviourist
3. The neogrammarians, represented by Hermann Paul, formed the main linguistic base of
A. the Grammar-Translation Method B. the Direct Method
C. the Oral Approach D. the Audiolingual Method
4. The Oral Approach/Situational Language Teaching believes in a theory of learning
the language is based on a type of theory.
A. behaviorist habit formation B. structural linguistics
B. cognitive psychology D. functional linguistics
5. The Natural Approach sees the language acquirer as a of comprehensible input.
A. receiver B. producer C. processor D. acquirer
6. The Audiolingual Method insists on accurate reproduction of sentence patterns and
their attitude towards students’ language error is
A. positive B. negative C. passive D. active
7. The monitor theory, which is very popular among foreign language teachers
in , was put forward by Stephen Krashen in the late 1970s.
A. China B. France C. Britain D. America
8. James Asher was the founder of
A. the Direct Method B. the Cognitive Approach
C. Total Physical Response D. suggestopaedia
9. With regard to syllabus design, the Communicative approach emphasizes
A. communication B. expressing of meaning
C. teachers skills D. learners’ needs
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10. The Cognitive Approach believes that play a decisive role in foreign
language learning.
A. the teacher B. the students C. the materials D. the environment
11. English teaching in China didn’t enter into the formal educational system
until the ______ century.
A. late 19th B. early 20th C. mid-20th D. late 20th
12. The generative linguist is interested not only in ______ language but also in
explaining language.
A. teaching B. describing C. using D. understanding
13. Which role does the teacher play in the following activities?
When answering the teacher question, if a student doesn t seem to be ready for an
answer, the teacher gives hints .
A. controller B. participant C. assessor D. prompter
14. In teaching grammar, what stage can the teacher use for following activity?
The teacher asks the students to produce sentences based on the pictures provided.
A. presentation B. practice C. application D. production
15. Which reading skill is the teacher using in teaching reading?
The teacher asks the students to try to guess information or ideas that go beyond the
literal meaning of the text.
A. inferring or reading between the lines
B. recognizing organization of the text
C. predicting
D. scanning
16. How is the following activity organized?
The teacher asks all the students to do completion exercises.
A. pair work B. whole-class work C. individual D. group work
17. In teaching vocabulary, what stage is most suitable for the following activity
The teacher uses word formation rules and common affixes to build
new lexical knowledge .
A. presentation B. production C. practice D. B & C
18. What technique is the teacher using in teaching writing?
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