
2024-01-06 999+ 962.26KB 10 页
业: 英语笔译
科目名称: 翻译硕士英语(211 10 1
I. Choose the one answer that best explains the underlined word or phrase in the sentence. Write your
answers on the ANSWER SHEET (20 points).
1. Cross-Straits tensions is not to ease until Taiwan independence’s provocations cease.
A. evocation B. offence C. aggravation D. challenge
2. Snow turned Datong into a serene white fairy-tale world.
A. perfect B. tranquil C. pure D. crystal
3. China’s dramatic economic growth and social development under the guidance of the CPC have
enthralled the international community.
A. motivated B. moved C. charmed D. interested
4. None of the vaccinated patients had serious symptoms caused by Delta during the epidemic outbreak in
Guangzhou in May.
A. signs B. disease C. sickness D. discomfort
5. Last yearthe figure reached a staggering 498.2 billion yuan.
A. absorbing B. shocking C. appealing D. attracting
6. Despite the ongoing suspicion, demonization, and counterproductive rivalry, it is not a mathematical
formula whereby the developing nations get certain amounts of sanctions relief.
A. act of condemning B. act of describing somebody as foe
C. act of praising D. act of describing somebody as evil
7. The long-term ideals and ambitious goals have enabled the CPC to jump out of the fetters of pragmatism
and utilitarianism.
A. fence B. trammels C. jail D. dilemma
8. The clothes are cheapbut she wears them with a certain swagger.
A. jactitation B. proud C. strut D. profoundness
9. Singapore will no longer pay the Covid-19 medical bills for people “unvaccinated by choice”, the
government said, as the country grapples with a surge in cases.
A. struggles B. wrangles C. grasps D. tangles
10. The immediate past U.S. president waged a war against us with a lethal dose of tariffs, the impact of
which still lingers on American consumers wallets.
A. convenient B. sparse C. enormous D. fatal
11. Except under special circumstances, groundwater that is not replenished easily should not be exploited.
A. completed B. supplemented C. replaced D. alternated
12. Increased activity by these groups can also lead to increased state corruption and contribute to the
erosion of state stability.
A. corrosion B. development C. foundation D. ulceration
13. Giant pandas are playing and foraging inside the Shenshuping base of China Conservation and Research
Center for the Giant Panda in Wolong National Nature Reserve.
业: 英语笔译
科目名称: 翻译硕士英语(211 10 2
A. rolling B. harassing C. seeking foods D. seeking water
14. Geopolitical concerns are creating pressures for economies to reduce their supply dependence on
individual countries while decoupling is already underway in important high-tech industries.
A. isolating B. associating C. disclosing D. dissociating
15. It has zoomed in on provincial-level data to provide better insight into China’s climate and health
problems in different regions.
A. focused B. accumulated C. stimulated D. indulged
16. His 8-year-old younger brother also succumbed to the disease in less than two months.
A. received B. accustomed C. surrendered D. defeating
17. It may not have been the most sustainable leadership strategy, but of course, Steve Jobs bucked much
of management conventional wisdom.
A. complimentary B. contradictory C. supportable D. continual
18. Although we don’t have enough reliable data to compare whether the U.S. or China has suffered more,
it is all but certain that retaliatory tariffs have caused economic pain to both parties.
A. overcharged B. unbalanced C. vindicatory D. dangerous
19. This years Singles Day shopping extravaganza has stirred up consumers’ purchasing enthusiasm.
A. intention B. indulgence C. lust D. appetency
20. Among the city’s 17 national-level intangible cultural heritages, 10 are crafts and folk arts.
A. disconnected B. incomprehensible C. discarnate D. inevitable
II. In each of the following sentences, there are four underlined parts, marked with A, B, C and D.
Identify the part that is grammatically incorrect. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (10
1. Environmental experts are urging those US politicians opposed to a key international agreement set aside
commercial interests in order for the country to join the pact aimed at preserving biodiversity.
2. The billionaire CEO Elon Musk had already sold a combined $6.9 billion worth of shares in electronic-
car company Tesla as of Nov 12.
3. Researchers say they have uncovered the names of 102 Native American students who died at a federal
operated boarding school in Nebraska.
4. The coming Thanksgiving festival in the United States will be the most expensive in years because of
high food prices, which are also hurting many of the country’s food banks, which tens of millions of
people in the US rely.
业: 英语笔译
科目名称: 翻译硕士英语(211 10 3
5. This year, vaccine makers from around the globe took the top spot in the list of “Change the World”.
6. Zero-tolerance approach to the virus is a response to a rising call in the country for an easiness of the
measures to halt the latest wave of the virus.
7. The 2022 Winter Olympics will be the first Games in history exclusively power all venues with clean
energy from renewable sources.
8. The country’s commitment to peak carbon emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060
poses challenges to the coal industry.
9. The members of EDG and other staffs displayed tai chi martial arts and traditional Chinese costumes in
Reykjavik, launching a “Chinese hurricane” in the Icelandic capital.
10. Goldenrod is often referred to as “the flower of the devil”, as it spreads extremely fast and causes other
plants die.
III. Reading comprehension (40 points).
Section A Multiple Choice Questions
In this section there are four passages followed by sixteen multiple-choice questions. For each
multiple choice question, there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that
you think is the best answer and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET.
Passage 1
She was a small woman, old and wrinkled. When she started washing for us, she was already past
seventy. Most Jewish women of her age were sickly, weak, broken in body. But this washwoman, small and
thin as she was, possessed a strength that came from generations of peasant ancestors. Mother would count
out to her a bag of laundry that had accumulated over several weeks. She would then lift the bag, put it on
her narrow shoulders, and carry it the long way home.
She would bring the laundry back about two weeks later. My mother had never been so pleased with
any washwoman. Yet she charged no more than the others. She was a real find. Washing clothes was not
easy in those days. The old woman had no tap where she lived but had to bring in the water from a pump.
For the clothes and bedclothes to come out so clean, they had to be scrubbed thoroughly in a washtub, rinsed
with washing soda, soaked, boiled in an enormous pot, starched, then ironed. Every piece was handled ten
times or more.


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