
7 页
第1页 共 7页
广 西 民 族 大 学
2015 年硕士研究生入学考试初试自命题科目试题
(试卷代号:A 卷)
科目代码: 622
科目名称: 基础英语
适用学科专业: 英语语言文学,外国语言学及应用语言学
研究方向: 所有方向
第2页 共 7页
I. Vocabulary (20 points,1 point each)
Directions: There are 20 sentences in this part. Each sentence contains a word or phrase
which is underlined. Below each sentence are four other expressions. Choose the one which
would best keep the meaning of the original, and write down the letter A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet.
1. Please keep your comments pertinent to the topic under discussion.
A. relevant B. conforming C. satisfactory D. direct
2. He was deeply committed to political doctrines of social equality.
A. issues B. beliefs C. interests D. basics
3. His plots are always very ingenious.
A. stupid B. smart C. absurd D. consistent
4. In this example 'X' denotes the time taken and 'Y' the distance covered.
A. represents B. points to C. equals to D. emphasizes
5. He didn't give an adequate answer to the question.
A. enough B. wise C. prompt D. satisfactory
6. A high proportion of crime in any country is perpetrated by young males in their teens and twenties.
A. committed B. witnessed C. perceived D. restricted
7. Baldwin enlightened her as to the nature of the experiment.
A. showed B. explained to C. warned D. frightened
8. Most scientists believe it is legitimate to use animals in medical research.
A. desirable B. reasonable C. legal D. effective
9. He said he was resigning but did not elaborate on his reasons.
A. explain B. provide C. state D. tell
10. Success in the talks will reinforce his reputation as an international statesman.
A. establish B. form C. consolidate D. threaten
11. We did not realize the magnitude of the problem.
A. essence B. importance C. content D. consequences
第3页 共 7页
12. Sleep has often been thought of as being in some way analogous death.
A. similar B. close C. identical D. related
13. How much to tell terminally ill patients is left to the discretion of the doctor.
A. decision B. secrets C. contemplation D. words
14. The director tried to wave aside these issues as trivial details that could be settled later.
A. simple B. unimportant C. useless D. inferior
15. Some astronomers contend that the universe may be younger than previously thought.
A. explain B. agree C. think D. argue
16. It takes time to really understand all these facts.
A. ruminate B. realize C. assimilate D. accept
17. Computers can be used to make language learning easier.
A. facilitate B. accelerate B. relieve D. alleviate
18. The selection process is based on rigorous tests of competence and experience.
A. serious B. thorough C. difficult D. demanding
19. He appended a glossary to his novel where he used an invented language.
A. added B. used C. included D. compiled
20. Mr Norris said he was hopeful that his request would elicit a positive response.
A. cause B. obtain C. produce D. call forth
II. Reading Comprehension (80 points)
Directions: The following two passages are followed by some questions or unfinished
statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide
on the best choice and write down the letter on your answer sheet.
Passage 1 (15 points, 3 points each)
One of the great mysteries of the brain is that we still cannot pin down exactly what a memory
is—that is, how neural circuitry stores a given recollection. Yet in the last decade we have learned a lot
about memory’s limitations. Memories are not necessarily written into our brains like ink on paper. Think
of them instead as inscribed in clay, suggests André Fenton, a neuroscientist at New York University’s
Center for Neural Science. Every time you access a memory, the message can get smudged, just as a clay
tablet might if you were to pick it up and run your fingers over its surface. Ongoing biochemical processes