广西民族大学-211 翻译硕士英语(试卷B卷)【2019】考研真题

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2019 年全国硕士研究生招生考试初试试题
科目代码:211 科目名称:翻译硕士英语
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Part I. Basic English Knowledge (35 points)
Section A: Multiple-choice (20 points)
Directions: There are forty multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each
question. Please write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
1. Hoping to make his employees more comfortable, .
A. a dozen new chairs were purchased by the new boss
B. the new boss purchased a dozen new chairs.
C. the new boss had purchased a dozen new chairs.
D. a dozen new chairs had been purchased by the new boss.
2. I knew I could not complete the task .
A. by the boss came B. until the boss has come
C. when the boss comes D. before the boss came
3. Only after his homework to watch TV.
A. he has finished; is he allowed B. has he finished; is he allowed
C. he has finished; he is allowed D. has he finished; he is allowed
4. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen comfortably.
A. is worn B. wears C. wearing D. wear
5. Victor took a bus and headed for home, if his wife would have him back.
A. not to know B. not known C. not knowing D. not having known
6. Unfortunately there are times when I’ve played when I probably and it has cost me a lot.
A. couldn’t have B. shouldn’t have C. wouldn’t have D. mustn’t have
7. Most peasants were reduced to grass and leaves during the severe famine.
A. eating B. eat C. have eaten D. ate
8. They fireworks in the stadium last night to celebrate the win.
A. set in B. set out C. set against D. set off
9. In order to marry his wife, Tommy to Islam.
A. changed B. exchanged C. converted D. turned
10. This morning, my work was by a constant stream of visitors.
A. hampered B. tangled C. reversed D. perplexed
11. The growing size of the population is major concern of society nowadays.
A. /; the B. a; / C. a; the D. the; the
12. It is not fair that you come home after a bad day at work and your wife and kids.
A. take it off on B. take it on with
C. take it out on D. take it up with
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13. Recent editions of the Chinese classic, based on manuscripts more authoritative than those hitherto
available, have rendered previous editions .
A. obstinate B. inaccessible C. illegible D. obsolete
14. Most good writers use every means to make the readers’ way smooth and easy.
A. at their disposal B. at their request
C. at their will D. at their convenience
15. The first keynote speaker really showed his remarkably keen into human nature.
A. perception B. intellect C. understanding D. insight
16. This region is expected to return to economic growth this year and next.
A. respective B. respect C. respectful D. respectable
17. An increasing proportion of our population, unable to live without advanced medical , will
become progressively more reliant on expensive technology.
A. interference B. interruption C. intervention D. interaction
18. in an atmosphere of simple living was what his parents wished for.
A. He was educated B. He educated
C. His being educated D. He to be educated
19. I love the poetry of the Middle Age despite its tendency to be overtly .
A. diverting B. didactic C. emotional D. romantic
20. Most people believe that epidemics occur after a natural disaster, but it is not true.
A. spontaneously B. simultaneously C. homogeneously D. instantaneously
21. Although the school still decided to carry it out, most parents the new regulation set by the
A. objected to B. rebelled against C. fought against D. struck for
22. In Brooklyn, police officers found it hard to persuade people to heed orders.
A. evaluation B. evacuation C. estimation D. examination
23. If they conspire with each other to exclude potential competitors, the successful tender shall be .
A. detoxified B. nullified C. rectified D. ramified
24. All the workers in the company are free medical care.
A. provided for B. involved in C. connected with D. entitled to
25. The flowers sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.
A. smelling B. to smell C. smelt D. to be smelt
26. The Pentagon cannot point to any gains resulting from the interrogation techniques used at
A. intelligent B. intellectual C. intelligence D. intellect
27. She is reliable and thoughtful, so her friends like to their trouble to her.
A. pour down B. pour into C. pour forth D. pour on
28. The teacher suggested that her students experiences with ESP.
A. write a composition on their
B. to write a composition about the
C. wrote some compositions of their
D. had written some compositions of their
29. Many animals have a heart, such as fish.
A. bicentennial B. bikini C. bicameral D. binocular
30. It would be a blessing for the human race if the mosquito could be .
A. wiped up B. wiped away C. wiped off D. wiped out
31. I am sorry I have no time to more detail or give you an account of other cities of interest.
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A. bring into B. take into C. come into D. go into
32. It is not much the language as the background that makes the book difficult to understand.
A. that B. so C. as D. very
33. Mobile Karaoke may be to Japan, but the love affair with mobile phone is worldwide.
A. weird B. strange C. odd D. peculiar
34. While he had the fever, he for days.
A. raved B. sniggered C. tittered D. perforated
35. He was brought before the for trial.
A. tribunal B. isle C. granary D. observatory
36. We believe that no country should interfere with the internal of another country.
A. matter B. matters C. affairs D. affair
37. I told my sister that I had one million dollars. She really the story.
A. fell in B. fell with C. fell for D. fell through
38. Bebop’s legacy is one: bebop may have won jazz the right to be taken seriously as an art form,
but it jazz’s mass audience, which turned to other forms of music such as rock.
A. a mixed; alienated B. a troubled; seduced
C. an ambiguous; aggrandized D. a valuable; refined
39. Treaties are only the governments that sign them, and governments change.
A. as long as B. as far as C. as good as D. so long as
40. Although based on an actual event, the film lacks . The director shuffles events, simplifies the
tangle of relationships, and documentary truth for dramatic power.
A. conviction; embraces B. verisimilitude; sacrifices
C. expressiveness; exaggerates D. realism; substitutes
Section B: Proofreading and Error Correction (15 points)
Directions: The following passage contains 10 errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of
ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it.
Please write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
Standing tall as the defining landmark of Toronto is the CN
Tower, Canada’s National Tower. On 553.33 meters, it is the
world’s tallest freestanding tower and a symbol of Canadian
achievement recognized around the world. This architectural
triumph is an engineering wonder of the modern world and
widely regarded as the iconic symbol of tourism for Toronto.
With breathtaking views from three observation levels, the CN
Tower is a worldly class entertaining and dining destination and
must-see attraction when visiting Toronto.
The CN Tower has dominated Toronto’s skyline during
daylight hours since it opened 31 years before. But at night, the
dimly lit giant fades nearly to black. Not anymore. Last week, it
was illuminated for the first time in a dazzling light show. CN
Tower can now claim to be the world’s tallest illuminated
structure. The newly lit tower will consume up 60 percent less
electricity than the old scheme. It is an energy efficient, costly
effective and architecturally stunning result that whole


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