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注:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,试卷上作答无效 1 ( 15 页)
2017 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试
科目名称 译硕士英语 (A)
科目代码 211 ____
注:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,试卷上作答无效 2 ( 15 页)
I 词汇语法部分 40分)
一、 多项选择
A. 选择一项最佳答案将句子补充完整。(共30小题,每小题0.5分,15分)
1. For the transaction to succeed, some means had to be found to ________ the
trustee to comply with the terms of the trust.
[A] compile [B]confront [C] compel [D]control
2. For any Chinese or Asian, the successful launch of Shenzhou 5 is ________ a
cause for jubilation.
[A] doubtable [B] doubtless [C] doubtful [D] undoubted
3. With the advance of the medical technology, some cancers are treated by
__________therapy nowadays.
[A] radiant [B]radiance [C] radiation [D]radical
4. Although 20 years passed, Mary still remembers some _________ of that
[A] pieces [B] chips [C] fragments [D] shatters
5. His hands were white and small, his frame was __________, his voice was quiet
and his manners were refined.
[A] briskly [B]delicate [C]fragile [D] breakable
6. The technicians are working hard to __________the design of the new car to
make it more competitive in the overseas market.
[A] find [B] modify [C] develop [D] make
7. Temperatures will ___________ 38ºC over the weekend due to the heat wave,
says the weather forecaster.
[A]drop down [B]fall down [C]soar into [D]soar up
8. The schools themselves admit that not all children will be successful in the jobs,
________ they are being trained.
[A] in that [B] for that [C] in which [D] for which
9. Those members requested that China undertake an appropriate commitment to
_________ these practices.
[A] cut off [B]eliminate [C]remove [D] struggle
10. Generally speaking, this is not a usual exit. You should only use this door in
[ A] emergence [B] emergency [C] urgency [D] accident
注:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,试卷上作答无效 3 ( 15 页)
11. The government has promised to do ________ lies in its power to ease the
hardships of the victims in the flood-
[A] however [B]whichever [C] whatever [D] wherever
12. The money withheld from the employee’s ___________ may be kept in the
company’s checking account for a brief time until the payment is due.
[A] bill [B] paycheck [C] paper [D] card
13. The lecture which lasted about three hours was so __________ that the audience
couldn’t help yawning.
[A] tedious [B] bored [C] clumsy [D] tired
14. Whether or not we go to Europe for our holiday _________ whether we can save
enough money to cover the cost.
[A] depends on [B]relies on [C]builds on [D] takes on
15. It remains a hot issue whether high school students should be encouraged to
________serious social issues like the causes of unemployment.
[A] look after [B] look up [C]look into [D] look around
16. The worsening economic conditions will _________lead to more crimes and
more victims.
[A]absolutely [B] inevitably [C] certainly [D] undoubtedly
17. Wines can be ____________ as dry, medium or sweet according to their sugar
[A]divided [B] ranged [C] viewed [D] classified
18. There’s absolutely no ___________between the different work teams --- we don’t
know what others are doing.
[A] agreement [B] coordination [C]understanding [D]discussion
19. He was a really considerate friend --- always available to help at the ________
hint of trouble.
[A] sight [B]slight [C] slightest [D]signal
20. The ___________ at the military academy is so rigid that most students can
hardly bear it.
[A] convention [B] confinement [C] principle [D] discipline
21. Batista was keeping himself in power only by a mounting use of _________,
corruption and violence.
[A]depression [B] compression [C]confession [D]repression


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