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2017 年硕士研究生统一入学考试试题
科目名称: 翻译硕士英语
A 卷
Part I Grammar and Vocabulary 30%
There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases
mark A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
Mark your answers on your answer sheet.
1. During the big fire in the school, the teacher _______ the students into groups and asked each group
to carry water to throw on the flames.
A. dispersed B. organized C. scattered D. ordered
2. His poor health _______ him to resign from his job.
A. compelled B. treasured C. transplanted D. trimmed
3. They were trying to _______ the fact that they had lost everything.
A. take up B. look to C. take to D. face up to
4. In spite of the _______ , it seemed that many of the invited guests would still show up.
A. deviation B. distinction C. controversy D. comparison
5. His _______ directions confused us; we did not know which of the two roads to take.
A. ambiguous B. complicated C. arbitrary D. intricate
6. The famous scientist _______ his success to hard work.
A. imparted B. granted C. ascribed D. acknowledged
7. The old lady has developed a ________ cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.
A. perpetual B. permanent C. chronic D. sustained
8. Nepal is a country in central Asia that is landlocked and _______ by the Himalayas.
A. secluded B. bordered C. integrated D. opened
9. This old lady is so _______ that she even believes what a stranger says.
A. sophisticated B. guilty C. sarcastic D. gullible
10. The prodigal son spent his money extravagantly and soon after he left home he was reduced to a
A. lavishly B. economically C. thriftily D. extrovertly
11. The court met again after an adjournment of two weeks.
A. continuation B. suspension C. accomplishment D. commencement
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12. With tears in her eyes, the champion was oblivious to the cheering in the stands.
A. grateful B. unaware of C. conscious of D. pleased with
13. He used his newspapers to beguile the readers into buying shares in his company.
A. convince B. encourage C. trick D. persuade
14. His pale gray eyes were gleaning with ferocity and triumph.
A. joy B. depression C. inspiration D. cruelty
15. When Mary heard the good news she tried to sound casual, but her excitement was obvious.
A. disinterested B. without plan c. without warning D. uncaring
16. My boss ordered that the legal documents _______ to him before supper.
A. were sent B. be sent C. were to be sent D. must be sent
17. Twelve is to six _______ two is to one.
A. what B. which C. that D. where
18. A survey was carried out on death rate of new-born babies in that region, _______ were surprising.
A. the result of it B. the results C. the results of which D. which results
19. It was _______ we had hoped.
A. more a success than B. a success more than
C. as much of a success as D. a success as much as
20. They ________ the park of late.
A. will visit B. have visited C. are visiting D. visited
21. I never regretted ________ his offer, for it was not where my interest lay.
A. not to accept B. not having accepted
C. having not accepted D. not accepting
22. She said she would work it out herself _______ ask me for help.
A. and not to B. but not C. and prefer not D. rather than
23. Have you ever been in a situation _____ you know the other person is right yet you cannot agree
with him?
A. by which B. that C. in where D. where
24. Do help yourself to some fruit, _____ you?
A. can't B. don't C. wouldn't D. won't
25. Western.Nebraska generally receives less snow than _____ Eastern Nebraska.
A. in B. it receives in C. does D. it does in
26. They fulfilled the task in _____ it took us.
A. three-fourths time B. three-fourth time
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C. three-fourths the time D. the three-fourths time
27. These goods are sold at reduced prices, ________.
A. the defects are pointed out to the customer
B. the defects pointed out to the customers
C. the defects have been pointed out to the customers
D. the defects being pointed out to the customers
28.Last year, I paid a three-day visit to the company as a visiting engineer and was treated
A. such B. like it C. as such D. such as
29. This is _______. She wrote her name on the first page.
A. a Sherrys book B. a book of Sherry
C. Sherrys a book D. a book of Sherrys
30. Fond of singing as she is, she is _______ a good singer by profession.
A. everything but B. anything but
C. nothing but D. something but
Part II Reading Comprehension (40%)
Section 1 Multiple-choice Questions. (30%)
In this section, there are three passages followed by questions or unfinished
statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that
you think is the best answer
and m
ark your answer on your ANSWER SHEET.
Passage 1
Biologically, there is only one quality which distinguishes us from animals: the ability to laugh. In a
universe which appears to be utterly devoid of humor, we enjoy this supreme luxury. And it is a luxury,
for unlike any other bodily process, laughter does not seem serve a biologically useful purpose. In a
divided world, a laughter is a unifying force. Human begins oppose each other on a great many issues.
Nations may disagree about systems of government and human relations may be plagued by ideological
factions and political camps, but we all share the ability to laugh. And laughter, in turn, depends on the
most complex and subtle of all-human qualities: a sense of humor. Certain comic stereotypes have a
universal appeal. This can best be seen from the world-wide popularity of Charlie Chaplain's early films.
The little man at odds with society never fails to amuse no matter which country we come from. As that
great commentator on human affairs, Dr. Samuel Johnson, once remarked, "Men have been wise in very
different modes; but they have always laughed in the same way."


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