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杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命 题 纸
2017 考试科目代码 243 考试科目名称 二外英语 (本考试科目共 11页,第 1页)
杭 州 师 范 大 学
2017 年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试题
考试科目代码: 243
考试科目名称: 二外英语
Part I Reading Comprehension
Skimming and Scanning
Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the
questions on the Answer Sheet.
For questions 1 - 7, mark
Y(for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;
N(for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;
NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.
For questions 8 - 10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.
Is Your Life Worth 30 Minutes a Day?
Don’t be afraid of the E word — it could mean your survival. People who aren’t engaging in
regular exercise can reap significant health benefits if they accumulate 30 minutes of
moderate-intensity physical activity most days of the week.
What can help prevent stroke ( 中 风 ), heart disease and some cancer? What can lift
depressionease arthritis (关节炎) pain and increase both the length and quality of life to name
just a few of its benefits?
“If packed into a pill,” sums up Dr. Robert Butler, former director of the National Institute on
Aging, “it would be the single most widely prescribed ( 写处方) and beneficial medicine in the
杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命 题 纸
2017 考试科目代码 243 考试科目名称 二外英语 (本考试科目共 11页,第 2页)
nation. “ Best of all, it is free and available to everyone.”
Exercise Can Help People Stay Healthy
Give up? The answer is the E word: exercise. But you don’t have to change into gym shorts or,
heaven forbid, sweat for an hour. Instead, the U.S. Surgeon General’s report Physical Activity and
Health offers this simple exercise prescription: people who aren’t engaging in regular exercise can
reap significant health benefits if they accumulate 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical
activity most days of the week.
Americans Expend Much Less Energy and Time on Exercise
Americans today expend much less energy than did previous generations, perhaps as much as
a few hundred calories per day less. All the “advances” that make our lives easier like
e-commerce () , and automatic doors contribute to the current epidemic (流行病) of
obesity (肥胖) and related disease.
Experts say that if you expend just ten extra calories a day by being more active, over a year
you can lose a pound mostly fat. And if you burn 150 extra calories a day the equivalent of a
30-minutes’ walk in a year that’s ten pounds. (If you also eat 150 calories less that’s about
half a candy bar you could lose an additional ten pounds.)
The sad fact is that only about 15 percent of American adults engage regularly in vigorous
physical activity for at least 20 minutes three times a week. More than 60 percent are not regularly
physically active, and 25 percent are totally sedentary (久坐的).
The Benefit of Moderate Exercise
Yet the benefits of moderate exercise are amazing. Consider how exercise helps the following:
diabetes (尿). The number of Americans diagnosed with diabetes has increased six fold since
1958, to a record high of ten million presented by www.hongduen.com. This alarming rise is linked
to our expanding waistlines, junk food diet and inactivity. Some experts feel that the most common
form of diabetes is preventable with a proper diet and regular activity. In diabetics, the hormone
insulin ( ) does not properly regulate glucose ( ) levels in the blood. When
people exercise, the body fuels the activity by taking glucose out of their blood to use for energy.
Exercise Can Help Patients Suffering from the Following Diseases
Heart Attacks and Stroke. One of the simplest, safest, least expensive and most effective
strategies for improving heart health is frequently neglected: exercise. It reduces blood pressure and
can help raise the level of “good” cholesterol (胆固醇)while lowering “bad” cholesterol when
combined with dietary changes.
Remember: for every one percent reduction in blood cholesterol, the occurrence of coronary
(冠状动脉的) heart disease is reduced by two percent. Moreover, people who exercise one hour per
day cut their risk for stroke nearly in half, according to a study of 11,130 Harvard University
alumni (男女校友).
Mental Health. When asked why she started swimming during her freshman year at Boston
杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命 题 纸
2017 考试科目代码 243 考试科目名称 二外英语 (本考试科目共 11页,第 3页)
University, world-class endurance swimmer Julie Ridge replied, “It was a mental thing.” While
sedentary people may assume that working out is about looking goodhabitual exercisers like Ridge
know that it is largely about feeling good. A growing body of research shows that physical activity
does, indeed, exert a “feel good” effect that can work as a powerful treatment for depression.
Arthritis. Many people including some physicians still haven’t heard the new message
that exercise can help people with arthritis now affecting nearly 43 million Americans. “We’ve
come from thinking that physical fitness was impossible for people with arthritis to know that
exercise is one of the best ways to manage their disease and minimize their disability,” says Marian
Minor, an associate professor of Physical therapy at the University of Missouri, Columbia.
Exercise can reduce pain by keeping joints () flexible and the muscles around the joints
strong. A person with arthritis who has other medical conditions or a lot of pain should get a
physician’s referral ( 建 议 ) to a physical therapist who can design an individualized exercise
Cancer. Each year over a million Americans learn they have cancer the second leading
cause of death in the Unites States after heart disease. In 1996 the American Cancer Society added
regular physical activity to the list of preventive measures it advocates. According to one large
study of people at various levels of fitness, the least fit men died from cancer at a rate more than
three times higher than that of the most fit men. And, notes Informed Decisions, the American
Cancer Society’s guide to the disease, an earlier study found “the least fit women had fully16 times
the cancer death rate of the most fit women.”
Scientists still don’t know the precise mechanisms by which exercise appears to exert an
“anticancer” effect, but current thinking points to physical activity’s effect on the immune and
endocrine (内分泌的) system.
So Choose to Move. Stop viewing exercise as a “workout” and start thinking of it as play —
a welcome daily recess () that frees your body from the confines of its workaday routines. And
if you have any health concerns, you should, of course, consult a physician first.
1. Americans today expend more energy than their forefathers in the past.
2. In a way, some modern conveniences result in people’s obesity and related diseases.
3. Exercise is a free and available way for people to be away from illness.
4. Exercise can help increase blood pressure and lower the level of “good” cholesterol while raising
“bad” cholesterol when combined with dietary changes.
5. More and more American adults take part in physical activity regularly.
6. Regular and moderate physical activity has beneficial effect on people’s health.
7. Exercise can help smokers and drinkers get rid of cigarette smoking and drinking.
8. One of the simplest, safest, least expensive and most effective strategies for improving heart
health is _______.


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