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杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命题 纸
2012 考试科目代码 716 考试科目名称 综合英语(一) (本考试科目共 12页,第 1页)
杭 州 师 范 大 学
2012 年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试题
考试科目代码: 716
考试科目名称: 综合英语(一)
I. Cloze(每小题 1分,20 分)
Fill in the blanks with proper words (the first letter is given).
Sigmund Freud was born in Moravia but moved to Vienna with his parents at the age of
four. He is known as the (1)i________ of psychoanalysis, a method of treating people with
(2)m________ or physical illnesses. During (3)t________ the patient is made to examine what
he can remember about his (4)p________ life which may have caused the illness. Freud’s
theory was that these past (5)e________ have been repressed, or held back, in the unconscious
One way of explaining the (6)c________ of the conscious and the (7)s________ mind, is
to think of an iceberg, one tenth of which is (8)v________ on the surface of the sea, but the
other nine-tenths of which lie (9)h________ in the deep, dark waters.
By bringing the subconscious experiences to the surface and out into the conscious mind,
the patient and (10)d________ can analyze all the different parts, which make up the
(11)p________ psychological condition. In other words, they analyze or examine any
(12)a________ complexes that the patient may have. This (13)a________ analysis of past
experiences, Freud believed, would help to (14)c________ the patient.
Freud’s major (15)w________ is called The Interpretation of Dreams. In it Freud presents the
theory that the unconscious mind tries to (16)r________ consciousnesses during sleep, through the
(17)p________ of dreaming. Through (18)s________ and (19)i________, almost like a film,
dreams express our unconscious fears and (20)d________. The analysis of dreams could help us to
understand our waking lives.
II. Reading Comprehension(共 40 分)
杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命题 纸
2012 考试科目代码 716 考试科目名称 综合英语(一) (本考试科目共 12页,第 2页)
Part A (每小2分,共 30 )
Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D.
Study requires a student’s undivided attention. It is impossible to acquire a complex skill or
absorb information about a subject in class unless one learns to concentrate without undue stress for
long periods of time. Students with Attention Deficit Disorder (A. D. D.) are particularly deficient
in this respect for reasons which are now known to be neurobiological and not behavioural, as was
once believed. Of course, being unable to concentrate, and incapable of pleasing the teacher and
oneself in the process, quickly leads to despondence and low self-esteem. This will naturally induce
behavioural problems.
It is estimated that 3-5% of all children suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder. There are three
main types of Attention Deficit Disorder: A. D. D. without Hyperactivity, A. D. D. with
Hyperactivity (A. D. H. D.), and Undifferentiated A. D. D.
The characteristics of a person with A. D. D. are as follows:
a. has difficulty paying attention
b. does not appear to listen
c. is unable to carry out given instructions
d. avoids or dislikes tasks which require sustained mental effort
e. has difficulty with organization
f. is easily distracted
g. often loses things
h. is forgetful in daily activities
Children with A. D. H. D. also exhibit excessive and inappropriate physical activity, such as
constant fidgeting and running about the room. This boisterousness often interferes with the
educational development of others. Undifferentiated A. D. D. sufferers exhibit some, but not all, of
the symptoms of each category.
It is important to base remedial action on accurate diagnosis. Since A. D. D. is a physiological
disorder caused by some structural or chemically-based neurotransmitter problem in the nervous
system, it responds especially well to certain psychostimulant drugs, such as Ritalin. In use since
1953, the drug enhances the ability to structure and complete a thought without being overwhelmed
by non-related and distracting thought processes.
Psychostimulants are the most widely used medications for persons with A. D. D. and A. D. H.
D. Recent findings have validated the use of stimulant medications, which work in about 70-80% of
杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命题 纸
2012 考试科目代码 716 考试科目名称 综合英语(一) (本考试科目共 12页,第 3页)
A. H. D. D. children and dults (Wilens and BIederman, 1997). In fact, up to 90% of distractibility in
A. D. D. sufferers can be removed by medication. The specific dose of medicine varies for each
child, but such drugs are not without side effects, which include the reduction in appetite, loss of
weight, and problems with falling asleep.
Not all students who are inattentive in class have Attention Deficit Disorder. Many are simply
unwilling to commit themselves to the task at hand. Others might have a specific learning disability
(S. L. D.). However, those with A. D. D. have difficulty performing in school not usually because
they have trouble learning, but because of poor organization, inattention, compulsion and
impulsiveness. This is brought about by an incompletely understood phenomenon, in which the
individual is, perhaps, best described as “tuning out” for short to long periods of time. The effect is
analogous to the switching of channels on a television set. The difference is that an A. D. D. suffers
is not “in charge of the remote control”. The child with A. D. D. is unavailable to learn —
something else has involuntarily captured his or her whole attention.
It is commonly thought that A. D. D. only affects children, and that they grow out of the
condition once they reach adolescence. It is now known that this is often not the case. Left
undiagnosed or untreated, children with all forms of A. D. D. risk a lifetime of failure to relate
effectively to others at home, school, college and at work. This brings significant emotional
disturbances into play, and is very likely to negatively affect self-esteem. Fortunately, early
identification of the problem, together with appropriate treatment, make it possible for many
victims to overcome the substantial obstacles that A. D. D. places in the way of successful learning.
1. The number of main types of A. D. D. is _______.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
2. Attention Deficit Disorder ________.
A. is a cause of behavioural problems
B. is very common in children
C. has difficulty paying attention
D. none of the above
3. Wilens and Biederman have shown that _______.
A. stimulant medications are useful
B. psychostimulants do not always work
C. hyperactive persons respond well to pshchostimulants
D. all of the above


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