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杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命题 纸
2012 考试科目代码 243 考试科目名称 二外英语 (本考试科目共 11页,第 1页)
杭 州 师 范 大 学
2012 年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试题
考试科目代码: 243
考试科目名称: 二外英语
Part I Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) 20 分)
Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer
the questions on Answer Skeet .
For questions 1 -7, marked
Y( for YES ) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage.
N ( for NO ) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage.
NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.
For question 8 - 10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.
Learn to love your job
Are you familiar with kudzu--a prolific vine that wraps itself around other vegetation,
strangling the life out of it? Does this sound like what your job is doing to you? Rather than helping
you to blossom, is your job running you over like a lawnmower? Stop the madness! You spend too
much time at work to be miserable. You can cut through "career kudzu" by putting the following
advice into action.
Be Honest With Your Boss Your boss may be talented and inspirational, but probably not a
mind - reader, ff you are frustrated at work, speak up. Your boss has a right to know if you are
feeling undervalued, burned out, or desperately in need of a more flexible schedule. There are, of
course, ways to conduct this talk so that you don't sound whiny or hopelessly confused. You may be
more appreciated and have more options than you thought. A good boss can give you strategies to
pull your attitude out of a funk. Give it a chance, and be honest with your discussion.
Let the Job Bring Out Your Best If you have a job that matches your skills poorly, you'll
end up hating it. For example, sales jobs are not for everyone. An introverted, quiet person is likely
to feel uncomfortable chasing down some sales quota. Your job should fit like a globe, not force
you to be something you are not. m-fitting jobs cause stress, according to psychologist Bill
杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命题 纸
2012 考试科目代码 243 考试科目名称 二外英语 (本考试科目共 11页,第 2页)
Crawford, stress is a signal that something needs to change. "Suffering is when we don't make the
change," Crawford explains, "Often we don't listen to the signal of stress in our lives until it
becomes a severe problem." If your job is not fulfilling, get creative. Drastic changes are not always
necessary. Arlene S. Hirsch, author of Love Your Work and Success Will Follow, tells the story of a
banker with strong financial analysis skills who was experiencing great job dissatisfaction. He
recaptured his love for music by accepting a job as CFO for a symphony orchestra. Smart move!
Acknowledge Your Anger If you really hate your job, it's likely that you are fired up about
something. Pinpointing the source of your anger is a crucial first step. According to Dr. Hendrie
Weisinger, there are 5 main anger--provoking work situations: 1. Being left our. Not being accepted
by your peers severely limits how effective you can be on the job, and shakes your fundamental
need for acceptance. 2. Critical bosses. Nitpicking bosses are infuriating. 3. Not getting promoted.
You try your best and it's never acknowledged. 4. being maligned by co-workers. Being victimized
by false rumors is a consistent anger arouser. 5. Incompetent bosses. An incompetent boss can stifle
your enthusiasm and torpedo your chances for job satisfaction.
Get Rid of Grudges When people work together, hurt feelings, misunderstanding, and cross
words are inevitable, ff you are mistreated at work, you'll be tempted to get even. Be careful:
Making enemies can lead straight to job misery. Even if you have been treated unfairly, you can
take the high road. While practicing forgiveness may be the last thing you want to do, it is often the
wisest move. Offenders may not deserve your kindness, but you do. By forgiving abusive jerks, you
are actually giving yourself a break. Sure, you can quit your job in a huff and seek greener pastures
elsewhere. Find a place where people treat you with the love and respect that you deserve. Right?
Wrong! You'll find "challenging" co-workers wherever you go. They just look different and have
different names. You'd be better off finding ways to live in peace with people with various value
Above all else, try to keep your perspective. We all hate our jobs occasionally? The trick is to
keep those times few and far between. Putting these tips into practice will help you gain greater
satisfaction at work. And when you consider that happy employees are more likely to get ahead,
isn't that a goal worth smiling about?
1. If you are frustrated at work you should not reveal your emotion to others.
2. A good boss can give you strategies to help his employees be brave.
3. If you have a job that cannot match your skills, it will help you to develop your courage
4. Ill-fitting jobs indicate changes should be made.
5. Drastic changes are always necessary when job cannot give you satisfaction .
6. If your boss is critical, it will make you infuriate.
7. If you are mistreated in the work, you'll be temped to revenge.
8. While being tolerant may be the thing you don’t want to do, it is often .
杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命题 纸
2012 考试科目代码 243 考试科目名称 二外英语 (本考试科目共 11页,第 3页)
9. You ‘ll find co-workers that difficult to get on well with everywhere, but you had better
10. When we hate our jobs, the trick is to .
Part II Complete the sentences by choosing the proper word given below .You should mark
the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet .10 分)
11. My students found the book it provided them with an abundance of information
on the subject.
A. enlightening B. confusing C. distracting D. amusing
12 More and more people produce more wastes. But this problem is by our
"throw-away" technology.
Aenlarged B. increased C. intensified D. expanded
13. If businessmen are taxed too much, will no longer be motivated to work hard,
with the result that incomes from taxation might actually.
A. shrink B. delay C. disperse D. sink
14Through the controlled use of insecticides, man has the land, killing the wildlife.
A. occupied B. decreased C. polluted D. taken
15. Teachers need to give serious to how young adults can be best accommodate
the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that they experience.
A. thought B. idea C. opinion D. advice
16. Variety of small clubs can provide opportunities for leadership, as well as for
practice in successful group dynamics.
A. durable B. excessive C . surplus D. multiple
17. Water might seep slowly through the soil it soaks through into the natural reservoirs
A. because B. if C. after D. as
18. American companies are evolving from mass-production manufacturing
to enterprises.
A. moveable B. changing C. flexible D. varying
19. repairing a toaster or a radio, it is easier and cheaper to buy a new one and discard
the old, even though 95 percent of its parts may still be functioning.
A. In spite of B. Instead of C. In addition to D. In favor of
20. There is a problem with this recycling system. It is a balance that can be easily by
A. upset B. created C. discovered D. invented
21. They were thought of, like people generations, with the distance between
generations much smaller.


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