
2024-01-26 999+ 660.81KB 12 页
科目代码: 622 科目名称: 基础英语(2(共 12 页)
Part I. Cloze (20 points)
Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there
are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You must choose the ONE that best
fits into the passage.
Promptness is important in American business, academic, and social
settings. The 1 of punctuality is taught to young children in school. The
use of bells 2 to the child that punctuality and time itself are to be
3 .
People who 4 appointments are considered 5 . If people are
late to job interviews, appointments or classes, they are often 6 as
unreliable and irresponsible. In the business world, “time is money” and
companies may fine their 7 for being late to business meetings. Of
course, it is not 8 possible to be punctual. Social and business etiquette
also provide 9 for late arrivals. Calling on the telephone if one is going
to be more than a few minutes late for 10 appointments is considered
polite and is often expected. Keeping a friend waiting 11 ten to twenty
minutes is considered rude. On the 12 hand, arriving thirty minutes late
to some parties is 13 .
Respecting deadlines is also important in academic and professional
14 . It is expected that deadlines for class 15 or business reports will
be met. Students who hand 16 assignments late may be 17 to
find that the professor will lower their 18 or even refuse to grade their
work. 19 it is a question of arriving on time or of meeting a deadline,
people are culturally 20 to regulate time.
1. A) sense B) importance C) influence D) meaning
2. A) symbolize B) signal C) sign D) reflect
3. A) awed B) loved C) respected D) devoted
4. A) do B) leave C) make D) keep
5. A) dependable B) independent C) dependent D) undependable
6. A) watched B) observed C) looked D) viewed
7. A) executives B) leaders C) chiefs D) presidents
8. A) often B) frequently C) always D) usually
9. A) rules B) theories C) orders D) laws
10. A) programmed B) planned C) scheduled D) projected
11. A) past B) more C) beyond D) about
12. A) another B) other C) each D) one
13. A) acceptable B) available C) accessible D) adaptable
14. A) circles B) grounds C) fields D) rounds
15. A) works B) duties C) assignments D) responsibilities
16. A) out B) over C) from D) in
17. A) astonished B) surprised C) astounded D) amazed
18. A) figures B) levels C) numbers D) grades
19. A) How B) When C) Where D) Whether
20. A) restricted B) conditioned C) surrounded D) termed
Part II. Reading Comprehension (40 points)
Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by
some questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.
Choose the one that you think is the best answer.
Passage One
What is there to write about in today’s column, other than the barbaric
attacks of those heartless terrorists that took place 11 years ago today?
Thousands of people in New Jersey, NYC and the District of Columbia started
their morning on that day in their usual manner, but since then things have
never been the same, for them and for the rest of the world. In cold blood,
fewer than 20 men rocked the boat globally through their unjustifiable,
despicable(卑劣的)and treacherous(奸诈的)actions. Many innocent lives
perished during these attacks.
Every anniversary of this tragic day, I make a habit to set aside a
substantial amount of time for myself and pray. My immediate prayers always
go for the victims of these brutal attacks. I pray for those who died, and I pray
even harder for their loved ones. I try to empathize(神会)with the pain and
grief they must have felt on that day and since then. I can only imagine the
terror in the hearts and minds of those people who heard the news of the
attacks and desperately tried to contact their loved ones in Manhattan and
Washington D.C. In the early hours of that horrific day, I can only imagine the
pain of those who in panic were waiting to hear from a spouse, father, mother,
son, daughter, relative or a friend who will never come home. I can picture the
flowing tears of those who finally received the heart-wrenching news of their
loved ones but can only imagine their state of mind, how their thoughts sunk
into deep sorrow. As I pray, I wonder: what do these people do every
September 11? How do they hold it together? I bring up these wounded souls
in my thoughts and prayers and pray for strength, recovery and healing for
I pray that as a nation we will never fall short to hold these people and
support them in any way that we can, as we remember them in our thoughts
and prayers. I pray that their stories will not be stolen from them. I hope and
pray that we will not pour salt into their bleeding wounds, abusing their
memories by using them to score political points and/or to advance our own
agenda. Many immediate relatives of the victims told me personally that
seeing 9/11 misused to justify all sorts of non-worthy and cheap things deeply
hurt them and increased their pain.
21. The phrase rock the boat in the sentence in cold blood, fewer than 20
men rocked the boat globally through their unjustifiable, despicable and
treacherous actions” (Paragraph 1) means __________.
A) to spoil the good or comfortable situation
B) to get into difficulties
C) to face the same dangers
D) to make a special effort
22. Which sentence best expresses the main idea of this passage?
A) The writer looks back on how people’s work and their lives were
changed after those reprehensible attacks 11 years ago.
B) The writer sets aside time to pray every September 11.
C) The writer calls on people to fight against terrorism.
D) The writer recalls how people survived during those attacks.
23. The phrase “fall short” in I pray that as a nation we will never fall short


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