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考试科目: 翻译硕士英语 11 页,第 1
2023 年招收攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(A卷)
招生专业与代码:英语笔译 055101
考试科目名称及代码: 翻译硕士英语 211
I. Vocabulary & Grammar (30%)
Directions: There are 30 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are
four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose ONE answer that
best completes the sentence. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
1. In parts of the Arctic, the land grades into the land-fast ice so _____ that you can walk off the coast
and not know you are over the hidden sea.
A. permanently B. imperceptibly C. precariously D. relentlessly
2. It would have been disingenuous of the candidate to appear _____ when her opponent won the
election, but she congratulated the victor nonetheless.
A. ecstatic B. crestfallen C. indifferent D. disgruntled
3. In the midst of so many evasive comments, this forthright statement, whatever its intrinsic merit,
plainly stands out as _____.
A. a paradigm B. a misnomer C. a profundity D. an anomaly
4. Ever a demanding reader of the fiction of others, the novelist Chase was likewise often the object
of _____ analyses by his contemporaries.
A. exacting B. copious C. respectful D. acerbic
5. _____ this afternoon, the walls would be completely dry by tomorrow evening.
A. By painting them B. If they would have been painted
C. Were they to be painted D. After painting them
6. The doctor _____ me that discomfort would disappear in a couple of days if I followed his advice.
A. ensured B. assured C. insured D. secured
7. In Inuit culture, elaborate carving has often been used to enhance _____ objects such as harpoon
heads and other tools.
A. utilitarian B. functional C. manufactured D. ornamental
考试科目: 翻译硕士英语 11 页,第 2
8. The author of this study valiantly searches for commonalities among the leaders of social
movements but fails: the leaders remain _____ group.
A. an idiosyncratic B. a heterogeneous C. an inconsequential D. an unorthodox
9. The main thrust of her argument was that wage differences, far from being _____ do in fact
reflect education, skills, experience, and other factors that make employees more productive.
A. rational B. divergent C. arbitrary D. attributable
10. Apparent flaws in the sculptor’s work have not _____ its respectful reception by most modern
A. determined B. undermined C. prevented D. overshadowed
11. Linda was _____the experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind at the last minute.
A. to start B. to have started C. to be starting D. to have been starting
12. He was here _____ the stroke.
A. in B. on C. with D. to
13. The commission would find itself _____ at every turn if its members couldn't reach an
A. collided B. savaged C. crumbled D. hampered
14. Advance in science more often than not encounters powerful opposition, _____ Darwin's
Theory of Evolution.
A. as was the case with B. such as the case of
C. as it did with D. as in the case of
15. Legislation has been introduced to simplify trademark registrations and extend the rights they
A. confer B. exclude C. allot D. commend
16. The operation could _____ her life by two or three years.
A. prolong B. increase C. expand D. continue
17. The whole country was in _____ over the result of the elections.
A. suspension B. suspense C. suspending D. suspender
18. The local newspaper has a _____ of 100,000 copies a day.
A. spread B. circulation C. motion D. flow
19. Animal-hide shields with wooden frames were once essential items of military equipment,
_____ warriors against enemy arrows and spears.
考试科目: 翻译硕士英语 11 页,第 3
A. a method to protect B. protecting
C. as a protection of D. to protect
20. The diet of the ordinary Greek in classical times was largely vegetarian-vegetables, fresh
cheese, oatmeal, and meal cakes, _____.
A. and meat was rare B. with meat as rare
C. meat a rarity D. with meat as a rarity
21. Several senior officials spoke to the press on condition _____ in the story.
A. that they not be named B. that their names will not be used
C. they will not be named D. of not being named
22. Egyptians are credited _____ pioneered embalming methods as long ago as 2650 B.C..
A. as having B. with having C. to have D. as the ones who
23. The person he interviewed was _____ his former schoolmate.
A. no other than B. no more than C. none other than D. none the less
24. After working for the firm for ten years, he finally _____ the rank of deputy director.
A. achieved B. approached C. attained D. acquired
25. I must leave now. _______, if you want that book, I’ll bring it next time.
A. Accidentally B. Incidentally C. Eventually D. Naturally
26. Mary sat at the table, looked at the plate and ______ her lips.
A. smacked B. opened C. parted D. separated
27. _____ at in his way, the situation doesn’t seem so desperate.
A. Looking B. Looked C. Being looked D. to look
28. No one is neutral about Stephens: he inspires either uncritical adulation or profound _____ in
those who work for him.
A. worried B. infuriated C. antipathy D. veneration
29. The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country, _____
by the police each time.
A. had been captured B. being always captured
C. only to be captured D. unfortunately captured
30. Carmen's affection for her sister, though not _____, was plainly too great to permit a painless
A. unsteady B. ambivalent C. careless D. unbounded


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