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杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命题 纸
2012 考试科目代码 841 考试科目名称 综合英语(二) (本考试科目共 11页,第 1页)
杭 州 师 范 大 学
2012 年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试题
考试科目代码: 841
考试科目名称: 综合英语(二)
I. Fill in the blanks with proper words given below and write the correct ones
on your answer sheet: 10 %
Washington is again seeking to increase pressure on Beijing to allow its currency
to rise against the dollar, with 1 growing in Congress to consider legislation aimed at
reducing the US trade deficit with China.
US pressure over the Chinese currency has been 2 since last July when China
revalued the Renminbi by 2 per cent and 3 its decade-long exchange rate peg to
the dollar. But the Bush administration and members of Congress are 4 that the
Renminbi has since been allowed to rise by less than 1 per cent against the dollar.
While Chinese officials have consistently 5 international criticism of their
currency 6 , Wu Xiaoling, vice-governor of the People’s Bank of China, admitted
that Beijing needed to open its capital account further to create more foreign exchange
demand and a more market-oriented exchange rate. Ms Wu told Caijing Magazine that
China should boost 7 and encourage more companies to go 8 to reduce the
country’s trade and investment surpluses.
John Snow, US Treasury secretary, hinted strongly last week that his department
was 9 formally to accuse China of being a “currency manipulator” in its next report
on trade and exchange rates, saying the regime that Beijing introduced last summer had
not led to 10 flexibility.
杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命题 纸
2012 考试科目代码 841 考试科目名称 综合英语(二) (本考试科目共 11页,第 2页)
II. Proof reading 10%
The passage contains TEN errors. Each line contains ONE error. In each case,
only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it and
write the correct ones on your answer sheet.
We often speak language as a vehicle of expression—a metaphor that can 1.____
illumine many aspects of our foreign-languages teaching situation. 2.____
Language is a vehicle of meaning that we do not even realize we are used; 3.____
in other words, a vehicle that is transporting a person’s message to somewhere 4.____
but is not itself the object of the trip. After students can use such a 5.____
vehicle for their purposes they must be constructed, and this construction 6.____
requires blueprint and various stages of production, with tryouts 7.____
as the various of sections and combinations are assembled — tryouts 8. ____
during what has been assembled to date is used, if only 9.____
momentarily, for its ultimate purpose. By our language vehicle 10.____
this ultimate purpose is expression: people revealing themselves to, or disguising or
hiding themselves from, other people.
Read the following passages. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A,
B, C or D, and write the correct ones on your answer sheet. 20%
A) threats I) softened
B) broke J) exports
C) rejected K) hesitant
D) likely L) disappointed
E) considered M) abroad
F) greater N) imports
G) management O) wider
H) remarks
杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命题 纸
2012 考试科目代码 841 考试科目名称 综合英语(二) (本考试科目共 11页,第 3页)
Passage One
Joseph and Hannah Brown appeared to be indestructible. For as long as I could
remember they had lived together in the same house by the common. They had lived
there, it was said, for fifty years; which seemed to me for ever. They had raised a large
family and sent them into the world, and had continued to live on alone, with nothing
left of their noisy brood save some dog-eared letters and photographs.
The old couple were as absorbed in themselves as lovers, content and
self-contained; they never left the village or each other's company, they lived as snug as
two podded chestnuts. By day blue smoke curled up from their chimney, at night the
red windows glowed; the cottage, when we passed it, said 'Here live the Browns,' as
though that were part of nature.
Though white and withered, they were active enough, but they ordered their lives
without haste. The old woman cooked, and threw grain to the chickens, and hung out
her washing on bushes; the old man fetched wood and chopped it with a billhook, did a
bit of gardening now and then, or just sat on a seat outside his door and gazed at the
valley; or slept. When summer came they bottled fruit, and when winter came they ate
it. They did nothing more than was necessary to live, but did it fondly, with skill - then
sat together in their clock-ticking kitchen enjoying their half-century of silence.
Whoever called to see them was welcomed gravely, be it man or beast or child; and to
me they resembled two tawny insects, slow but deft in their movements; a little
foraging, some frugal feeding, then any amount of stillness. They spoke to each other
without raised voices, in short chirrups as brief as bird-song, and when they moved
about in their tiny kitchen they did so smoothly and blind, gliding on worn, familiar
rails, never bumping or obstructing each other. They were fond, pink-faced, and alike
as cherries, having taken and merged, through their years together, each other's looks
and accents.
It seemed that the old Browns belonged for ever, and that the miracle of their
survival was made commonplace by the durability of their love - if one should call it
love, such a balance. Then suddenly, within the space of two days, feebleness took
them both. It was as though two machines, wound up and synchronized, had run down
at exactly the same time. Their interdependence was so legendary we didn't notice their
plight at first. But after a week, not having been seen about, some neighbours thought it
best to call. They found old Hannah on the kitchen floor feeding her man with a spoon.
He was lying in a corner half-covered with matting, and they were both too weak to
stand. She had chopped up a plate of peelings, she said, as she hadn't been able to
manage the fire. But they were all right really, just a touch of the damp; they'd do, and
it didn't matter.


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