
2024-02-04 999+ 867.15KB 12 页
科目代码: 642 科目名称:基础英语(12页)
Choose the word or the set of words that, when inserted in the sentence,
best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
1. Like a credit card in appearance, the smart card contains a microchip that stores digital
tokens which can be exchanged for goods, just like ______ cash.
A. concrete B. tentative C. tangible D. intact
2. The Team of England, who are now superbly fit, will be doing their best next week to
______ themselves for last years defeat.
A. revive B. retort C. revenge D remedy
3. When Tastuma first came to the US from Japan, he wasnt sure he could ______ into
the American culture, but after a few months , he felt at home here.
A. absorb B. transform C. digest D assimilate
4. The constitution of the State required that property should be _____ for taxation at its
market value.
A. estimated B. appraised C. evaluated D. valued
5. The idealized paintings of nature produced in the 18th century are evidence that
medieval ______ natural settings had been ______and that the outdoors now could
be enjoyed without trepidation.
A. fear of exorcised B. concerns about regained
C. affection for surmounted D. disinterest in alleviated
6. Edith Wharton sought in her memoir to present herself as having achieved a
harmonious wholeness by having ________ the conflicting elements of her life.
A. affirmed B. highlighted C. reconciled D. confined
7. In the 20th century, the discovery of radium _____ the popular imagination; not only
was its discoverer, Marie Curie, idolized, but its market value ______ that of the rarest
A. stormed diminished B. horrified approached
C. enflamed exceeded D. conspired… triggered
8. Since the 15th century, animals have been used as ____ for people in experiments to
assess the effects of therapeutic and other agents that might later be used in humans.
A. benefactors B. companions C. surrogates D. precedents
9. Issues of price, place, promotion, and product are _______ conventional concerns in
planning marketing strategies.
A. these of the most B. most of those
C. among the most D. among the many of
10. The disagreement over the trade restrictions could seriously _______ relations
between the two countries.
A. tumble B. jeopardize C. manipulate D. intimidate
11. New research raises new concerns that altering crops to withstand such treats may
pose new risks---from _____the weeds themselves.
A. anything but B. other than C. more than D. none other than
12. In this small village, he found few persons ___ to him and felt quite lonely.
A. congenital B. contentious C. congenial D. Concurrent
13. The chief reason for the population growth isnt so much a rise in birth rates ____ a
fall in death rates as a result of improvements in medical care.
A. and B. as C but D or
14. Bipartisan bills are pending in Congress that would eliminate all travel restrictions
and ______ the embargo.
A. free B. slacken C. unwind D. ease
15. Rather than enhancing a country's security, the successful development of nuclear
weapons could serve at first to increase that country's ________.
A. boldness B.influence C. responsibility D. vulnerability
16. Although scientists claim that the seemingly ________ language of their reports is
more precise than the figurative language of fiction, the language of science, like all
language, is inherently ________.
A. ornamental ... subtle B. unidimensional ... unintelligible
C. symbolic ... complex D. literal ... allusive
17. Laws do not ensure social order since laws can always be ________, which makes
them ________ unless the authorities have the will and the power to detect and
punish wrongdoing.
A. contested ... provisional B. circumvented ... antiquated
B. repealed ... vulnerable D. violated ... ineffective
18. The pressure of population on available resources is the key to understanding history;
consequently, any historical writing that takes no cognizance of______ facts
is______ flawed.
A. demographic….intrinsically B. ecological…. marginally
C. cultural…..substantively D. psychological…philosophically
19. By putting billions of dollars into the ailing automaker, the Obama administration
has placed a huge bet on the effort to revive and _____ the company through the
elimination of brands, dealerships and factories.
A. streamline B. stray C. strike D. strife
20. Under the deal, the unions cost-of-living interests, performance bonuses and some
holiday pay will be _____ to offset health-care costs.
A. sustain B. retake C. swab D. suspend
21. The capital intended to broaden the export base and ____efficiency gains from
international trade was channeled instead into uneconomic import substitution.
A. secure B. extend C. defend D. possess
22. New sources of energy must be found, and this will take time, but it is not likely to
result in any situation that will ever restore that sense of cheap and _____ energy we
have had in the times past.
A. exquisite B. resilient C. copious D. formidable
23. Gaddis is a formidably talented writer whose work has been, unhappily, more likely
to intimidate or his readers than to lure them into his fictional world.
A. entice B. strengthen C. transform D. repel
24. Her is always a source of irritation: she never uses a single word when she
can substitute a long clause or phrase in its place.
A. verbosity B. simplicity C. cogency D. rhetoric
25. If those large publishers that respond solely to popular literary trends continue to
dominate the publishing market, the initial publication of new writers will depend on
the writers willingness to________ popular tastes.
A. struggle against B. cater to C. admire D. flout
26. Contrary to the popular conception that it is powered by conscious objectivity,
science often operates through error, happy accidents, ________ and persistence in
spite of mistakes.
A. controls B. hunches C. deductions D. calculations
27. By putting the entire Woolf archive on a microfilm, the project directors hope to
make the contents of manuscripts more _____ to scholars.
A. objective B. accessible C. appealing D. implicit
28. Despite the ________ of many of their colleagues, some scholars have begun to
emphasize "pop culture" as a key for ________ the myths, hopes, and fears of
contemporary society.
A. antipathy ... entangling B. discernment ... evaluating
C. skepticism ... deciphering D. pedantry ... reinstating
29. The powers and satisfactions of primeval people, though few and meager,
were______ their few and simple desires.
A. simultaneous with B. commensurate with

标签: #青岛大学



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