
2024-02-06 999+ 2.54MB 4 页
:357 :
1、 ,否J不,答
2、 任何林,否
(1)形; (2)忠 ;
(7)功; (8)活 ;
(10)交沿; (11)机:
2.英(15%) (3)意:
(1) complex sentence;
(7)horizon Of expectation; (8)SDR; (9)TPP;
(10)Sociology; (11)Stylisticsi (12)word play;
(13)discourse; (14)translationese; (15)text analysis
1.英(60) Selection ofthc Pr。ect NIlanagcr
Sclcction of the prttect mallager is one of the two or tlll・ ce most importallt
decisions conceming the pr●cCt.In this scctiOn,we wrote a few of the mally
skills thc prqect manager(PM)ShOuld possess in ordcr to have a reasonablc
chance of succcss.
Thc fo1lowing is a list of some of the mOre popular attributes, skills, and
qualities thtt havc bccn used in thc selection ofpraCct managers.
A strong technical background1頁4天
rA hard¨noscd(精
Someone、vho is curently available
Aperson who call kcep thc praCCttcam happy
One、vho has worked in several different dcpaltments
A pcrson who call walk on(Or palt)the W7atcrs
Thesc rcasons are not so lnuch wrong as they are``not right''.Thcy iniss thc
kcy critcrion.Above all,thc bcst PNIisthc onc whO can getthejob dOncl As any
scnior manager kno、vs, hard Workers ttc caSy tO flnd. 西hat is rarc is the
ind市idual whose focus is on the completion of a di■lcult job.Of all the
characteristics desirablc in a PM. this drive to complctc the task is the most
Wc can concludc that there ttc tl■rce nlaJor catcgories of skills that arc
rcquired of the PM and serve as the key critcria for selcction, givcn that tlle
calldidatc has a powerill bias towad task complction.メlso,it is not sufEcicnt
r thc PⅣI silnply to posscss thcsc skills;thcy lnust also bc pcrceivcd by othcrs.
Thc fhct and the perception are equally important.
Thc PM needs two kinds of credibility.First is tcchnical credibility.The Pヽ /1
must be perccivcd by the client, scnior executivcs,the fllnctional departrnents,
and thc pr●eCt teanl as posscsSing su∬ cicnt tecluical bo、
ledgc to direct thc
praect.The PM does not have a high level ofexpc■isc(寺|]技),kllow more
thall ally individual team mcmbers(or al1 0fthem),or bC ablc to stand toc―to¨toe
alld intellectually slug it out with expcrts in the vttious fllnctional areas.Quite
silllpl)Ъ thc PM has to havc a reasonable undcrstanding ofthc basc tcchnologics
on which the prtteCt rcsts,must bc able to explain pracct teclll■ology to scnior
management,and must be ablc to interprct the technical needs and wants of the
client(alld SCnior mallagement)tO praCctteam.
Sccond,thc PM must be administrativcly(管 )crediblc.Thc PM has
scvcral key adlllinistrativc rcsponsibilitics that must be pcrformcd vith
apparcntly effoltless skill.One of these responsibilities is to the clicnt and senior
managcment to keep thc prqect on schedulc and within thc cost alld to make
sure that prqcct repO■S are accurate and timcly.Anothcr rcsponsibility is to thc
pnect tealll―to make sure thtt material,equipmellt,and mallpowcr are wailable
vhcn needed. Still another responsibility is to prescnt the intercsts of all palties
to the praCCt(tcalll,managcmcnt,fllllctional departmellts,and cliel■t)to Onc
allothcr. The PⅣI is truly the pcrson in thc nliddlc." Finally, the PⅣl is
responsible for making the tough trade¨offdccisions for the pracct,alld must be
perceived as a person who has the mature judgment and courage to do so
consistcntly. 2頁4頁


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