
2024-02-06 999+ 6.28MB 11 页
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D′c″θttf F乃αカメιFg"θ訪おc・FfOゑBc刀αr/2 CaCtt s`“εθ
fフ/7JαSg ihoノ`∫εθCrθr/7g s`″F`″ε`.メ4J″o″r αJ■'ピθr yθ1/″αγ
1 rul ie niま___b∝ausc of tlle snowstollIIl,tlhe paSs∝erS had to go
home by tam
Fヽ Lvttc canccllcd B had bccn canccllcd
C hvitt calcened Dh餌 beell Cancelled
2 Thtt he iS Slow to lettL his__mよes h量an excelimt sttldellt h o■lr
A. rntelligence
C. patience
3. The effect is-. he said . because sleep-resh-icted peopie report not feehng
sleepy, even though ther perfcrmance on tasks declines markedly
A. pennissive B permissible C permutable D. pemicious
4 In cluldren's story books, a poitceman is sornetimes depicteii as a
figure but, as a matter of 1-act. he ts very helpfui in enforcing law- and order.
A porlipous B cOtlragcOtls C sallallt D. staLinch
5. She lost consciousness and when she she still lacked coherence and
A. came rorrnci
C. came over
B. perset erance
D. prudence
B. came on
D. came acloss
6. lt is necessary that he _ the assignmenr without delay
7_Associated wl色e isstleごellab■tt older people to be雛ve prticittnts in
a cou■o's tte10pment is tlle need for lifelo彎 learmg progral■s to_
members ofthe agelng popdation to fnd emplo17ment
A en3pOwer B enmst c embed D.ellltice
3_職parmts are_towards the issue as to whe■er・eir dJd should walk
to school or tt fatller sllttd“ve hm to school
A ttbivalent B amb麹Ous c.山 D app区ate
9 Buttt herheり,I__.
A did not sllcceed
C.Jχd■otilave succeeded D.ila■e not succeeded
10.職s』eu簿y takes place outside the house,wii tt a■ ldience___on
benches,chairs or boxes、
A.hlvttg seatcd B,seating C,sea“d D havtt been seated
ll There was attod of___pnor to血divorce,dwing which she went for
a trlp aromd tlle wol‐ld霞he st崎ed athome.
A handin
C. musthand in
A. sffrtgeness
C. machinatim
B httdsin
lD hasto httd in
B. had not succeeded
B. more than gorng
D. than to go
B Judgil℃e best
DJ■lttcd the best
12.h accelmion… Of plmlic町1りmeIIt_畿 hatic
expansioll ofbudgets andyogtts
A.parallels B,cOntans C.revolves D.脚lates
13_The maill reason for漁
popdatloll growth isn■ so IInllch a risc h bitt rates
a fall in death raies as a result of improvements in rneciical care .
A allld B.as C but D.ratt than
14. Several decades ago, wealthy peopie Lked hunting wild animais fbr fun
A. rather than to go
C. cther than gourg
15. Not every _ mansion, chrncll battle sites, theater, or other public hall
can be preserved.
A. novel B. new C. unknown D. venerable
16. _ in a recent science competition, the three students were awrded
scholarshrps roraimg $ :C.'ruO
A. To be"ludged the best
C Having judged the best
l T Because fuel supplies are finrte and many people are wasteli-rl, we wiltr have
to install _ solar heating device in ou: home
e is soms evidence■at cal餞__nlanag錮 t restllt in
Ц better tts撫ss peFomance as well as IIlcreased
A_c(Ittg二 B・00incident C.oon柚 :ent D.oongment
19 1f you wait for ittЮ____momentto act you may have never begun yow
A de豊ve B. optimurrr C.麹laぬble D五_tcOllS
20. My reading in later life has suppliedme with some possible explaaations of
A. temperature B. temperament C. temptation D. teinperance
21. Tl:.e Chairman was evidently _ by Jim's words and glared at him for a
fe*, seconds.
A. put down B. put across C. put away D. put out
22 SOona止e ttddent happtt the VttiCles■volved weFe_aW琴 _
A.jerked B towed C. draeged Dき
, inc卜 3 1rlposec an econonuc on the countl■i
A. some type of
C. some Qpe of a
A. enclosure B. blockade
24. ln Florida- offrcials are trymq to _
A. act B el■bttk
B. sonre types of a
D. some $pes of
C. restriction D. prohibitron
on the troom in green technology
C. eaprtalize D. encumber
25.Tlle local authortties realized the llleedわ make__おr elderly people in
A pFOVitton B.「eparatioll C.req■lrement D輝 on
26.He wasso___h畿mttilatb forgot to―tlle ov鍛o戴
A.饉shed B.reva襲dC. engrossed D. bequearhed
27. Penny's _ speech given at the state competition won her the first prize.
A. promptitude B. impromp&r C. prorate D iatent
28.Ev8one h通h圃upゎtop ofthe mom魏_二?
A haven't tey B.do3ラt they C.wOll't he D doesll't he
29.Its erOrt‐led s彗Oaえh… has beached the c似leavttg i___
IIlercy ofo五s'■Fp3ites.
A on B al C. rurder
30 Man_v r.vor<is in the English ianuuage are French rn _
A ttiglll B. generation C. descent


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