
5 页
Part A Linguistics
I. Give the definitions of the following terms. (10 points)
1. Displacement
2. Competence
3. Minimal pairs
4. Concord
5. Diachronic linguistics
II. Choose the correct answers. (20 points)
1. Which of the following is a study of morphology?
A. assimilation B. homonymy C. motivation D. inflection
2. Which of the following is an initialism?
3. The function of the sentence “Nasty weather, isn’t it?” is______
A. Directive B. Phatic C. Informative D. interrogative
4. Which of the following expressions is not derived from LOVE IS A WAR?
A. 情敌B. 白头偕老C. 赢得芳心D.你伤害了我,却一笑而过
5. Which of the following sounds is a voiceless labio-dental fricative?
A.[p] B.[k] C.[f] D.[v]
6. Which design feature means language is learnt instead of being encoded in our
A. production B. interchangeability
C. cultural transmission D. arbitrariness
7.The difference between “老伙计” and “老朋友” lies in ________ .
A. origin B. collocation C. style D. degree
8. A female teacher speaks in different ways to her daughter and to her students. This
can be explained by ___________.
A. code-switching B. register C. bilingualism D. motivation
9. “壁咚”is created from_________.
A. blending B. acronym C. borrowing D. Invention
10. The relationship between the two words “residence” and “apartment” is _____.
A. synonymy B. polysemy C. hyponymy D. co-hyponymy
III. True or False (10 points)
1. The study of language development over a period of time is generally termed as
synchronic linguistics.
2. Pragmatics is the application of linguistic theories to language teaching and learnin
3. The root of unhappiness is happy.
4. There are five long vowels in Englsh.
5. “上级”and “下级” are complementary antonymy.
6. The smallest unit in English is morpheme .
7. Adjectives and complete sentences are all constituents.
8. “I chased the dog”and “I am chasing the dog”are derived form the same deep
9. “He is dead” presupposes “He was murdered”.
10. Derivational morphemes are all bound morphemes.
IV. Answer the following questions. (40 points)
1. Explain with examples the classification of antonyms in English.
2. What is the problem with the referential theory?.
3. Analyze the implicature in the following dialogue in terms of Grice’s Cooperative
Father: What are you eating?
Mother (with the 3-year-old daughter around): An I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M.
4. What is the relationship between language and culture?
5. Explain the ambiguity of the following sentence with IC analysis.
The Seniors were told to stop demonstrating on campus.
V. Discussion (10 points)
Is sign language (手语) a language?
Part B Literature
I. Matching (16 points)
Section A Match the authors in Column I with the works in Column II. (8 points)
Column I Column II
1. Daniel Defoe A. Middlemarch: A Study of Provincial Life
2. Oliver Goldsmith B. A Passage to India
3. Oscar Wilde C. Invisible Man
4. E. M. Forster D. Moll Flanders
5. Henry James E. Emma
标签: #山东科技大学