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考试科目代码及名称:810 英语教学论
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2022 年硕士研究生招生考试试题
科目代码及名称:810 英语教学论
1. 答案须写在报考点提供的答题纸上,一律使用蓝色或黑色钢笔或签字笔。
2. 考毕,请将试题和答卷放入试题袋内密封后,在封条与试卷袋骑缝处亲笔签名。
I. State your understanding of the following terms. (30 points, 15 points
1.Error, Mistake
2.Feedback, Backwash Effect
II. Answer the following questions. (40 points, 20 points each)
1.In your opinions, what are the good ways to correct students’ errors in classroom
teaching, using examples to support your views.
2.State your understanding of product approach and process approach to teaching writing.
In your opinions, how should a teacher teach writing?
III. Read the following procedures about grammar teaching, state your
views on this way of grammar teaching, and give your views on English
grammar teaching. (40 points)
1.Listening to comprehend: the focus is on the message with target structures imbedded.
2.Listening to notice: listen to more times to identify the target structures perhaps by
completing a gapped version of the text to raise awareness.
3.Understanding the grammar point: the focus is on helping learners develop explicit
knowledge of the grammar point by discovering and analyzing the rules.
4.Checking: learners are given a written text containing errors and are asked to identify
the errors and correct them.
5.Trying it out: finally, there is an opportunity for students to try out their understanding
of the target structure in a short production activity.
IV. Design a lesson based on the following requirements. (40 points)
Directions: In this part, you are to design a 45-minute vocabulary lesson
according to the information provided.