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欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 1 14 页)
考试年度2023     考试科目代码及名称613-英语水平考试(自命题)
适用专业:050201 英语语言文学
I. Multiple ChoiceChoose one correct answer among the following 4 items.
(30 分,每题1分,共30 )
1. The actual damage to the brain cells is ________ to the damage caused to the
blood supply.
A. second B. secondly C. secondary D. secondment
2. In this decade of politics, many more women have become ________.
A. magisters B. magistrates C. magnistors D. magnetizers
3. When Hamlet murmured “To be, or not to be,” he was faced with a(n)
________ dilemma.
A. agonizing B. approving C. relieving D. nagging
4. The new economic plan seeks to achieve a more equitable ________ of
A. attribution B. contribution C. distribution D. resolution
5. The CEO was ________ for his indecisiveness during the period of economic
A. censuring B. censured C. censurably D. censorious
6. He is such a man whose ________ pursuit of excellence is conducted with
single-minded determination.
A. relentless B. deplorable C. ingratiating D. torrential
7. Harvard is one of the best-equipped and most ________ schools in the country.
A. adorable B. conceivable C. prestigious D. scrutinous
8. The Prime Minister is now firmly ________ in Downing Street with a large
A. avowed B. ensconced C. exasperated D. pleaded
9. He was a Puritan who tried effectively to ________ the ancient customs of his
A. announce B. denounce C. pronounce D. renounce
10. We rushed out of the shop in hot pursuit, but the thief had ________ into thin
A. broken B. appealed C. twisted D. vanished
11. The press in Zambia had broken its links with the South only to ________
new ones with the British press and its allied agencies.
A. applaud B. implement C. forge D. administer
12. It was this Washington Department which ________ the restrictions on
strategic exports to the Soviet Union and its friends.
A. contended B. pledged C. enforced D. implored
13. Poems and stories alike reveal a ________ concern for the victims of
oppression and tyranny: Welsh miners, private soldiers, women, and
A. compassionate B. customary C. conservative D. crude
欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 2 14 页)
14. Caring is not an ________ female preoccupation.
A. inclusive B. exclusive C. conclusive D. prevalent
15. The brilliance of the morning caused her to vow that Doreen would be unable
to spoil that particular part of the day, and suddenly the last ________ of her
previous depression vanished.
A. prestige B. prospect C. vestige D. privilege
16. Rejecting their doubts about the new policy, the reformers in the government
_____ the young people’s sense of nationalistic duty, though.
A. appalled B. applauded C. appealed D. appealing
17. Normally in Shakespeare’s Sonnets we find a truly dramatic dialogue
between two characters: the _____ of the poet himself (the speaking “I”) and
a "you", the actor playing the role of a lovely boy, a worthy or unworthy
mistress, possibly a rival poet.
A. person B. personal C. personnel D. persona
18. The current official view is that mergers are part and parcel of the
competitive process, _____ restrictive practices which impede that process.
A. as supposed to B. as inferior to C. as opposed to D. as opposite to
19. An individual who is considered wealthy, affluent, or rich is someone who
has _____ substantial wealth relative to others in their society or reference
A. stimulated B. accumulated C. formulated D. simulated
20. The combined effects of the new central grant and the business rate seem
likely to benefit suburban areas to the _____ of the urban cores.
A. detriment B. harm C. deterioration D. loss
21. Developing students’ non-intelligence factors, or, advocating quality-
oriented education, is a _____ of current educational thinking in China.
A. password B. headword C. byword D. crossword
22. Philosophy, _____ it is the articulation of the concepts, dilemmas,
explanations and abstractions of a culture, will only be half the story unless
both genders contribute equally.
A. so far as B. so far C. as far D. in so far as
23. It’s reported that 60% of NBA players and 78% of NFL players file for
bankruptcy within five years of retirement as a result of keeping up with
A. the Joneses B. the Johns C. the Smiths D. the Browns
24. There is considerable evidence that a person does not purely feel hungry as a
result of the body’s homeostatic function. External factors such as learned
behavior can be extremely powerful over _____ biological drives.
A. accordingly B. increasingly C. basely D. seemingly
25. The perceived cultural supremacy affected virtually all the Europeans and
ultimately led to exploitation and _____ of blacks as slaves on a permanent
A. supplication B. submission C. subjugation D. subordination
26. However, it is not always recognized that individuality is itself a cultural
concept: there can be no private independent real person ________ from the
cultural values which define the society in which the individual lives.
A. disassociated B. associated C. disregarded D. discriminated
27. Arid deserts, vast savannah lands, huge lakes and 480 kilometres of
magnificent beachland…no wonder Kenya is rumoured to be the site of the
________ Garden of Eden.
欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 3 14 页)
A. fabled B. infamous C. arduous D. enlightened
28. A family with more than one child may be so ________ at meal-times that the
mother is too preoccupied with feeding the youngest so that she fails to see
what is happening with the others.
A. fanatical B. maniacal C. chaotic D. adorable
29. Pauling showed a ________ for geology at 12, and chemistry at 13. His
childhood curiosity about the way atoms stick together in crystals led to a
Nobel Prize for unlocking the secrets of chemical bonds.
A. style B. flair C. ability D. genius
30. This strike and subsequent marches took on political _______ of opposition to
the Stroessner regime and thus became a solidarity issue for students who
joined the protest.
A. overtones B. travesty C. salvation D. suspicion
II. Proofreading and Error CorrectionThe following passages contains fifteen errors
altogether. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case,
only ONE word is involved. Correct the errors and write the answers on your
answer sheet. (30 分,每空2分,共15 )
Passage One
One question is often risen in response to international 1
test comparisons: Do these results really mean anything? In
the past, international testing programs have been criticized
on variety of grounds. Two allegations, in particular, have 2
been common: first, that other nations have not tested as large
a percentage of their student population, and nevertheless their 3
scores have been inflated; and second, that our best students are
among the world’s best, with our average brought down by a 4
large cohort of low-achievers.
Whatever the historic validity of such concerns, they are now, 5
if anything, reversed. Particularly in the fourth and eighth grade,
education has become universal in all of the leading nations.
Therefore, in science, the percentage of randomly selected 6
U. S. schools and students that actually did participate at the
eighth-grade level was just 73 percent—the third-lowest of all
45 participating countries, and 11 percentage points under the 7
United States had third-lowest overall participation rate for both 8
grades in both subjects. Japan, Taiwan and Singapore all had
participation percentages in the 90s.
Passage Two
Long ago there was a prince who unwisely confided the media 9
that while tending his loved garden, he often talked to his plants. 10
He also warned his future subjects about losing touch with their
natural surrounding and their rich cultural heritage. But the people 11
scoffed and said it was the fuddy-duddy Prince and was out of 12
touch. And they shook heads at the madness of the Prince’ s forebear,
King George Ш, who famously talked with a tree he had

欢迎报考广东财经大学硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第1页共14页)1广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2023年   考试科目代码及名称:613-英语水平考试(自命题)适用专业:050201英语语言文学[友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!]I.MultipleChoice:Chooseonecorrectansweramongthefollowing4items.(30分,每题1分,共30题)1.Theactualdamagetothebraincellsis________tothedamagecausedtothebloodsupply.A.seco...

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