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2014 年攻硕士考试试题
考试目: 211 英语
Part I Grammar & Vocabulary (1x30=30 points)
There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases
marked A), B), C) and D). Please choose the correct answer that best completes the sentence and
mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.
1. When traveling, you are advised to take travelers checks, which provide a secure _______to
carrying your money in cash.
A) substitute B) selection C) preference D) alternative
2. We should maintain our cultural _____, which represents the deep memory of our nation.
A) legacy B) tendency C) agency D) fancy
3. The mountain top was _____ visible in the misty summer morning.
A) blankly B) dimly C) obscurely D) blurredly
4. The two countries have __________ friendly relations for many years.
A) retained B) sustained C) maintained D) remained
5. Hard work can _____ your success in learning a foreign language.
A) assure B) promise C) warrant D) guarantee
6. Passengers have to pay __________ charges for their extra luggage.
A) respective B) confidential C) additional D) sufficient
7. The company expanded its business into Europe, hoping to _____ its market share.
A) accelerate B) encourage C) urge D) boost
8. The _____ from Africas booming oil sales rarely reaches the people who live where the oil is
A)revenue B) currency C) tariff D) exchange
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9. Harnessing the wind to _____ electricity dates back to 1890.
A) manufacture B) generate C) grow D) yield
10. Luckily, there were no secondary infections and both of the patients_____.
A) lived B) revived C) survived D) existed
11. It made him uncomfortable to _____ his plan and think of something new.
A) switch B) transfer C) shift D) alter
12. Nuclear weapons are not the only explosive force _____ civilization.
A) threatening B) frightening C) strengthening D) brightening
13. Study can help us look into the future and _____ confused thinking.
A) notify B) clarify C) simplify D) justify
14. Those who _____ traffic regulations should be punished.
A) abuse B) rotate C) violate D) degrade
15. Computers are employed to process census data and to _____ such financial business as
collecting taxes.
A) falsify B) fabricate C) fortify D)facilitate
16. In order to boost morale, businesses try every effort to find ways to _____ both individual and
team performance.
A) celebrate B) acclaim C) reward D) award
17. Fertilizer, natural substance or mixture is used to _____ soil so as to promote plant growth.
A) enact B) enlarge C) enclose D) enrich
18. The president says that we are looking for ways to _____ our competitors.
A) outperform B) outweigh C) outgrow D) outcry
19. There is a strong _____ that the matter will soon be settled.
A) livelihood B) likelihood C) singlehood D) manhood
20. The _____ young hopefuls were pushed aside in the scramble for jobs.
A) premature B) respected C) inexperienced D) distinguished
21. ____ before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.
A) Had they arrived B) Would they arrive C) Were they arriving D)Were they to arrive
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22. ____ man can now create radioactive elements, there is nothing he can do to reduce their
A) As B) Whether C) While D) Now that
23. ____ of the burden of ice, the balloon climbed up and drifted to the South.
A) To be free B) To free C) Freeing D) Freed
24. ____ the advances of the science, the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with us.
A) As for B) Despite C) Except D) Besides
25. ____ the claim about German economic might, it is somewhat surprising how relatively small
the German economy actually is.
A) To give B) Given C) Giving D) Having given
26. ____, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man
whose command of language is poor.
A) Other things being equal B) Were other things equal
C) To be equal to other things D) Other things to be equal
27. ____, he does not love her.
A) As he likes her very much B) Though much he likes her
C) Much although he likes her D) Much though he likes her
28. The board deemed its urgent that these invitations ____ first thing tomorrow morning.
A) had to be put in the mail B) must be put in the mail
C) be put in the mail D) should have been put in the mail
29. I ____ him the Christmas gift by mail because he came home during the Christmas holidays.
A) ought to have sent B) couldnt have sent
C) must have sent D) neednt have sent
30. Physics is the present day equivalent of ____used to be called natural philosophy, from ____
most of present day science arose.
A) which, what B) that, which
C) what, which D) what, that
Part II Reading Comprehension (1.5x20+2x5=40 Points)
In this section there are five reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions
and 5 short answer questions. Please read the passages and then write your answers on the


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