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2004 年硕士研究生入学考试 翻译和写作 试题
I. Translate the following passage into Chinese. (50 points)
We think of retirement as something for those who, having put in years of service,
yearn for a pasture with holes and flags in it. But after five or ten years near the
beginning of things, when every challenge seemed terrifying and every situation filled
with opportunity for advancement, I have felt one thing very strongly: Work is for the
very young and the very old. Retirement should be reserved for those who can enjoy
it—those old enough to have achieved some wisdom and perspective but young
enough to feel the blood in their veins and possibly somebody else’s too.
It’s a simple idea, easy to execute. After a minimum tenure of employment—say,
ten to 12 years, the worker, in the full flush of adult vigor and capacity, would be
required to take a retirement package that included a decent severance, a guaranteed
stipend, and an adequate continuation of health insurance. After a time the lucky
individual, having enjoyed years of carefree retirement activities, at the age of 58 or
so, would be expected to return to the ranks of the employed and work until unable to
do so any longer, at which point he or she would be expected to get lost.
Think of the benefits to every generation! The young and zesty would have a
host of jobs at their disposal and no pesky 40- and 50-year-olds blocking their way up
the ladder. Those proud, mature folks in the high summer of their years would roam
the planet doing as they wished. Perhaps the most blessed in this plan are those in
their 50s, 60s, and 70s, who are now consigned to the rag bin of demography just
when they want to work most. In my plan this group reenters the workforce with
amazing energy, a lifetime of experience, and a full understanding of how boring life
without work can be. What a boon to any office this industrious, sociable group would
be, laboring harder and eating and drinking lighter than their younger counterparts,
and willing to kiss the feet of any organization giving them something meaningful to
do! Anyone who has spent an afternoon at a retirement village knows what I mean.
II. Translate the following passage into English. (50 points)
EMAIL 慢多了,但在这个缓慢的过程中能体会到很多细腻的感受,内心所有
过程漫长,伴随而来的心情,或愉快,或惆怅,也就随之延长了许多。而写 E
MAIL 往往是匆匆忙忙,有事说事,还都是事务性的事,然后一点鼠标就走了。
III. Writing (50 points)
Section A
Write a passage of 200 words about the most emotionally significant moment in
your life.
You should supply a title for the passage.
Section B
Read the following passage carefully, and then write a summary of 100 words.
Take care to give a connection of ideas.
How Farmers Sowed Languages
Nicholas Wade
The homelands of the Indo-European languages stretch from Dublin to Delhi.
But Hadza, a tongue that is one of a kind, is spoken by just 1,000 people near Lake
Eyasi in Tanzania. Why do the world's languages have so uneven a distribution pattern?
Two researchers theorize that much of the answer has to do with events that began
10,000 years ago, as crop plants were domesticated.
Agriculture has long been invoked to explain the spread of the Indo-European
languages. Now, Jared Diamond of UCLA and Peter Bellwood of the Australian
National University in Canberra have applied the concept to 15 major language
families. Their article appeared in the April 25 issue of Science.
The premise is that when humans lived as hunters and gatherers, their
populations were small, because wild game and berries can support only so many
people. But after an agriculture system was devised, populations expanded, displacing
the hunter-gatherers around them and taking their language with them. On this theory,
whatever language happened to be spoken in a region where a crop plant was
domesticated expanded along with the farmers who spoke it.
Even if the farmers interbred with the hunter-gatherers whose land they took,
genes can mix, but languages cannot. So the hunters would in many cases have
adopted the farmers' language. That is why languages "record these processes of
demographic expansion more clearly than the genes," Bellwood said.
One of the clearest expansions, perhaps because it occurred most recently, can be


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