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2019 考试科目代码 243 考试科目名称 二外英语 (本考试科目共 8 页,第1 页)
2019 年招收攻读硕士研究生考试题
考试科目代码: 243
考试科目名称: 二外英语
Part I Reading ComprehensionSkimming and Scanning(2×10=20 points)
Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on
the Answer Sheet.
For questions 1 - 7, mark
Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;
N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;
NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.
For questions 8 - 10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.
Highs and Lows in Self-Esteem
No one in the Gould family of Westlake Village, California, was surprised by a study suggesting a person’s
age and stage of life may have a bigger impact on self-esteem than we ever realized. A study of about 350 000
people likens a person’s self-esteem across the human lifespan to a roller coaster ride, starting with an inflated
sense of self-approval in late childhood that plunges in adolescence. Self-esteem rises steadily through
adulthood, only to drop to its lowest point ever in old age. “I’ve gone through pretty much all of those cycles,”
Fred Gould said. At 60, he’s edging toward retirement. Fred’s wife Eileen, 46, is a businesswoman in the
throes of mid-adulthood and, according to the study, predisposed to a healthy self-regard. At 21, the Goulds’
son, Jeff, has just launched that heady climb into adulthood and a buoyant self-regard after an adolescence
fraught with the usual perils of self-doubt and hormonal warfare. His sister, Aly, 17, disagrees with a lot of the
study, believing instead that each individual has an intrinsic sense of self-esteem that remains relatively
constant. But she does agree that adolescence can give even the most solid sense of self-esteem a sound
battering. “As a teenager, I can definitely speak for all of us when I say we bag on ourselves.” Aly said.
The Study
The drop in self-esteem in adolescence was no surprise to Richard Robins, a psychology professor at the
University of California at Davis, who spearheaded the study, but “the drop in old age is a little bit more
novel,” he said. Specifically, Robins was intrigued by the similarities in self-esteem levels between those
entering adolescence and old age. “There is an accumulation of losses occurring all at once both in old age and
adolescence,” he suggested. “There is a critical mass of transition going on.”
Those answering the survey ranged in age from 9 to 90. They participated in the survey by logging onto a
2019 考试科目代码 243 考试科目名称 二外英语 (本考试科目共 8 页,第2 页)
Web site during a period between 1999 and 2000. About three-quarters were Caucasian, the rest a mixture of
people of Asian, black, Latino and Middle-Eastern descent. Most were from the United States. The survey
simply asked people to agree or strongly disagree---on a five point scale---with the statement: “I see myself as
someone who has high self-esteem.”
Everybody is an individual, Robins stressed, so self-esteem can be affected by a number of things that are
biological, social, and situational, but there are certain passages that all of us faceand each passage can have
a powerful effect on our sense of self. “With kids, their feelings about themselves are often based on relatively
superficial information,” Robins explained. “As we get older, we base our self-esteem on actual achievements
and feedback from other people.”
Overall, the study indicated that women do not fare as well as men in self-esteema difference particularly
marked in adolescence. “During adolescence, girls’ self-esteem dropped about twice as much as boys’,” Robins
said, perhaps at least partially because of society’s heavy emphasis on body image for girls. Add one negative
life event to all of this turmoil, and a teenager’s delicate self-esteem can crumble.
Emerging into Adulthood
Eileen remembered having fairly high self-esteem from ages 12 to 16. She had been very ill as a child, so the
teen years were a time for her to blossom. Then, her mother died when she was 17, and her self-esteem
bottomed out. “I was like, ‘What do I do ? How do I handle this?’” Eileen remembered. Eileen was 22 when
she married Fred, an event that coincided with the beginning of her adult yearsand an upswing in her self-
esteem. Like many adults, Eileen gained her senses of competence and continuity, both of which can contribute
to the rise in self-esteem during the adult years, Robins said.
Even if there is divorce or some other form of chaos, there has been a change in our ability to cope, he said.
We learn with experience. Fred is aware that his sense of self-esteem may be vulnerable when he retires. “I’m
concerned about keeping my awareness level,” he said. “Am I going to be aware of the social scene? Of things
more global? Am I going to be able to read and keep up with everything?”
Seniors do tend to experience a drop in self-esteem when they get into their 70s, the study saysbut not
always. This is enigmatic to Robins. “When we look at things like general well-being, the evidence is mixed
about what happens in old age,” he said.
Some people experience a tremendous loss of self-esteem, whereas others maintain their sense of well-being
right through old age. Others are not as lucky. Whereas adolescents lose their sense of childhood omnipotence,
seniors experience another kind of loss. Retirement comes at about the same time seniors may begin to lose
loved ones, their health, their financial status, or their sense of competence. Suddenly, someone who was so in
charge may become withdrawn, sullen and depressed. Their self-esteem may plummet. Robins hopes the study
will make us more aware of the times when our self-esteem can be in jeopardy.
1. A person’s self-esteem is high during childhood.
2. A person’s self-esteem does not change during adolescence.
3. All people experience the lowest self-esteem during old age.
4. The people in the study were mostly Asian.
5. Our self-esteem is affected by several factors.
6. Our self-esteem is most delicate when we are adults.
7. Older people’s self-esteem always drops when they get into their 70s.
8. The participants of the survey ranged in age from 9 to _______.
9. According to Robins, self-esteem can be affected by a number of things that are___________.
10. The purpose of the study is to __________________________________________________.
2019 考试科目代码 243 考试科目名称 二外英语 (本考试科目共 8 页,第3 页)
Part II Vocabulary and Structure (1×30=30 points)
Directions: Choose the best answer you think fit to fill in the gaps of each sentence with the items given.
Please write down the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
11 After three months in space, the astronauts were glad to see_____________ again.
A) house B) air C) trees D) land
12 Every moment became ______________ when we heard that she was going to die.
A) precious B) dear C) expensive D) significant
13 There’s a(n)___________ high up in the wall---you’ll find a key hidden in it.
A) board B) peg C) opening D) nail
14 The visits to the United States of America and other foreign countries certainly broadened our
A) sight B) perception C) eyesight D) horizon
15 In the ________ of any evidence, the police had to let Anders go. loss, lack, missing, refusal
A) loss B) absence C) missing D) lack
16 An important _____________ of Van Gogh’s paintings is their bright colors.
A) trace B) feature C) qualification D) certification
17 Doctors work _____________ long hours, sometimes over eighty hours in one week.
A) incredibly B) considerately C) inaccessibly D) inavoidably
18 If you’re worried about this change of career, why don’t you talk it ____________ with your family?
A) over B) up C) through D) away
19 A large ____________of children in the school come from single-parent families.
A) variety B) amount C) percent D) percentage
20 __________ of the workforce is always the quickest way of cutting costs.
A) Conduction B) Induction C) Reduction D) Production
21 If you can’t ___________ your dog from biting people you must lock it up.
A) refrain B) control C) restrain D) command
22 His decision to cancel the concert will ____________ his fans.
A) disappoint B) frustrate C) annoy D) irritate
23 The surgeon was reluctant to ___________ the operation on someone so young.
A) make B) perform C) take D) commit
24 An individual bird can ____________ the call of its own species.
A) perceive B) identify C) realize D) hear
25 Both writing and speech require context to make ___________ of what might otherwise be ambiguous.
A) sense B) awareness C) vision D) sight
26 Shakespeare’s plays tell us a lot about ______________ life, i.e. the life of the 16th century.
A) medieval B) modern C) temporary D) contemporary
27 I made a __________ to give up chocolate.
A) judgement B) improvement C) solution D) resolution
28 What __________ of dog is that? I’ve never seen one like it before.
A) breed B) bleed C) brand D) band
29 The human body ___________ energy in the form of carbohydrates.


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