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2019 考试科目代码 211 考试科目名称 翻译硕士英语 (本考试科目共 13 页,第1 页)
2019 年招收攻读硕士研究生考试题
考试科目代码: 211
考试科目名称: 翻译硕士英语
I. Vocabulary and grammar (30’)
Section A Multiple choice (20’)
Directions: Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on the ANSWER
1. Mr. Jeffrey had just___________ the shell of the boiled crab and was starting to peel it off.
A. cracked
B. burst
C. fractured
D. clanked
2. Last week the bishop preached a farewell sermon to a(n) ___________ that have known him
very well since he moved here.
A. congregation
B. audience
C. progression
D. population
3. I don’t doubt ___________ the plan will be well implemented.
A. how
B. that
C. which
D. whether
4. The old woman had an ___________ habit of emptying ash trays out of her upstairs window
onto my doorstep.
A. offending
B. offensive
C. uneducated
D. objectionable
5. The physician reassured me that the pain in my leg would ___________ one hour after I took
the medicine as I was told.
A. wear away
B. wear off
C. wear down
D. wear out
6. The phone call my parents just gave me aroused a(n) ___________ feeling of homesickness
in me.
A. intense
B. intensive
C. hopeless
D. forceful
7. The professor said that he would translate a Chinese fiction if he could find a(n)
___________ to help him proof-read his translation.
A. collaborator
B. accomplice
C. ally
D. confederate
8. Although WildAid has been trying to stop the slaughter of sharks for their fins, current
regulations rarely curtail ___________ to the degree needed to restore shark population.
2019 考试科目代码 211 考试科目名称 翻译硕士英语 (本考试科目共 13 页,第2 页)
A. sharks are hunted
B. the hunting of sharks
C. to hunt sharks
D. sharks hunted
9. The mere prospect of a performance of one of their operas was enough to set them to running
up bills amounting to ___________ their prospective royalties.
A. ten times the number of
B. ten times the amount of
C. the number of ten times
D. as ten times as the amount of
10. The ___________ of plastic containers is one of the problems that the local environmental
agency has to deal with.
A. disposition
B. dispersal
C. disposal
D. dissolution
11. The forecast predicted ___________ weather with rain, sunshine, thunder and wind and that
is just what they have had.
A. fluctuating
B. differing
C. ranging
D. variable
12. The research involves a study of the human heart which leads us through devious mazes of
passion, ___________ it is difficult to find a way.
A. of which
B. from which
C. out of which
D. through which
13. The miserable family have had a ___________ of misfortunes.
A. continuation
B. succession
C. repetition
D. contingency
14. Mr. White would have been more amicable and civilized if he had changed a little bit,
A. wouldn’t he
B. hasn’t he
C. didn’t he
D. hadn’t he
15. In Japanese cities, traffic jams are ___________ because citizens in suburb have to drive
every day to central business areas to work.
A. propagated
B. activated
C. aggravated
D. irritated
16. As an experienced politician, he has to have the ___________ of inspiring confidence in his
A. fluke
B. frenzy
C. muse
D. knack
17. You had the ___________ situation in which Florida had more listed public bathing beaches
than the whole of the United Kingdom.
A. luminous
B. luculent
C. lubricant
D. ludicrous
18. Much of what the lecturer said was beyond her comprehension but she managed to
understand the ___________ of his remarks.
A. tact
B. tenor
C. tanner
D. manner
19. Little ___________ about his own safety, though he himself was in great danger.
A. he cared
B. he may care
C. may he care
D. did he care
20. One woman was feared dead last night after a helicopter ___________ off course into an oil
platform and ditched into the sea.
A. veered
B. instigated
C. falsified
2019 考试科目代码 211 考试科目名称 翻译硕士英语 (本考试科目共 13 页,第3 页)
Section B Proofreading and error correction (10)
The passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In
each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the
following way:
For a wrong word
underline the wrong word and write the correct one in
the blank provided at the end of the line
For a missing word
mark the position of the missing word with a Λsign
and write the word you believe to be missing in the
blank provided at the end of the line.
For an unnecessary word
cross the unnecessary word with a slash “/”and put the
word in the blank provided at the end of the line.
When art museum wants a new exhibit,
(1) When Λ art an
It never buys things in finished form and hangs
(2) It never buys never
them on the wall. When a natural history museum
wants an exhibition, it must often build it.
(3) exhibition exhibit
Science was once seen as the stuffy domain of pale male
scientists spent far too much of their time in the laboratory
(1) __________
concocting potions in test tubes while avoiding sunlight and
human interaction. Occasionally they would venture out of the
lab to give lectures and impart their wisdom with science students.
(2) __________
But they would rarely confront with the general public. Now,
(3) __________
thanks to the growing number of science festivals, scientists
are engaging with people in unique, innovative—and often
Science communication has evolved in recent years, broken
(4) __________
the age-old tradition of the elite scientist imparting knowledge to
the interested layman. Thanks to the increasing emphasis in
academia on public engagement, it is now expected that learning
about science in an open, democratic process—something shaped
(5) __________
by professionals, but led by the public.
Today the language of science communication is repleted
(6) __________
with words such as create, experience, participate and journey.
It all makes participation in public science feel more like a fun
day out as a classroom chore.
(7) __________


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