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2016 考试科目代码 243 考试科目名称二外英语(本考试科目共 13 页,第1 页)
2016 年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试题
考试科目代码: 243
考试科目名称: 二外英语
Part I Reading ComprehensionSkimming and Scanning(2×10=20 points)
Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the
questions on the Answer Sheet.
For questions 1 - 7, mark
Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;
N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;
NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.
For questions 8 - 10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.
Theft Deterrent System
To deter the vehicle theft, the system is designed to give an alarm and keep the engine
from being started if any of the front, sliding and back doors and hood is forcibly unlocked
or the battery terminal is disconnected and then reconnected when the vehicle is locked.
The alarm blows the horn intermittently and flashes the headlights, tail lights and other
exterior lights. The engine cannot be started because the starter circuit will be cut.
1. Turn the ignition key to the “LOCK” position and remove it.
2. Have all passengers get out of the vehicle.
3. Close and lock the front, sliding and back doors and hood.
The indicator light will come on when the front, sliding and back doors and hood are
closed and locked.
2016 考试科目代码 243 考试科目名称二外英语(本考试科目共 13 页,第2 页)
As the front doors are locked, the system will give you a preparation time of 30 seconds
before the setting, during which the front, sliding and back doors and hood may be opened
to prepare for the setting.
Be careful not to use the key when opening either front door. This will cancel the
4. After making sure the indicator light starts flashing, you may leave the vehicle.
The system will automatically be set after the preparation time elapses. The indicator
light will flash to show the system is set. If any of the front, sliding and back doors and hood
is opened at that time, the setting is interrupted until it is closed and locked.
Never leave anyone in the vehicle when you set the system, because unlocking from the
inside will activate (使起动) the system.
Activating the system
The system will give the alarm and cut the starter circuit under the following
If any of the front, sliding and back doors and hood is unlocked without using the key
If the battery terminal is disconnected and then reconnected
After one minute, the alarm will automatically stop with the starter circuit cut kept on.
Reactivating the alarm
Once set, the system automatically resets the alarm each time the front, sliding and back
doors and hood are closed after the alarm stops.
The alarm will be activated again under the following conditions:
If any of the front, sliding and back doors and hood is opened
If the battery terminal is disconnected and then reconnected
Stopping the alarm
Turn the ignition key from the “LOCK” to “ACC” position. The alarm will be stopped
with the starter circuit cut kept on. Stopping the alarm in this manner will keep the alarm
from being reactivated when any of the front, sliding and back doors and hood is opened.
Interrupting the setting
With the system set, the back door can be opened with the key without activating or
canceling the system. While it is open, the front and sliding doors and hood may be opened
in addition, and the system can be activated only by the battery terminal disconnection.
To resume the setting, close and lock the front, sliding and back doors and hood. The
back door must be closed with the key removed.
Unlock either front door with the key, or unlock the sliding door with the key when it
has been closed. This cancels the system completely and the starter circuit cut will be
2016 考试科目代码 243 考试科目名称二外英语(本考试科目共 13 页,第3 页)
cancelled at once.
The indicator light gives the following three indications when the system is in use. When
the light is:
FLASHING―The system is set. You need the key to open the front, sliding and back
doors and hood.
ON―The system will automatically be set when the time comes. The front, sliding and
back doors and hood may be opened without a key.
OFF―The system is inactive. You may open any door and hood.
1. Open the driver’s and front passenger’s windows.
2. Set the system as described above. The front doors should be locked with the key. Be
sure to wait until the indicator light starts flashing.
3. Unlock one of the front, sliding and back doors from the inside. The system should
activate the alarm.
4. Cancel the system by unlocking either front door with the key.
5. Repeat this operation for the other doors and hood. When testing on the hood, also
check that the system is activated when the battery terminal is disconnected and then
If the system does not work properly, have it checked by your Toyota dealer.
1. The system is used to deter the vehicle theft according to the instructions.
2. In order to set the system, you should have all passengers get out of the vehicle.
3. The system will be cancelled when you use the key to open the back door.
4. The system will not be activated unless you use the key to open any of the front,
sliding and back doors and hood.
5. In order to stop the alarm, you have to turn the ignition key from the “ACC” to
“LOCK” position.
6. When the indicator light is flashing, it is needless to use the key to open any of the
doors and hood.
7. The passage tells us that the system works so effectively that it never breaks down.
8. As the front doors are locked, the theft deterrent system will give you a preparation
time of ______________before setting.
9. Before leaving the vehicle, make sure that the indicator light______________.
10. According to the passage, if the system refuses to work properly, have it checked by


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