湖南农业大学-612 基础英语【2015】考研真题

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2015 年湖南农业大学硕士招生自命题科目试题
科目名称及代码: 基础英语 612
适用专业(领域): 外国语言学及应用语言学
② 按试题顺序答题,在答题纸上标明题目序号。
I. Paraphrase(20 points, 2 points each)
Write your answer on the answer sheet
1. Serious looking men spoke to each other as if they were
oblivious of the crowds about them.
2. I experienced a twinge of embarrassment at the prospect of
meeting the mayor of Hroshima in my socks.
3. Hitler was counting on enlisting capitalist and Right Wing
sympathies in this country and the U.S.A.
4 The fundamentalists adhered to a literal interpretation of the Old
5. He lowered the level of his incongruous falsetto voice.
6. Even with the most educated and the most literate, the King's
English slips and slides in conversation.
7. And yet the same revolutionary belief for which our forebears
fought is still at issue around the globe.
8. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures.
9. The Fiesta appears to have sunk without a trace.
10. Children dodged in and out, their high calls rising like the
swallows' crossing flights over the music and the singing.
II. Vocabulary and Grammar(20 points, 1 point each)
Decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the
Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
1. It is essential that he ____ all the facts first.
A.is examining B.will examine C.examines D.examine
2. Which of the following sentences expresses a future action?
A.Lucy is continually finding fault with her sister.
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B.We are meeting the visitors after the performance.
C.The coach is now crossing the Garden Bridge.
D.I'm hoping that you'll give us some advice.
3. Which of the following italicized parts is used as an object
A.The front door remained locked. B .The boy looked
C.Nancy appeared worried. D.He seemed to have no money left.
4. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?
A.Physics is an important school subject.
B.The United States borders Canada.
C.The Niagara Falls is in North America.
D.Mumps is a kind of infectious disease.
5. Which of the following sentences indicates POSSIBILITY?
A.The moon cannot always be at the full
B.You cannot smoke inside the building.
C.He cannot come today.
D.She cannot play the piano.
6. Hydrogen, which is ______ than oil, is pretty easy to produce and
does no harm to the environment.
A.much energy more abundant source
B.an energy source more abundant
C.a much more energy abundant source
D.a much more abundant energy source
7. When _____, the bridge connecting the island to the continent will
be open to traffic next year.
A.completed B.completing
C.being completed D.to be completed
8.______ these objections, we can not ignore the advantages of
learning through the Internet.
A. Despite B. Instead of C. For D.Like
9.Mom enjoyed herself so much ______ she was on vacation in
France with dad last year.
A.where B.that C.which D.when
10.The experiment was ______ we had anticipated.
A.a success more than B.more a success than
C.a success as much as D.as much of a success as
11.Mary was ______ to tears by their criticism.
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A.sunk B.reduced C.forced D.declined
12.The police fortunately gained the key clew according to the foot
mark in the ______ of the road.
A.clay B.dirt C.mud D.soil
13 .These magnificent ______ buildings demonstrate the great
intelligence of the laboring people.
A.antique B.ancient C.primitive D.remote
14. I don't remember meeting him, but the name John Smith rings a
bell. The underlined part means ______.
A.is omitted B.is warned C.is appearing D.is familiar
15. These goods are ______ for export, though a few of them may be
sold on the home market.
A.essentially B.completely C.necessarily D.remarkably
16. I wish you break a leg in the coming English speech contest The
underlined part means ______.
A.get injured B.play well C.good luck D.have fun
17. I have the car now but my sister was the ______ owner.
A.initial B.original C.primitive D.primary
18 . The principal stressed using multimedia teaching would never
replace the one-to-one ______ between pupil and teacher.
A.perceptions B.consultations C.interactions D.interruptions
19. They've made a great______ forward with their road building in
the last few years.
A.bounce B.bound C.hop D.leap
20. Your books and magazines are almost in a ______; go and put
them in order.
A.chaos B.disorder C.mess D.riot
III. Fill in each blank with one suitable word (30 points,
2 points each); write your answer on the answer sheet
1 understand the marketing concept, it is only necessary to
understand the difference 2 marketing 3 selling. Not too many years
ago, most industries concentrated primarily 4 the efficient production
of goods, and then relied 5 “persuasive salesmanship” to move as
much of these goods 6 possible. Such production and selling focuses
7 the needs of the seller to produce goods and then convert them 8
Marketing, 9 the other hand, focuses on the wants of consumers,
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