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2012 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试卷
Part I. Vocabulary and Grammar (30 points, 1 point for each)
Directions: After each statement there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Select
the only one choice that best completes the statement. Write your answers on your
answer sheet.
1. Economics applies directly to how we earn our income and ________.
A. how to spend our money B. how we spend our money
C. the way we spend our money D. the way our money is spent
2. The product must be priced ________ it competes effectively with rival products in the
same market.
A. as such B. in such a way
C. so that D. so
3. I ________ be late for that important meeting than leave this injured old woman here.
A. had better B. would rather
C. may as well D. should just
4. ________ he ________ that it was to be the president’s last press conference, he would
have filmed the occasion.
A. Should…know B. If…knows
C. Had…known D. Were…known
5. It wasn’t until he turned the corner that he realized that he ________ tailed.
A. was B. being
C. would be D. was being
6. As a senior professor she should have known better _______ to get involved in such a
A. and not B. but not
C. than D. than not
7. The health department inspector recommended that all outdoor food stores at the gate
of the school ________.
A. closed down B. close down
C. be closed down D. would be closed down
8. The application was blank except for ________ Michael had filled in his name.
A. where B. what
C. how D. which
9. Cultural values may be defined as assumptions shared by the members of a society
________ is right or wrong.
A. as to what B. about whatever
C. on what D. concerning things that
10. Some scientists think that trial-and-error methods help to show how intelligent
A. is an animal B. an animal is
C. will an animal be D. an animal will be
11. We can’t _______ examinations altogether unless we can come up with a better way to
evaluate the students.
A. do away B. do away of
C. do away with D. do away from
12. The sudden bankruptcy of these financial giants threw the investors ________ and
caused them to ________.
A. in a panic, stampede B. in pain, panic
C. in confusion, hold their stocks D. in despair, withdraw gradually
13. He did everything possible to whip up some support for his decision to________ more
money to his favorite project.
A. allow B. spend
C. divide D. allot
14. At that time he kept telling us that final victory was just ________. His optimism saved
us from despair.
A. at the corner B. around the corner
C. on the corner D. in the corner
15. If he should fail to ________ the project to a successful close in time, he would be
severely reprimanded.
A. bring B. take
C. carry D. put
16. After he ________ power, he was no longer satisfied to be a president. He wanted to
be a king.
A. gripped B. grabbed
C. seized D. grasped
17. His sudden blindness ________ him ________ the joy of seeing the beautiful world.
A. robbed; of B. deprived; with
C. robbed; off D. denied; of
18. This terrible event ________ of the president, and he ________ all his appointments.
A. drew hold of; called off B. occupied all the attention;
C. demanded all the attention; laid aside D. took complete hold; cancelled
19. Starting around 7000 B.C., and for the next four thousand years, much of the Northern
Hemisphere ____ temperatures warmer than at present.
A. with experience of B. experienced
C. experiencing D. experience
20. The meeting took on a different ____after his moving speech.
A. presage B. posture
C. travesty D. trauma
21. After ________ deliberation, the foreman announced that the jury had reached a
A. 10-minutes of B. 10 minutes of
C. 10 minute’s D. 10-minute
22. ________ is always the case, the darkest hour comes before the dawn.
A. That B. It
C. As D. What
23. We have a long way to go ________ we can invent truly intelligent machines.
A. before B. if
C. that D. when
24. Chocolate comes from cocoa beans, ________ the seeds of the cacao tree.
A. that is B. that are
C. which is D. which are
25. I know she didn’t pass the qualifying exam, but really she’s ________ but stupid.
A. any B. nothing
C. anything D. something
26. Even though we may not notice them, computers are all around us and affect many
parts of our ________ life.
A. every day B. everyday
C. every day’s D. everyday’s
27. Because we are by nature social animals, we need other people ________ we need
food, water and shelter.
A. such as B. just as
C. as such D. as if
28. If inflation continues to rise at the present rate, ten percent of the population ________
hard to make ends meet.
A. would find B. found it
C. finds D. will find it
29. She spoke for the ________ that they three had all lost the ________ to work during
the spring break and they needed a good long rest.
A. team; desire B. group; interest
C. company; inclination D. gang; intention
30. Only hotel guests have the ________ of using the private beach.
A. occasion B. possibility
C. privilege D. allowance


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