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2017 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试卷
Part 1 Reading Comprehension (50 scores, 2.5 scores each)
Directions: There are 4 passages, each of which is followed by 5 statements or questions.
Read the passages and make ONE choice that best completes or answers each of the
statements or questions.
Passage 1
Unlike most of Western Europe, where paid vacations for regular workers are typical
four to six weeks, the U.S. has no official vacation policy. Employers are not required to
provide them, and the starting norm is good jobs remains a paltry two weeks. Millions of
the hard-working poor, without steady employment, have no paid vacation at all. And
millions of the hard-working well-to-do have nice allotments that exist only on paperthe
excessive demands of positions make planning and taking significant time off almost
The failure to increase vacation time in the U.S. is especially scandalous these days,
given how much harder most Americans are working. They are working more hours than
they are scheduled to work, they do more overtime, bring more work home, and take more
business trips. And 60 percent still report that they dont have enough time at work to finish
every thing that needs to get done. Despite the fact that 68 percent report having to work
very fast and 88 percent reporting having to work very hard, American corporations
seem downright ungracious about vacations when viewed in this light, or when we consider
that they give their European employees the same months to six weeks that European
companies do.
The Western Europeans understand that being a good, hard-working employee
requires an annual period of serous relaxation. Not just a three-day jet to the Bahams, but a
genuine unwinding, not only from word, but also from the hectic pace of daily life. In the
U.S., we tend to use vacations as opportunities for consuming, whether its expensive hotel
stays, outlet shopping, or exotic luxury destinations. This is part of our longer pattern of
work and spend, using economic progress to consume more rather than give ourselves
more time off. Europeans, by contrast, are more likely to go camping, or hiking, or stay in
the country, where they can live more simply, enjoy nature, and reflect on their lives. The
vacation bonus ensures that everyone can afford to do this. In Western Europe, vacations
have become a basic human right. In the U.S., they feel more like an endangered species.
1. We learn from the first paragraph that ________.
A) American employers refuse to grant vacation to employees although they are required
to do so.
B) The longest vacation American employees can take is two weeks.
C) Americans without steady employment can have a limited amount of paid vacation.
D) Many American executives skip the vacation they are entitled to.
2. A very strong case for increasing vacation time in America is that _______.
A) America has a very strong economy.
B) Europeans take vacation more than Americans do.
C) Americans are working extremely hard.
D) Americans have a stronger desire to take vacation than European.
3. In granting vacation to Europeans, American employers ______.
A) take a double standard
B) are extremely patriotic
C) do worse than their European counterparts
D) do better than their European counterparts
4. What do Americans do when they take vacation?
A) They know how to enjoy themselves.
B) They spent a lot of money.
C) They do everything economically.
D) They try to imitate their European counterparts.
5. In discussing vacation in America, the tone of the author is _____.
A) critical
B) tolerant
C) humorous
D) desperate
Passage 2
By the year 2020 AD, a single silicon chip will contain more components than the
number of cells in the human brain. And electronic chip makers will have turned away
from silicon and other conventional materials and will be designing a generation of
biological computers, made partly nor entirely of protein molecules like those in living
cells. These are some of the forecasts being made by Mr. Brain Oakley, one of Britains top
men in the computer world.
Mr. Oakley is director of the Alvey program set up as a collaborative effort by the UK
Government, the academic world and private industry to keep Britain among the leaders in
the fast developing world of silicon chips and computer technology.
Mr. Oakley predicts that in 10 years, computers will be working 10 times faster than
today, and the trend will continue. Every year silicon chips will double in complexity. But
fortunately as they get smaller they use less power and are cheaper to produce as well as
working faster, so the cost of chips is being reduced by one-tenth every six years. This
means that computers are getting smaller and at the same time more powerful and more
intelligent, but little or no more expensive.
By 2020, says Mr. Oakley, typist should be getting uneasy about their future, for their
job will finally be on the way out because speech recognition will transform even messy
dictation straight into the printed word. By 2030 AD computers will be to reason from
inadequate data, get the sense of rambling conversations and recognize blurred or faulty
pictures of things as human beings can. Such developments will need computers 1,000
times more powerful than those of today.
6. Mr. Brian Oakley predicts that by the year 2020 _________.
A) computers will become more completed
B) silicon chips contain more information
C) computers will be made of living cells
D) other conventional materials will take the place of silicon
7. Alvey program is _______.
A) the academic world
B) part of the UK government
C) a collaborative effort by private industry
D) to advance UKs computer technology
8. If a silicon chip costs 100 dollars to produce today, six years later it will cost ___.
A) 99 dollars
B) 90 dollars
C) 10 dollars
D) 11 dollars
9. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A) Typists will be out of work before 2020.
B) Silicon chips will become more complicated.
C) Mr. Oakley is an expert on computer.
D) Both B and C.


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