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华侨大学 2013 年硕士研究生入学考试专业课试
招生专业 英语语言文学
科目名称 英语综合 科目代码 762
Part I Error Correction (10 points)
Directions: In the following passage there are 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line.
Read the passage and correct the mistakes. If you change a word, cross it out and write
the substitute in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put the insertion mark ()
in the right place and write the word you want to add in the blank. If you delete a word,
cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank.
Television is rapidly becoming the literatures of our periods. 1 . ___time__
Many of the arguments having used for the study of literature as a 2. __/_____
school subject are valid for study of television. 3. __the__
Wal-mart is one of the largest and most admiring global 1. ________
companies. Relying on long-term opportunities outside of its
domestical market to expand sales, Wal-mart is slowly and 2. _________
steadily making their way in many international regions, 3. _________
especially Japan. As of late 2003, if ranked separate, 4. _________
Wal-marts international division would have been number
33 on the Fortune 500 lists. According to John Menzer, 5. _________
our challenge is to rake up one-thirds of the companys 6. _________
sales, and take our global scale to the local level.” While
Wal-mart has been successfully in making some inroads 7. __________
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招生专业 英语语言文学
科目名称 英语综合 科目代码 762
overseas, its success has been far from universal. For an 8. __________
example, in Mexico and the U.K., the companys efforts to offer
the lowest price to customers backfired because of resistance
from established retailers. In Mexico, three of largest 9. _________
retailers constructed a joint buying and operational alliance
to compete for Wal-mart. 10. __________
Part II Grammar (30 points)
(i) There are ten sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices
marked A, B, C, D. Choose some word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
(10 points)
1. When the façade needed to be renovated, the building committee voted to ____.
A. have done it B. have it done C. be done D. have been done
2. A foreign language _____ a useful tool in serving the people, we should do our best to have
a good command of it.
A. being B. to be C. was D. having been
3. The chessmen, _____ from ivory, are displayed in a glass case.
A. which B. which carved C. carved D. carving
4. Of the two houses the family prefers ________.
A. the more isolated one B. the most isolated one
C. the one isolated more D. the isolated one more
5. “What of Michael?”
“After tonight, he would never be the same man _____ he was before.”
A. what B. who C. but D. as
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招生专业 英语语言文学
科目名称 英语综合 科目代码 762
6. Harry will be able to begin soon. He has all ______ he needs now.
A. the equipment B. the equipments C. equipments D. of equipment
7. _____ of kinds of matter in the world.
A. That there are millions B. There are a few million
C. It is millions D. There are millions
8. “I don’t feel like staying here.
_______ you like to leave the party and come to mine?”
A. Won’t B. Will C. Wouldn’t D. Are
9. “What is the teacher doing now in the classroom?”
She is _______ a problem to the student.
A. asking B. talking C. describing D. explaining
10. I ______ to Mexico last year, but Dad wouldn’t let me.
A. was to have gone B. were to go C. was gone D. went
(ii) There are ten sentences in this section. Each sentence has four parts underlined. The
four underlined parts are marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one underlined part that
is wrong. (10 points)
1. Most talc is used in ceramics and roofing because it resists fire good.
2. Helen Keller became blind so young that as she grew older she did not remember
to be able to see.
3. Without entering the body and cause damage, the CT is far superior to the X-ray
or exploratory surgery.
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