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华侨大学 2014 年硕士研究生入学考试专业课试
招生专业 英语语言文学
科目名称 英语综合 科目代码 762
Part I Error Correction (10 points)
Directions: In the following passage there are 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line.
Read the passage and correct the mistakes. If you change a word, cross it out and write
the substitute in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put the insertion mark ()
in the right place and write the word you want to add in the blank. If you delete a word,
cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank.
Television is rapidly becoming the literatures of our periods. 1 . ___time__
Many of the arguments having used for the study of literature as a 2. __/_____
school subject are valid for study of television. 3. __the__
From the beginning, Bill Gates knew that microcomputers
would be big business and that it was his destiny to stand at center 1. _______
of this growing industry. Software, much less than hardware, was 2. _______
the key in making microcomputers a success, and Gates knew it. 3. _______
He imagined that some day there would be million of computers on 4. _______
desks and in homes, and he saw Microsoft playing the central role to 5. _______
making this future a reality. His goals for Microsoft in those days 6. _______
was a simple one.
Bill Gates had total confidence that he knew better than
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招生专业 英语语言文学
科目名称 英语综合 科目代码 762
anyone else how software ought to be developing and that his 7. ________
standards would become the de facto standards for the grown 8. ________
industry. He could imagine a world which users would buy 9. ________
personal computers that is used Microsoft operating systems, 10. _______
Microsoft languages, and Microsoft applications.
Part II Grammar (30 points)
(I) There are ten sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or
phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the
sentence. (10 points)
1. The supervisors could have prevented this problem ____ it beforehand.
A. if they knew B. had they known C. if had they known D. whether
2. “How is the progress?
Two-thirds of the work _______ finished.
A. are B. is C. to be D. will
3. “Who was arrested?
None of the men ______ arrested.”
A. was B. has been C. would be D. were
4. That is the player ____ we all rely.
A. to whom B. whom C. by whom D. on whom
5. A pet can act as a barometer ______.
A. it measures anxiety in a family
B. it measures anxiety which in a family may be
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招生专业 英语语言文学
科目名称 英语综合 科目代码 762
C. by which anxiety in a family may be measured
D. that which measures anxiety in a family
6. “What do they eat there in Honolulu?”
_____ eat rice rather than potatoes.”
A. Most of people B. The most of people
C. The most people D. Most of the people
7. “The tenor in the opera last night was very good.
Yes, he’s a favorite ______.”
A. to me B. to mine C. of me D. of mine
8. “What can I do for you, sir?” “I want _____.”
A. a dimes worth of candy B. candy a dimes worth
C. a dime worth of candy D. a dime-worth candy
9. Only one mammal, _______, is known to bear routinely four identical young.
A. it is the armadillo B. which the armadillo
C. being the armadillo D. the armadillo
10. Her grades have improved, but only _______.
A. in a small amount B. very slightly
C. minimum D. some
IIThere are ten sentences in this section. Each sentence has four parts underlined.
The four underlined parts are marked A, B, C, and D. Identify the one underlined part
that is wrong: (10 points)
11. The rain had not stopped the roads would have been inundated and no travelers,
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