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考试科目:翻译硕士英语 10 页,第 1
2018 年翻译硕士专业学位研究生入学考试试题(A )
考试科目名称:翻译硕士英语 考试科目代码:211
I. Vocabulary & Grammar (30%)
Directions: There are 30 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are
four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose ONE answer that best
completes the sentence. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
1. People and things that are__________ are able to recover easily and quickly from
unpleasant or damaging events.
A. resilient B. silient C. silent D. resilent
2. We all got a pay rise this month, but there is __________—we are expected to work
A. the sting in the tail B. a sting in the tail
C. the sting at the top D. a sting at the top
3. In education, girls, who were once considered __________a decent education, now
outstrip their male counterparts at almost every stage.
A. more worthy of B. less worthy of C. more worth D. less worth
4. He's jogging round the park every morning in an effort to __________the football
A. fit of B. fit for C. get fit for D. get fit of
5. A liberal arts college aims to impart a broad general knowledge and develop general
__________capacities, in contrast to a professional, vocational, or technical
A. intellectual B. intelligent C. intellect D. intelligible
6. Mr. Rajoy has __________ a Socialist proposal to set up a congressional
committee to discuss constitutional reform.
A. agreed with B. agreed to C. agreed on D agreed
考试科目:翻译硕士英语 10 页,第 2
7. The names of the finalists are__________: Mary, James, and George.
A. as following B. as follows C. following D. as follow
8. The man as well as his ten children __________ leaving soon.
A. is B. are C. has D. have
9. John Joseph Pershing __________in 1919, the first highest rank held by any
American citizen except George Washington.
A. to be a full general B. he made a full general
C. made a full general D. was being made a full general
10. It is the mark of an educated mind to rest __________ with the degree of precision
which the nature of the subject __________ and not to seek exactness where only
an approximation is possible.
A. fitfully ... allows B. contentedly ... rejects
C. convivially ...assumes D. satisfiedly... admits
11. It is odd that many philosophers argue in support of meritocracy that a person's
worth to society is measured by their wealth, when instead people’s __________
should be measured by their __________ to society.
A. character ...value B. affluence ... contribution
C. reputation ... consideration D. behavior ... adjustment
12. The flexibility of film allows the artist ________ unbridled imagination to the
animation of cartoon characters.
A. to bring B. bringing C. bring D. brought
13. Their movements have been severely circumscribed __________.
A. because the laws came into effect B. since the laws came into effect
C. when the laws came into effect D. after the laws came into effect
14. It would be difficult for a man of his political affiliation, __________, to become a
senator from the South.
A. though charming and capable is he
B. even with charm and so capable
C. charming and having capability
D. however charming and capable
15. Although she __________ law for only a little over eight years, Florence Allen
became in 1922 the first woman to sit on a state supreme court.
A. will practice B. practices C. had practiced D. has been practiced
考试科目:翻译硕士英语 10 页,第 3
16. The development of mechanical timepieces spurred the search for __________
with which to regulate them.
A. more accurate than sundials B. more accurate sundials
C. sundials more accurately D. more accurately than sundials
17. Several surgeons cautioned against __________ the new procedure,
__________that patient had been kept in the dark too long about its possible
catastrophic consequences.
A. publicizing ...adding B. adopting ... complaining
C. revising ... advocating D. eschewing ... pondering
18. Our friends are expected to assume the burden of their own defense, __________
they are competent to do.
A. which we are certain B. that we are certain of
C. of which we are sure D. for which we are sure
19. Families like __________ Rockefellers have become synonymous with wealth.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
20. People believe in the resurrection of __________ of a soul which will experience
good or evil according to the life.
A. the dead of the possession B. the deaths and possession
C. deaths and possessions D. the dead and the possession
21. “How did you pay these workers?”
“Well, as a rule, they were paid __________”
A. by hours B. by the hour C. by an hour D. by a hour
22. As Socrates was a man of much dignity, with an ________face, it was _______ to
say whether he felt inwardly glad that the end had finally come, or felt sad over the
result, and was too manly to show it.
A. obtuse ... difficult B. unassuming ... intriguing
C. impassible ... impossible D. authoritative ... challenging
23. “Did Hana say anything about me in her letter?”
“Only that she'd appreciate __________ from you.”
A. to hear B. hearing C. to have heard D. to be heard
24. The university of Georigia, __________ in 1785, was the first state-supported
university in the united states.
A. chartered B. was chartered C. it was chartered D. to be chartered


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